Kakka Pissa Pieru ja Hiki – Finnish Bodily Functions Vocabulary
Bodily functions are normal. However, people usually don’t like to think too much about them, with the exception of children. Poop jokes (pissa- ja kakkahuumori) are incredibly funny to kids at a certain age, and this includes kakka, pissa, pieru ja hiki.
In this article, we’ll go over some vocabulary related to bodily functions. No jokes here though! Not surprisingly, there are many spoken language synonyms and euphemisms for these.
Finnish | English |
keho | body |
elintoiminnot | bodily functions |
lima | slime, phlegm |
haju | smell, stink |
pahanhajuinen | bad-smelling |
haista (pahalta) | to smell bad |
erite, eritteet | secretion(s) |
vessa | toilet |
vessanpönttö | toilet bowl |
vessaistuin | toilet seat |
huussi | (outside) toilet |
peppu, pylly | bum, butt (kids’ words) |
takapuoli | read end, ass (official term) |
pimppi | pee-pee, vagina (kids’ word) |
pippeli, kikkeli | pee-pee, willy (kids’ words) |
penis | penis |
emätin, vagina | vagina |
peräaukko | anus |
ruoansulatus | digestion |
ruoansulatushäiriö | indigestion |
suoli | intestine |
suolisto | intestinal system |
paksusuoli | colon |
Uloste Kakka Paska – Excrement Poop Shit
The body gets rid of unneccessary waste (jäte) through poop (kakka). A healthy person will defecate (ulostaa) every day. Your stool (ulosteet) can tell you a lot about your health (terveys), like for example if you drink enough water.
Finnish | English |
ulostus | bowel movement |
uloste | excrement |
ulosteet | feces, stool |
kakka | poop, poo |
kova kakka | hard stool |
löysä kakka | loose stool |
pökäle, kikkare | turd |
paska | shit |
papanoita | pebble poop |
kakata | to poop |
ulostaa | to defecate |
olla paskalla | to take a shit |
ummetus | constipation |
ripuli | diarrhea |
Pieru – Fart
Flatulence (ilmavaiva) means that intestinal gases (suolistokaasut) exit your body through you anus (peräaukko). Farts (pierut) can be really smelly! They’re caused by what you’re eating. Some foods like beans (papu, pavut) are hard to digest (sulattaa) for the body.
Finnish | English |
piereskely | farting |
pieru | fart |
haiseva pieru | smelly fart |
hiljainen pieru | quiet fart |
ilmavaiva | flatulence |
suolistokaasu | intestinal gas |
päästää pieru | to fart |
pierrä | to fart |
pieraista | to break wind |
löyhkä | stench |
Virtsa Pissa Kusi – Urine Pee Piss
Your body (keho) gets rid of toxic substances (myrkyllinen aine) through urinating (virtsaaminen). Pee (pissa) is made up of about 95% water and 5% of e.g. hormones, white blood cells, and chemicals.
Finnish | English |
virtsaaminen | urinating |
kusi | piss |
pissa | pee |
virtsa | urine |
virtsata | to urinate |
pissata | to pee |
kusta | to piss |
käydä kusella | to go for a pee |
virtsankarkailu | incontinence |
virtsarakko | urine bladder |
vessahätä | call of nature |
pissavahinko | an accident |
vaippa | diaper |
potta | potty |
Hiki – Sweat
When you exercise, your body will be producing sweat (hiki). Sweat itself doesn’t smell like anything (ei haise miltään), but the bacteria (bakteerit) in it do. Sweating (hikoilu) helps to keep your body cool (viilentää ihoa). Just make sure you drink enough to make up for the dehydration (nestehukka)!
Finnish | English |
hikoilu | sweating |
hiki | sweat |
hikoilla | to sweat |
haista hieltä | to smell sweaty |
kylmä hiki | cold sweat |
yöhikoilu | nightly sweats |
haisevat kainalot | smelly armpits |
Röyhtäisy – Burp
Burping (röyhtäily) is a way for the body to expell gas (päästää kaasu) from the stomach (maha) through the mouth (suu). Especially soda (limsa) will cause you to burp (röyhtäillä) because it contains carbon dioxide.
Finnish | English |
röyhtäily | belching |
röyhtäisy | belch |
röyhtäillä | to burp |
Oksennus Yrjö – Vomit Puke
When you’ve eating something bad, you’re likely to vomit (oksentaa). This is the body’s way of evicting bacteria or spoiled food (pilaantunut ruoka) from your stomach (maha). People can also suffer from sea sickness (matkapahoinvointi). That’s what the vomit bag (oksennuspussi) in airplanes is for!
Finnish | English |
oksennus | vomit |
oksentaa | to vomit |
yrjö | puke (spoken) |
yrjöä | to puke (spoken) |
pahoinvointi | nausea |
Kuola Sylki – Spittle Saliva
Your mouth produces (tuottaa) a lot of saliva (sylki) all day long, especially when you’re thinking or eating something delicious (herkullinen). The enzymes (entsyymit) in saliva help break down food and protect your teeth (hampaat).
Finnish | English |
kuola | spittle |
sylki | saliva |
sylkirauhaset | salivary glands |
erittyä sylkeä | to secrete saliva |
sylkeä | to spit |
kuolata | to drool |
Räkä – Snot
Snot catches bacteria (bakteeri, pöpö) when you breathe in (hengittää sisään). The color of your snot (räkä) can tell you something about both your health and the quality of the air around you. Sneezing (aivastaa) and blowing your nose (niistää) clean out your nose. Picking your nose (kaivaa nenää) is something that’s definitely frowned upon.
Finnish | English |
räkä | snot |
vihreä räkä | green snot |
aivastus | sneeze |
aivastaa | to sneeze |
niistää | to blow your nose |
kaivaa nenäänsä | to pick one’s nose |
nenä vuotaa | nose is running |
nenä on tukossa | nose is blocked |
Veri – Blood
Picking scabs (rupi, ruvet) is something that can be hard to resist (vastustaa), but it negates the work your body does to repear your skin (iho). Blood transports oxygen (happi) into your system and waste (jäte) out of your system. Women will have to deal with their period (kuukautiset) once a month, while the body cleans up the mucous membrane (limakalvo) from the womb (kohtu).
Finnish | English |
veri, verta | blood |
rupi | scab |
haava | wound |
naarmu | scratch |
arpi | scar |
nyppiä rupea | to pick a scab |
raapia rupea | to scratch a scab |
kuukautiset | period |
Now you know what kakka, pissa, pieru ja hiki mean! Very useful vocabulary, right? 😉