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Words Ending in a Consonant: Overview

In this overview, you can find all the articles Uusi kielemme has on words ending in a consonant. There are fairly many groups of words ending in a consonant, and their derivation as well as their inflection in the cases is very interesting. Learn more now!

Words ending in -is

This is our overview page of words ending in –is. This page also lists and explains the difference betwee -is-ikse- and –is-ii- nouns.

Overview: Words Ending in –is

Spoken language words

There are many spoken language words that end in –is. Some very common examples are roskis, futis, pehmis and kokis.

Spoken Language Words: –is

Words ending in -Us-Ukse-

This article focuses on those words ending in –Us that will get -Ukse- when you put them in the cases, such as keskus : keskuksessa and rakennus : rakennuksessa.

Words Ending in –Us-Ukse

Words ending in -Us-Ude-

Words that end in –Us which will get -Ude- in their stem (e.g. rakkaus : rakkaudella). Sometimes you can also call them -UUs-UUde- words.

Words Ending in -Us-Ude-

Words ending in -tOn

Next, you can find a comparison of the two above groups: words ending in -Uk-Ukse- and -Us-Ude-.

Us-Ude– vs -Us-Ukse- Comparison

Words ending in -As

Words like kerros, laitos, mainos and rikos are based on a verb and their stem undergoes the -Os-Okse- change.

Words Ending in -Os

Words ending in -As

Next, let’s look at words like asiakas, rakas and hammas! These words behave similarly to -is-ii- words.

Words Ending in –As

Words ending in -tAr

This is a fairly small group of words, including nouns lik kuningatar and ystävätär. Learn more about the suffix -tAr, which makes things female!

Words Ending in –tAr

Words ending in -tOn

Words ending in -tOn express a lack of something. This is the case, for example, for the words työtön, maidoton, mitätön and kärsimätön.

Words ending in -tOn

Words ending in -in

Words ending in -in usually refer to a tool or a maching. This is the case, for example, for the words puhelin, teroitin and kahvinkeitin.

Words ending in -in

Words ending in -l, -n or -r

Words ending in -l, -n and -r don’t fit nicely into one category. This article gives an overview of the different types, such as vasen, lämmin, manner and kyynel.

Words ending in -l, -n or -r

Words ending in -nyt/nyt

Adjectives ending in -nut/nyt are based on verbs. This is actually the active past participle form of the verb. This type includes common adjectives such as väsynyt and kiinnostunut.

Adjectives ending in -nUt

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