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This page lists all articles currently published on Uusi kielemme. Try ctrl + F with a keyword to find related articles!

When to Use JOKA and MIKÄ – Relatiivipronominit
More advanced students might run into the issue of not knowing when to use JOKA and MIKÄ. Click to read more about the difference!

The MATTA MÄTTÄ Ending – Third Infinitive Abessive Case
Have you seen verbs with the MATTA MÄTTÄ ending? The third infinitive abessive case ending expresses that action of the verb isn’t performed.

Ulkonäkö – Outer Appearance Conversation Questions
These questions related to outer appearance should work nicely as a way to start a conversation or find things to write about in Finnish.

Finnish Verb Stems – All Verbtypes
More analytical students may benefit from this overview of the Finnish verb stems of all the verbtypes. Click to find out more!

Sentence types with verb in the third person singular – Incongruence
Some Finnish sentence types always have the verb in the third person singular. Learn about these sentence types to make better sentences!

Question Word Kumpi – “Which one?” – Kumpi? Kummat?
The question word KUMPI means “which one”, when there are two options. Learn when to use its inflected forms (eg. kumpaa kummassa kumpaan)!

Finnish South Ostrobothnian dialect – Etelä-Pohjanmaan murre
The Finnish South Ostrobothnian dialect – Etelä-pohjanmaan murre – has very specific, interesting features. Click to find out more about it!

Finnish Chess Terms – Shakki Šakki – Finnish Chess Vocabulary
Learn chess terms in Finnish! This article goes over the very basics of Finnish chess terms, including some example sentences!

Ettei Muttei Vaikkei – Conjunction contractions
Learn about Finnish contractions such as ettei, muttei, ehkei and miksei, as well as their other person forms (etten, ettet, ettemme, etc.)

Superheroes – Finnish Vocabulary – Supersankarit
Learn the names of superheroes in Finnish, as well as ways to describe their appearance, powers and specialties!

Finnish suffix MAINEN/MÄINEN -ish, -like
The suffix MAINEN/MÄINEN is used to create adjectives that express that something resembles the base word. Learn more today!

Necessity Sentences in Spoken Language – Tarttee Tarvii Kantsii
In spoken language we say “mun tarvitsee”, “sun tarvii” and “meiän tarttee”. Learn how to create necessity sentences in spoken Finnish!

Weather – Sää – Conversation Questions – Keskustelukysymyksiä
Speak more Finnish! There conversation questions – keskustelukysymykset – can help you talk about the weather!

Children and Parenting – Finnish Conversation Prompts – Keskustelukysymyksiä
Speak more Finnish! There conversation questions – keskustelukysymykset – can help you talk about children and parenting!

Mielipidekirjoitus – Expressing your Opinion in Writing
One thing you will have to practice for YKI-testi will be writing an opinion piece – mielipidekirjoitus in Finnish. Learn useful phrases now!

PAIN Vocabulary in Finnish – Koskee, sattuu, särkee
This article contains PAIN related vocabulary. Learn how to describe your pain in Finnish using nouns, verbs and adjectives!

Suggestions, Requests and Orders in Finnish – Nursing
Click to find out more about how to make suggestions in Finnish! Most of the article focuses on suggestions in nursing homes.

Phrases with two difference cases – Pitkäksi aikaa – Samalla tavoin – Incongruence
Find out more about phrases like [tällä kertaa], [jossain määrin] and [hyvissä ajoin] with incongruence, where words within a phrase aren’t inflected the same case!

长元音和短元音 – 长辅音&短辅音 – 芬兰语发音
在芬兰语中,长音和短音的发音不同。往往一个字母之差,就是一个单词之差,单词意思也就完全不同。 点击获取更多关于芬兰语长短音的练习!

Elections – Vaalit – Finnish Vocabulary
Are you interested in politics? Click to learn Finnish vocabulary and phrases related to elections and voting!

Country names in Finnish – Mistä sinä olet kotoisin?
Learn the names of countries in Finnish! In addition, you can also find how these country names inflect when you say where you’re from!

Word family of LIIKKUA LIIKE LIIKENNE – Sanaperhe
Learn more about the WORD FAMILY of the verb liikkua! This look at Finnish derivation should help you make sense of how words are created in Finnish.

Finnish Compound Words – Yhdyssanat
Learn how Finnish compound words relate to the same terms in English! Included are 100 Finnish compound words!

Ruoka Ruoat – Consonant Gradation where K disappears – KPT
Click to find out more about consonant gradation where K disappears! Astevaihtelu or KPT-vaihtelu where the K disappears is tricky.

Lausetyypit – Finnish Sentence Types
Click for this overview with links to the different Finnish sentence types – LAUSETYYPIT! Knowing these will help you form sentences!

Overview: Articles regarding derivational suffixes
Learn more about the Finnish derivational system and the derivational suffixes used to create new adjectives, nouns, adverbs and verbs!

100 Random Finnish Nouns – Intermediate Level PART TWO
Learn some more random Finnish nouns which can be considered to be at the intermediate level! Expand your vocabulary!

Maito – Milk – Dairy products
Here’s all the MILK-related vocabulary you will ever need while studying Finnish! Learn about MAITO, KERMA, JUUSTO, JOGURTTI and many more dairy products.

Classroom vocabulary – Luokkasanasto Opiskelusanasto
Check out this overview of vocabulary you are likely to need when you’re studying Finnish in a classroom setting!

Kysymyslause – Making Questions in Finnish – Lausetyypit
In Finnish, you can make questions in two ways: by using a question word like mikä, miksi and kuka, and by using the -ko/kö suffix. This is how we create a kysymyslause (a “question sentence”, ie. an interrogative clause). This article tells you more about the types of kysymyslause Finnish has! You can find an overview of all […]

Missä sinä asut? 芬兰语日常表达
本文中,你将学习到一些短语,帮助你用芬兰语谈论你的家。例如,Missä sinä asut?你住在哪里?Millaisella alueella?在什么样的地方?

Places ending in LA or LÄ
Click to find extensive information and word lists of Finnish places ending in LA, such as neuvola, käymälä and ravintola!

Special partitive cases: toimi toimea tointa – Kotus wordtype 25
Click to read about words like TOIMI (toimea/tointa, toimien/tointen) and NIEMI (niemea/nientä, niemien/nienten) and kotus wordtype 25!

Consonant gradation LKI-LJE RKI-RJE
Click to find a list of nouns and verbs with the consonant gradation LKI-LJE and RKI-RJE, ie. where K is strong and J is weak!

Words ending in E – Inflection of words like HAME and NALLE
Learn more about words ending in E, such as hame, kolme and filee, which belong to wordtype B for consonant gradation!

“Suomen mestari” series – Finnish Study Books
The Finnish language learning books of the Suomen mestari series are very useful! This article includes all the info you need on them!

Li ni ri words – Inflection of words like PIENI
Click to find an overview of words like PIENI, which are sometimes labeled as “LI NI RI words” in language classes!

Inflection of words like UUSI – Käsi vuosi kuukausi
Finnish has many words ending in -i. Click for a list of UUSI-type words! These words inflect the same way as the word UUSI (uuden, uuteen).

List of old words ending in i of the ovi-type
Read about the inflection of old words ending in i, which can be refered to as OVI-type words! These undergo the same changes as OVI does.

Reversible Compound Words – Finnish vocabulary
The compound words in this article are REVERSIBLE! Find out what this means and how e.g. RIISIPUURO and PUURORIISI differ in meaning!

No Niin – Suomen Tärkein Sana – Sketch Analysis
Click for the English translation and grammar analysis of Ismo Leikola’s sketch about NO NIIN, the most important Finnish word!

Nouns and their Opposites – Substantiivit ja niiden Vastakohdat
War & peace, chaos & order, hardware & software. Learn some new vocabulary by going through these nouns which have a clear opposite!

100 Random Finnish Words to Study – Intermediate Level
Time to expand your Finnish vocabulary by learning these 100 random Finnish words aimed at intermediate level students!

100 Finnish Verbs and their Opposites – Upper-Intermediate learners
HERÄTÄ and NUKAHTAA, TYÖNTÄÄ and VETÄÄ are two examples of verbs and opposites. Click to find a list of useful vocabulary!

Viedä Tuoda Hakea – Similar verbs
The verbs VIEDÄ, TUODA and HAKEA confuse many learners. Find out what the difference is between the three in this article!

Conversation Prompts – Passive sentences – Mitä tehdään…?
Practice the passive tense with these questions! This article contains conversation prompts which allow you to make passive sentences.

Conversation Prompts – Oletko koskaan uinut…?
Oletko koskaan uinut avannossa tai käynyt mökillä? These conversation prompts with the PERFECT TENSE can help you start a conversation!

Passive Perfect Tense – On tehty “has been done”
Learn more about when to use and how to conjugate verbs in the passive perfect tense, such as “on tehty”, “on käyty” and “on osattu”!

Rektio – What are rections? – Finnish Grammar
What is a “rektio”? Or a “verbirektio”? Learn more about what “rections” are in the Finnish language in this article!

Toinen Toisiaan Toisemme Toisillenne – Pronoun “Toinen”
The pronoun TOINEN has several meanings. Most confusing of all of them is how to use it to say “each other”. Learn more now!

Finnish Adverbs Ending in STI
This list contains 473 Finnish adverbs ending in STI, which have been completed with example sentences and translations.

B1.1 Grammar for YKI-testi
In this article, you can find a list of grammar topics you will be expected to know at level B1.1. or when you participate in YKI-testi.

Top 50 Finnish Surnames – Sukunimet
Find out the top 50 most common Finnish surnames and read about their history, what they mean and where they’re commonly used!

点击此文,了解和口语沟通相关的芬兰语动词! 包括,例如,动词riidellä(争吵),mumista(嘟囔)和juoruta(说三道四)。

Plural Translative Case – Finnish Grammar
Learn more about the plural translative case! It consists of the plural marker -i- with the case marker -ksi at the end.

Puhui Puhumistaan – “Kept Doing” Construction
These Finnish phrases express actions repeatedly happening (eg. puhui puhumistaan) or increasing in intensity (eg. vanhenee vanhenemistaan).

Idioms with the verb MENNÄ: Mennä piiloon, solmuun, pilalle
Learn idiomatic expressions which include the verb mennä, such as MENNÄ PIELEEN (to go awry) and MENNÄ NAPPIIN (to succeed)!

Homonyms – Finnish words with multiple meanings
Homonyms are Finnish words like KUUSI (6) and KUUSI (spruce), JÄÄ (ice) and JÄÄ (stay), MAKSA (pay) and MAKSA (liver), which mean two things.

Daily Routine Questions – Finnish Conversation Prompts
Practice answering questions related to your DAILY ROUTINE in order to become more fluent in writing or speaking!

The Finnish Object – Objekti
Luen kirjaa. Luin kirjan. Lue kirja! Lue kirjat! Luen kirjoja. Learn about the Finnish Object with many examples and explanations!

What is Derivation? – Finnish Derivational Suffixes
Learn more about Finnish suffixes such as -sto, -tar and -utua and how they are used in derivation to create new words from existing ones!

Past passive object sentence examples
Learn more about past passive object phrases such as “Hänet kuljetettiin” (He was transported) and “Hänet kannettiin (He was carried)!

How to be polite in Finnish
We all know Finnish doesn’t have a word for “please”. This article teaches you different ways that exist to be polite in Finnish!

Duolingo: Haarukka on tuossa. Tässä on sininen kukka.
Learn how Duolingo introduces the words “here” and “there”! In addition, click to find out WHY Duolingo translates TÄSSÄ ON as “it has”.

Important words in YKI test instructions
Plan on doing the YKI exam? Make sure you can understand the YKI test instructions by learning the words in this list!

Duolingo: Introduction of the partitive case
Duolingo introduces the PARTITIVE CASE in the lesson called FRIDGE. Learn more about why and when you should use the partitive case

Top 100 adjectives for CV – Työnhaku adjektiivit
Here’s 100 adjectives useful for your Finnish CV, including but not limited to stressinsietokykyinen, oppimishaluinen and joustava.

Adjectives and opposites – B1.1 level adjectives – YKI-testi
Click to find a useful list of B1.1 level adjectives! This list contains adjective pairs that are opposites. Expand your vocab today!

Adjectives ending in TU – Past passive participle
Click to find a list of adjectives ending in TU, based on verbs in the passive past participle, such as tunnettu mies, kalustettu huone ja keitetty muna.

Accusative Total Object – Human objects – Minut Sinut
This article contains a list of verbs with an accusative total object. Learn which verbs usually get MINUT, SINUT, HÄNET as an object!

Total Object Verbs – Genitive Object – Verb List
Click for a list of TOTAL OBJECT VERBS, which normally get a genitive case object, such as “Tiedän/muistan/unohdan nimen”!

Tavallinen Päivä – Finnish Song Lyrics Analyzed
Learn Finnish through song lyrics! The song “Tavallinen päivä” by Edu Kettunen is one of my favorites, so I hope you’ll like it too!

Mikä 和Mitä的差别
MIKÄ sinun nimi on? MITÄ sinä syöt? MIKÄ tämä on? MITÄ tämä on? 本文中,我们将一起学习:在问句中,何时使用mitä,何时使用mikä。

Koira-words in the plural partitive
I’m often asked for a list of KOIRA-words while we’re learning the partitive plural of different word types. Here’s a helpful list!

Kissa-words in the Plural Partitive
I’m often asked for a list of KISSA-words while we’re learning the partitive plural of different word types. Here’s a helpful list!

Uudestaan Uudelleen Taas – How to say “again” in Finnish
How do you say “again” in Finnish? What’s the difference between UUDESTAAN, UUDELLEEN and TAAS? Click to learn more!

Frequently asked questions
Hi, I’m Inge! Uusi kielemme is my website. For the curious among you, here are the answer to some frequently asked questions I get.

Remontti – Finnish vocabulary related to renovating
REMONTTI is something that will affect everyone living in Finland during their life: either you’re renovating yourself or your neighbors are!

-Han/hän – Liitepartikkeli 附着虚词(小品词)– Minähän sanoin!
“Missähän? Miksihän? Minähän sanoin! 在芬兰语中,这个棘手的小品词-han/hän随处可见。阅读本文,了解它的含义和使用方法!

The Partitive Case – Partitiivi – Finnish Grammar
The partitive case is complicated! It’s one of those subjects that will take you many years to be able to use fluently and without doubt. So let’s start!

Possessive Suffixes – Possessiivisuffiksit
Do you really need possessive suffixes in Finnish? What do they look like? When do you use them? How do you form them and add them to the cases? Learn now!

The Genitive Case – Genetiivi – Finnish Grammar
The genitive case – genetiivi – can be recognized by the -n at the end of words. Learn when to use it and how to form it in this article!

The Past Passive – Passiivin Imperfekti
The passive imperfect or past passive is formed using the present passive as a stem. You use it in the same situations as the present passive.

Negative Present Passive – Passiivi
After learning the “normal” present passive, it’s time to look at the negative present passive! Learn how to form and use this form correctly!

Condiments, soups and sauces – Finnish vocabulary
Learn the Finnish words for sauces and soups you use in your everyday life! Included are most foods that come in liquid form.

The Passive – Present Passive
The present passive is used in many different situations. Learn when you need the passive and how to conjugate verbs in it!

Wordtype B Consonant Gradation
Wordtype B consists of words ending in -e, -ton, -in, -as and -tar. Learn now how wordtype B consonant gradation differs from normal consonant gradation!

The Illative Case (Mihin) – S-Mihin – Finnish Grammar
The illative case answers to the question “mihin?”. Learn more about when to use this grammatical case and how words are inflected!

The Allative Case (Mille) – Finnish Grammar
The -lle ending is a response to the questions “mihin” and “mille”. Learn when to use it as well as how to form it in this article!

The Ablative Case (Miltä) – Finnish Grammar
The ablative case (miltä) is one of the Finnish location cases. Learn more about this -lta ending, when to use it and how to add it to words!

The Elative Case (Mistä) – Finnish Grammar
The elative case (mistä) — one of the Finnish location cases — signifies leaving from somewhere. Learn more about this case now!

The Inessive Case (Missä) – Finnish Grammar
The “missä” case is called the inessive by linguists. Learn more about when to use it and how words change when you put -ssa to the end!

The Adessive Case (Millä) – Finnish Grammar
The adessive case is the answer to the questions “millä” and “kenellä”. It’s one of the location cases that’s also used to express possession.

Vihreä – Finnish Vocabulary Related to the Color GREEN
I love green! Learn Finnish vocabulary related to the color green in this article!

Finnish Postal Services – Vocabulary – Posti Kirje Paketti
Learn Finnish vocabulary related to POSTI! Start communicating in Finnish about sending and receiving letters and parcels!

Moving – Finnish Vocabulary – Muutan uuteen asuntoon
Muutan / muutin / haluan muuttaa uuteen asuntoon. Time to learn some vocabulary related to MOVING HOUSE!

Joka-pronomini – Jonka Jota Joista Joiden
Read more about which situations to use the different forms of the relative pronoun joka, ie. JOKA-PRONOMINI!

Christmas Sentences – Puhutaan Joulusta!
Merry Christmas! Learn Finnish vocabulary sentences so you can talk about Christmas with people around you!

Ilman Vailla Paitsi – Expressing a “Lack of Something” in Finnish
Learn how to express a LACK of something in Finnish! You can say “without” in many ways, as demonstrated in this article.

Itsenäisyyspäivä 6.12. – Finnish Independence Day
The 6th of December is Finland’s Independence Day: ITSENÄISYYSPÄIVÄ! Learn vocabulary and cultural information related to this national holiday!

-Han/hän – Liitepartikkeli Clitic – Minähän sanoin!
Missähän? Miksihän? Minähän sanoin! This tricky little clitic -han/hän appears all over the place in Finnish. Learn what it means and how to use it!

Use of the Partitive in Comparative Phrases
ENTISTÄ ENEMMÄN and ODOTETTUA SUUREMPI are examples of the use of the partitive case in comparative phrases. Click to read more!

Missä Mistä Mihin Forms of Comparative Adverbs
Learn more about forms such as ALEMPANA, LÄHEMMÄS, KAUIMPAA and SYKSYMMÄLLÄ! There are the missä, mistä & mihin forms of comparative adverbs!

Typical Features of Finnish Spoken Language – Puhekieli
Find out more about Finnish spoken language and its typical features! This article contains links to everything you need to know!

Lähtisitkö – Finnish Song Lyrics Analyzed
Learn Finnish through Finnish song lyrics! Find an analysis of the lyrics of the song LÄHTISITKÖ (KANSSANI JÄRVELLE) by Pave Maijanen here!

Colors – Conversation Questions
Practice answering COLOR related questions in order to become more fluent in writing or speaking! These conversation prompts could help you!

Lapsi Lapset – Finnish Vocabulary Related to Children
Click to learn vocabulary words and sentences related to children and childhood, including the names of toys, childhood games and verbs!

如何区分Osata Voida Saada
这三个动词在用法上非常容易混淆。通过这篇文章一起了解 “minä osaan”、”minä voin “和 “minä saan “之间的区别!

Consonant Gradation Overview – Astevaihtelu – KPT-vaihtelu
Astevaihtelu ie. consonant gradation is very prevailent in Finnish grammar. Luckily the system is mostly free of exceptions. Learn more now!

Words ending in KKO or KKÖ – Finnish derivation
Maljakko, lompakko and laatikko are easy examples of words ending in KKO. Click to learn what words like kuusikko, haavikko and aavikko mean!

Vauva – Finnish Vocabulary Related to Parents and Babies
Sleeping, eating, pooping and crying: the four big activities of a baby. Learn some Finnish baby related words and sentences here!

Top 916 Most Common Adjectives in Finnish
This long list contains the most common adjectives in Finnish newspapers. Find out what adjectives are the most common in written media!

Pregnancy and Delivery – Finnish Vocabulary
Click to learn Finnish vocabulary related to trying for a baby, pregnancy and giving birth! Learn some useful sentences as well!

Hobbies – Harrastukset – Finnish Conversation Questions
Click to find a list of questions related to HOBBIES! Use these conversation prompts to spark conversation or help you write in Finnish!
All articles
This page lists all articles currently published on Uusi kielemme. Try ctrl + F with a keyword to find related articles! 0 0 votes Article Rating Related posts: No related posts.

Food Related Vocabulary Overview
This overview shows you ALL the articles on Uusi kielemme that have food related vocabulary! Talk about food in Finnish!

List of hobbies in Finnish – Harrastukset
Click to find an extensive vocabulary list of possible hobbies in Finnish! Expand your vocabulary and learn to talk about what you like!

Inflection of Foreign Names in Finnish
How do you form the partitive or genitive of foreign names in finnish? Click to find out what the inflection of foreign names is like!

Inflection of French names in Finnish
Click to read more about the inflection of French names in Finnish, including forms such as Bordeaux’hon, Monet’ta and Descartesin!

新冠病毒 – Koronavirus – 芬兰语中与新冠病毒有关的词句

The T-Plural – T-Monikko – Plural Nominative
This article discusses the situations where you will (and won’t) be using the T-plural aka the plural nominative in Finnish.

Математика по-фински – тематический словарь
Если вам нравятся как математика, так и финский язык, на этой странице вы можете их совместить и пополнить свой словарный запас математическими терминами!

Missä Mistä Mihin – Location Cases – Finnish grammar
The location cases answer to the questions missä mistä and mihin. Learn more about both the inner and the outer location cases!

Friendship Questions – Finnish Conversation Prompts
These FRIENDSHIP related questions should work nicely as a way to start a conversation or find things to write about in Finnish.

Kesäloma kellarissa – Finnish Song Lyrics Analyzed
The song “Kesäloma kellarissa” tells the story of a family’s disastrous summer vacation. Click to read more about the Finnish song lyrics!

City Traffic – Finnish Conversation Prompts
These CITY TRAFFIC related questions should work nicely as a way to start a conversation or find things to write about in Finnish.

Asking for Directions in Finnish – Tien neuvominen
Missä rautatieasema on? Learn typical phrases used to ask for directions and to explain how to get to places!

Числительные на финском – Numerot
Начните своё знакомство с финским языком с этой статьи: изучите числительные на финском! Здесь вы также найдёте порядковые числительные.

Болезни – Sairaudet – Финская лексика
Хотите узнать, как называются болезни в финском языке? Этот список слов о заболеваниях обязательно поможет вам в поликлинике или больнице!

Ships Boats Cruises – Finnish Vocabulary
Check out this article if you want to learn Finnish vocabulary related to ships, boats and cruises! Maata näkyvissä! Land ahoy!

Auton osat – Car Parts – Finnish Vocabulary
This article lists common and more uncommon Finnish vocabulary related to CAR PARTS. Learn what RATTI, KÄSIJARRU and TUULILASI mean!

Matkustan ympäri maailmaa – Finnish Children’s Song
Learn Finnish through music! Click to read an analysis of the lyrics of MATKUSTAN YMPÄRI MAAILMAA, a Finnish children’s song.

Inflection of Words Ending in a Consonant
Learn more about the inflection of Finnish words ending in a consonant! Read how do these words change when you add an ending to them.

Juhannus – Midsummer Eve – Finnish Vocabulary
Learn vocabulary related to Finnish Midsummer – JUHANNUS – right now! You can also find cultural background information about this important celebration!

Words ending in -llinen- Finnish Vocabulary
This article contains Finnish words ending in LLINEN, such as ystävällinen, perheellinen and kupillinen. Click to learn more!

Danger Related Questions – Finnish Conversation Prompts
These DANGER related questions should work nicely as a way to start a conversation or find things to write about in Finnish.

Negative Emotions – Kielteiset Tunteet
Anger, fear, jealousy, annoyance, impatience are all negative emotions. In this article, you can find Finnish nouns, verbs and adjectives about feelings.

Finnish Nicknames – Lempinimi Kutsumanimi
Nicknames like “Bill” for “William” also exist in Finnish. RAIMO is “Rami”, LEO “Leksa” and TAPANI “Tapsa”. Read more about Finnish nicknames!

Necessity Conjugation: Minun täytyi – Minun olisi pitänyt
How do you say “I must have had to” or “I ought to have done” in Finnish? This article deals with the conjugation of necessity sentences.

When to Use the Plural Genitive Case
Have you wondered when to use the plural genitive? Here’s an overview of the reasons with examples of each context!

Ваши первые 100 финских глаголов
Изучите свои первые 100 финских глаголов! Эта статья идеально подходит для новичков, чтобы овладеть самыми базовыми глаголами и узнать их тип.

Täytyy Sentence Types – Syntax of Necessity Sentences
Let’s take a look at TÄYTYY -sentence types! This article goes over the different elements you will find in necessity sentences.

芬兰语中的位置格 – 在哪?从哪?去哪?- 芬兰语语法
位置格可以用来回答“在哪里”(missä)、“从哪里”( mistä) 和“去哪里”(mihin)这类的问题。来和我一起学习更多关于内部位置格和外部位置格的知识吧

Types of Houses and Buildings – Koti Talo Rakennus
Learn more vocabulary! This article goes over Finnish words describing houses and buildings.

Финские вопросительные слова
Missä? Miten? Milloin? Kenen kanssa? Miksi? Научитесь использовать финские вопросительные слова, чтобы задавать вопросы о всевозможных вещах!

TAVA-participle Examples – Mitattavissa Tavoitettavissa
What’s the meaning of “olla tavoitettavissa, mitattavissa or odotettavissa”? Learn more about the -ttavissa form of the TAVA-participle!

Tuiki Tuiki Tähtönen – Finnish Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Learn the Finnish lyrics of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star: Tuiki tuiki tähtönen! This page has the translation and an analysis of the lyrics!

Finnish Comparative of Adjectives
This article will look at the comparative: how to express that something is BIGGER, FASTER, BETTER. Learn more about the Finnish comparative of adjectives!

Money Related Questions – Finnish Conversation Prompts
Keskustelukysymyksiä! These money related questions are meant as conversation or writing prompts to help you talk about money!

Finnish Vocabulary Related to Horses – Hevonen Hevoset
HEVONEN TAMMA ORI VARSA – This article contains Finnish vocabulary related to horses, perfect for any horse enthusiasts.

Sleep Related Questions – Finnish Conversation Prompts
Keskustelukysymyksiä! These sleep related questions are meant as conversation or writing prompts to help you talk about sleeping!

Expressing Your Opinion in Finnish – Mielipiteen Ilmaisu
This page is full to the brim with phrases to use to express your opinion and to agree or disagree with others’ opinions!

The Accusative Case – Akkusatiivi
The accusative case has an interesting history due to the controversy among linguists it has sparked. Should it be named based on its function or its looks?

The Lord’s Prayer in Finnish – Isä Meidän – Herran Rukous
Isä meidän! Are you looking for the word of the Lord’s Prayer in Finnish? Click to read more about the words in the prayer Herran Rukous!

Базовые финские прилагательные и их антонимы
Самое то для новичков! В этой статье мы собрали некоторые базовые финские прилагательные и антонимы: прокачайте свой словарный запас!

The Genitive Plural – Monikon Genetiivi
The genitive plural is one of the harder plural cases, due to the variations it allows for. In this article, we focus on the genitive plural of short words.

“If you’re happy and you know it” in Finnish
The song “If you’re happy and you know it” in Finnish starts with “Jos sull lysti on”. Take a look at the Finnish lyrics of this song!

Vappu 1.5. – May Day – Finnish Vocabulary
On the first of May we celebrate VAPPU, ie. May Day. Vappu is a joyful occasion filled with lots of fun, food and beverages. Learn more!

The Passive Past Participle – TU-partisiippi
Tehty, menty, syöty and siivottu are examples of the passive past participle. They all have the -TU marker in common. Learn how to use and form it now!

Цвета на финском — Värit
Расширьте свой словарный запас с нашей статьёй про цвета: здесь вы изучите как и самые базовые цвета, так и более сложные сочетания!

Most common Finnish adjectives ending in NEN
Click to find the TOP 559 of most common Finnish adjectives ending in nen, based on their appearance in newspaper articles!

The 5 Finnish Infinitives
Do you know when to use ostaa, ostaakseen, ostaen, ostaessa, ostettaessa, ostamassa, ostaminen, or ostaakseen? The 5 finnish infinitives are pretty cool!

Työhaastattelu suomeksi – Job interview in Finnish
If you’re planning on having a job interview in Finnish (työhaastattelu suomeksi), this article should help you prepare for it!

Typical compound adjectives – Finnish adjectives
The Finnish language has a large amount of compound words. Check out this article listing typical compound adjectives!

Visiting People – Käydä kylässä – Finnish Vocabulary
Visiting people in Finland is subject to some unsaid rules and etiquette. Click to read some cultural info and useful vocabulary phrases!

The Imperative Mood – Imperatiivi – Tule! Mene! Syö!
Syö! Älä syö! Syökää! Älkää syökö! Learn how to order people around as well as to forbid them from doing things with the imperative mood!

The Passive Conditional – Tehtäisiin / Tehtäis
The passive conditional is pretty rarely used in written language, but it has its place in the spoken language me-passive (first person plural). Learn more!

Compound Adjectives: hyvännäköinen mutta pahanhajuinen
Compound adjectives like kauniinvärinen, hauskannäköinen, talon korkuinen ja sadan euron arvoinen are fairly common in Finnish. Learn more now!

The Conditional Mood – Konditionaali
Voisitko auttaa? Tulisitko mukaan? Selittäisitkö minulle konditionaalin? The conditional mood has its place in polite questions, as well as in some other cases.

Finnish Social Media Vocabulary – Sosiaalinen media
Click to learn some useful Finnish social media vocabulary, especially Twitter and Facebook words and phrases!

The Instructive Case – Instruktiivi – omin silmin
I saw “omin silmin” how he “aamuin illoin” walked on the beach “avojaloin” and “kyynelsilmin”. Try to make sense of the Finnish in the instructive case!

The Partitive Plural – Monikon Partitiivi
The partitive plural is – among other things – used with “paljon” . There are a lot of rules involved with it. Learn how it works now!

The Comitative Case – Komitatiivi
The komitatiivi, aka the comitative case, expresses a kind of possession, combination or part of a whole. Its ending is -ne- with a possessive suffix added.

The Plusquamperfect Tense – Pluskvamperfekti
Once you know the present tense, the imperfect and the perfect tens, it’s time to move on to the plusquamperfect tense! Olin nukkunut, olimme opiskelleet.

The Difference Between Luulla, Ajatella and Miettiä
The question “What’s the difference between luulla and ajatella?” is very common for Finnish language learners. Find out the details here!

The Abessive Case – tta/ttä – Abessiivi
As one of the rarer Finnish cases, the abessive case expresses a lack of something, or going without something. There’s a whole bunch of phrases to learn!

The Essive Case – na/nä – Essiivi
Look at these words: kotoNA, ulkoNA, myyjäNÄ. They all have the -na/nä marker, which is called the essive. Learn more about the essive case now!

Nouns ending in NEN – Ihminen Lautanen Tiainen
Finnish has a very large number of words ending in -nen. In this article, we take a look at NOUNS ending in -nen, such as ihminen and hevonen.

The Translative Case – ksi – Translatiivi
The translative case comes with the ending -ksi. It is used for changes in state or transitions. Learn when to use it and how to form it now!

Words Ending in -inen – Derivational Suffix Johdin Johdos
Expand your Finnish vocabulary! This article contains adjectives formed with the derivational suffix -inen, such as arpinen and ryppyinen.

芬兰语的将来时态(如何表达意愿/计划)- Suomen kielen futuuri

Basic Adjectives and Opposites
Great for beginners! Learn some basic adjectives and opposites in Finnish to give the amount of vocabulary you know a boost!

Talking About Work Experience in Finnish – Työkokemus
Learn how to talk about your WORK EXPERIENCE in Finnish! Learn Finnish phrases to express locations, durations and types of jobs you’ve done!

The Perfect Tense – Perfekti
The perfect tense and the imperfect both refer to things that happened in the past. Find out in this article what the difference is and how to form it!

The Negative Imperfect – Negatiivinen Imperfekti
The negative imperfect aka the negative past tense makes use of the negative verb (ei) and the -nut/-nyt/-neet ending. Find out how to use it here!

Location Case Verb Rections – Rektiot Missä Mistä Mihin
“Verb rections” refers to the phenomenon where a word requires other words to appear in a certain form. Location case verbs rections are one subgroup.

Finnish Loanwords Ending in nen – Septinen Kosminen Toksinen
Learn more Finnish vocabulary! In this article you can find words ending in -nen which are loanwords! Opi sivistyssanoja!

Wordtype A Consonant Gradation
Here are the rules of simple consonant gradation (astevaihtelu or KPT-vaihtelu) aka wordtype A consonant gradation. Click on through!

Varma, Varmasti and Varmaan – Sure Certain Certainly Probably
VARMASTI and VARMAAN both have the adjective VARMA at their base, but their meaning isn’t as straight-forwards as you’d think. Read more!

Palomies Talonmies Sähkömies – Gender-Neutral Names
This article contains a long list of gendered Finnish such as palomies, rakennusmies and talonmies, and equivalent gender-neutral names.

Timespans – Mistä Mihin – From when until when
Learn how to express the duration of timespans! How do you say “from January until March” and “from 8 AM to 5 PM”? This article explains it!

Части тела на финском – Kehonosat
Начать учить финский — легко с нашей статьёй, где представлены части тела! Здесь вы также найдёте множественное число и устойчивые выражения.

Housing in Finland – Finnish Culture and Vocabulary
This article contains vocabulary and cultural background information related to housing in Finland. Learn about common living arrangements!

Talking to Coworkers – Finnish Workplace Conversation Phrases
Learn useful vocabulary phrases for talking to coworkers at the Finnish workplace. Oletko työharjoittelussa? Tutustu työkavereihin suomeksi!

Saying Thank You in Finnish – Kiitos avusta, Kiitti sulle, Kiitoksia kahvista
Learn some useful vocabulary phrases for saying thank you in Finnish! Kiitos sinulle kuluneesta vuodesta! Thanks for the past year!

Petteri Punakuono – Finnish Christmas Song Analyzed
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Rendeer is an Christmas classic. This article analyzes the Finnish version of this song, called Petteri Punakuono!

Oikein surullista joulua – Leevi and the Leavings – Finnish Songs Analyzed
Learn Finnish through music! Click to find a translation and analysis of the lyrics of the Finnish song “Oikein surullista joulua”!

Lääkkeet ja Apteekki – Finnish Pharmacy Vocabulary
Learn some Finnish pharmacy vocabulary, lots of medication related words and useful phrases for when you visit the pharmacy!

Making Verbs Negative in Finnish – Don’t Haven’t Hadn’t Shouldn’t
This article goes into great detail concerning all the negative forms of verbs in all tenses and moods in Finnish. Dont get overwhelmed!

The Plural Forms in Finnish – Examples
This article contains examples of the plural forms in Finnish: the plural partitive, genitive, inessive and illative cases.

The Order of Finnish Suffixes – Miehelleni Talossammekin
Find out the order of the suffixes in Finnish words such as miehelleni, talossammekin and olisinpahan! Suffixes, cases and clitics included!

Talking About Your Education in Finnish – Koulutus
This article contains many important and useful phrases which you can use when you’re talking about your education in Finnish.

At the Bank – Pankissa – Finnish Bank Vocabulary
Learn Finnish vocabulary related to visiting the bank and using online banking! This article contains both plain words and useful phrases!

Finnish Noun Rections – Noun + Noun
This article contains a long list of noun + noun rections, such as “ratkaisu ongelmaan” and “tieto ongelmasta”. Expand your vocabulary!

Finnish Miltä Phrases – Ammatiltani Koulutukseltani
Learn from phrases which require the -lta form (the ablative case, miltä), such as luonteeltaan, ammatiltaan and kooltaan!

在图书馆 – Kirjastossa – Finnish Vocabulary

Finnish Fairytales Vocabulary – Satu Satuja Sadut
Learn some simple vocabulary related to fairytales, as well as the Finnish names of the most well-known international fairy tales!

The Finnish Object for Advanced Learners
Once you know the basic object rules, please check out this article about the Finnish object for advanced learners!

Finnish Mobile Phone Problems Vocabulary – Puhelinhuolto
Learn some useful Finnish phrases related to mobile phone problems! Included are lots of different sentences of possible problems!

Rakennusala – Construction Work – Finnish Vocabulary
Construction sites employ a wide range of professionals. Learn some vocabulary about the various building construction jobs!

So-Called Partitive Verbs – Not Always Partitive?
So-called partitive verbs unfortunately not ALWAYS have an object in the partitive case. Let’s unravel this generalization a little!

Arttu Wiskari – Tässäkö tää oli – Finnish Song Lyrics Analysis
This article contains the English translation as well as an analysis of the lyrics of the Finnish song “Tässäkö tää oli” by Arttu Wiskari!

Talking on the Phone – Finnish Phrases – Puhelimessa
On vaikeaa puhua puhelimessa suomeksi. Talking on the phone in Finnish is difficult. Learn some phrases to get started!

Finnish Self-Study Book Recommendations: What’s Your Goal?
When reading Finnish self-study book recommendations, you should always first consider your Finnish language learning goal before deciding.

Finnish Prefix Epä- for Negation ~ Non- Un-
The Finnish prefix epä- expresses negation, such as in the words EPÄKOHTELIAS, EPÄUSKO and EPÄONNISTUA. Learn more about the prefix now!

Point System – Uusi kielemme Bonus Content
Learn how you can earn points to get access to bonus content such as interactive exercises on Uusi kielemme! Contact me for more details!

List of Extra Content on Uusi kielemme – Bonus Content
As a thank you to readers who support Uusi kielemme, there’s now a way to get access to extra content such as games and interactive exercises.

Asuntoilmoitus – Housing Advertisements – Finnish Vocabulary
Haluatko muuttaa? Do you want to move? Reading housing advertisements (ASUNTOILMOITUS) in Finnish can be tricky!

Puhelin Kännykkä – Finnish Telephone Vocabulary
This article contains useful Finnish telephone vocabulary: both single words and useful phrases related to telephones are listed!

Intermediate Finnish Topics – Level A2: A2.1 to A2.2
Find out more about level A2! This intermediate Finnish level contains topics such as the past tense and ways to communicate in a store.

Apulanta – Hei hei mitä kuuluu – Finnish Song Lyrics Analyzed
Apulanta’s “Hei hei mitä kuuluu” is a fairly simple rock song. In this article, you can find the song lyrics translated and analyzed.

Mitä Kuuluu? Miten Menee? – “How are you?” in Finnish
Hei! Mitä kuuluu? Miten menee? Have you learn how to reply to these questions in Finnish yet? Find out more!

OVERVIEW of all Finnish Textbooks: Books for Learning Finnish
This article is an OVERVIEW of ALL Finnish textbooks which I’ve reviewed. Take a look at the the list and click through to see the reviews!

Finnish Language Textbook for BEGINNERS: Recommendations
Are you having trouble deciding what Finnish language textbooks for beginners to choose? Here’s my suggestion!

Korona – COVID-19 Finnish Vocabulary – Koronavirus
COVID-19 is generally just called koronavirus or plain korona in Finnish. Learn more vocabulary and phrases related to the topic!

如何用芬兰语谈论语言 – Minä puhun suomea
Minä puhun vähän suomea. Minä puhun englantia sujuvasti. En ymmärrä mitään. Anteeksi, puhutko kiinaa? 现在就开始用芬兰语来讨论一下语言问题吧!

Finnish Language Learning BOOK REVIEW List – Oppikirjat
Which Finnish textbook is good for you? What Finnish textbooks are good? This Finnish language learning book review list hopefully helps!

Missä sinä asut? – Talking About Your Home in Finnish
Learn some phrases that will help you talk about your home in Finnish! Missä sinä asut? Millaisella alueella?

Asuminen Kerrostalossa – Living in Finland – Finnish Vocabulary
Asutko kerrostalossa? There’s lots of vocabulary to be learned related to housing and living in Finland. Learn more words related to apartments!

芬兰生存必备 – 基础芬兰语词汇 – Helppoa suomen kieltä
“厕所在哪?”用芬兰语怎么说? “救命”用芬兰语怎么说? 本文中,你将学习到在芬兰生活一定会用得到的“生存必备芬兰语”。 一起来看看吧!

Hammaslääkärillä – At the Dentist’s – Finnish Vocabulary
Oletko käynyt Suomessa hammaslääkärillä? Have you visited the dentist in Finland? Learn some useful vocabulary related to the topic of teeth and dentists!

Beginner Finnish Topics – Level A1: A1.1 to A1.3
Level A1 is the first level when studying Finnish. This article contains information about beginner topics you will need when starting to learn Finnish.

YKI-testi – When are you ready? B1.1 Finnish Level
What do you need to know for the YKI-test? What does level B1.1 really mean? In this article, you can find some of the details from my perspective!

如何谈论天气 – Millainen ilma tänään on?
Sataa vettä. Aurinko paistaa. Tuulee. On myrsky. 通过阅读本文,你将快速掌握如何谈论天气。

Finnish Reference GRAMMAR Books – Learn Finnish
Let’s compare the most common Finnish reference grammar books available for Finnish learners! Which grammar book is best to learn Finnish with?

Anssi Kela – 1972 – Meistä tuli muurareita – Song Analysis
Here’s the translation of the song 1972 – Meistä tuli muurareita – by Anssi Kela, as well as an analysis of the grammar in this song!

Finnish Sentence Types Expressing Change: Tuloslause vs. Muutoslause
Minusta tuli onnellinen VERSUS Minä tulin onnelliseksi – Learn the difference between these two Finnish sentence types expressing change!

Hänestä tuli lääkäri – Tuloslause – Change and Result Sentences
The sentence type in the example “Hänestä tuli lääkäri” is called TULOSLAUSE in Finnish. It expresses a development. Learn more Finnish grammar today!

Finnish Postpositions and Prepositions List
Take a look at this extensive list of all the Finnish postpositions and prepositions! You can order them as you wish in order to learn more!

Yllä Ylle Yltä Yläpuolella Ylhäällä Yli – What’s the Difference
Find out what the words yllä, ylle, yltä, yläpuolella, yläpuolelta, yläpuolelle, ylhäällä, ylhäältä, ylös and yli mean and how they differ from each other!

Jooga – Finnish Yoga Vocabulary – Poses and Verbs
Learn some Finnish yoga vocabulary! This article contains both verbs, phrases and the Finnish names of the typical yoga poses.

Baltic and Germanic Loanwords in Finnish Etymology
Learn more about the etymology of ancient Baltic and Germanic loanwords in Finnish! Enjoy his little trip into the history of the Finnish language.

Kaksi Vanhaa Puuta – Juha Tapio – Finnish Song Lyrics Analyzed
This article analyzes the vocabulary and grammar of the song Kaksi vanhaa puuta by Juha Tapio! Great for learning languages through music!

Stretching – Yoga in Finnish – Jooga suomeksi
Learn some yoga vocabulary in Finnish! In this article, we look at vocabulary used in a video with stretching as part of a yoga routine.

Aikaa Ajaksi Aikana Ajassa – Using Aika in Sentences
Learn more about something that confuses most learners of Finnish: when to use aikaa, ajaksi, aikana, ajassa in which expressions of time!

Words Ending in mUs – Sopimus Taipumus Rintamus
Hakemus, kokemus, aikomus ja luottamus are examples of words ending in mUs. Learn more about how -mUs nouns are derived and what they mean!

Finnish Rections – Keneltä? Kenestä? Keneen?
Keneltä? Minulta! Kenestä? Minusta! Keneen? Minuun! Learn when to use these forms in this article about Finnish rections!

The Word AIKA – Aukioloajat – Finnish Vocabulary
The word AIKA has two main functions: it’s used to mean time and time periods, and also as an adverb of intensity (aika vaikea). Find out more here!

Boundary Gemination – Loppukahdennus – Advanced Finnish
Menep pois! Tulet tänne! Boundary gemination (rajageminaatio) or “end doubling” (loppukahdennus) is an advanced phonological phenomenon in Finnish.

Finnish Spoken Language Vocabulary
How much Finnish spoken language vocabulary do you know? Are you looking to expand said vocabulary? Here’s a small overview!

Syntax of Spoken Finnish – Spoken Language Grammar
This article contains 6 things that make the syntax (sentence constructions) in spoken language different than written Finnish!

Mass Nouns as Objects – Food and the Partitive
This article gives you examples of mass nouns (ainesanat) as the objects of sentences. Learn more about how the partitive, genitive and plurals work!

Question Sentences in Finnish Spoken language
This article deals with how question sentence look in Finnish spoken language. There is some special spoken language grammar going on!

-Kin and -kaan/kään Liitepartikkeli Clitic – Minäkin Minäkään
Learning how to use the clitics -kin and -kaan/kään will be a long process because it has many possible meanings depending on the context. Find out more!

Spoken Language Articles Overview
Uusi kielemme has a lot of articles related to spoken language. This spoken language articles overview displays all the topics neatly.

Abstract Nouns in Object Sentences
When abstract nouns appear in object sentences, they will get inflected in the partitive case. This article contains many such abstract nouns!

Базовый финский — Основные фразы
Планируете поездку в Финляндию? В этой статье про базовый финский язык вы найдёте некоторые основные слова и фразы на финском!

Finnish Numbers Shorter – 10:ää – 24:ttä – 5:nnessä
How can we make Finnish numbers shorter? You can do so using the number, and a colon combined with the case ending (e.g. 6:ssa, 7:ää, 3:nnessa, 5:nteen)

The Complement – Predikatiivi
Have you ever wondered why “kahvi on kuumaa”, but “päivä on kuuma”? This page will answer any questions you have about the complement (predikatiivi)

Negativa känslor – Kielteiset Tunteet – Finskt Ordförråd
Känner du dig sorgsen, oroad, deprimerad, skräckslagen eller bara tråkig? Lär dig negativa känslor på finska i den här artikeln!

Finnish -ATA Loanverbs from English
Tviitata, googlata, zumbata, skipata and stressata all look like English verbs. You can find out more about loanverbs from English in this article!

Finnish Easter Vocabulary – Hyvää pääsiäistä!
Learn some Finnish easter vocabulary as well as some information of how Finns celebrate Easter! Learn about VIRPOMINEN and much more!

Suomen kielen päivä – Hyvää Agricolan päivää! 9.4.
Hyvää Agricolan päivää! On the 9th of April, Finland celebrates the “day of the Finnish language”. Agricola can be considered the father of written Finnish. Find out why!

Vierekkäin Kasvokkain – Adverbs ending in KKAIN
This article deals with adverbs ending in -kkain/-kkäin, which express a reciprocal relative location between two things. Find out more today!

Finnish Beach Vocabulary – Rannalla Sanasto
This Finnish beach vocabulary could turn out handy if you’re going to the beach. Learn how to talk about sand castles and beach towels!

Abstract Nouns in Complement Sentences – Predikatiivi
This topic is tough! Let’s look at abstract nouns in complement sentences! The predikatiivi for abstract nouns is less straight-forward than you’d think!

Adverb Types Overview – Adverbien tyypit
In this Finnish adverb types overview, you can find Finnish adverbs organized based on their meaning. There are quite a few of them! Within each category you have easier and harder adverbs, so you’ll have to take your pick while reading through to choose the ones you want to learn first. Adverbs grouped based on […]

Кости и внутренние органы на финском
Лёгкие, печень, желудок, позвоночник, череп, таз — давайте узнаем, как называются кости и внутренние органы по-фински!

Joku Jokin – Jotakuta Jollakin – Finnish Pronouns
What’s up with the words [ joku : jollakulla : jostakusta : johonkuhun ], and [ jokin : jollakin : jostakin : johonkin ]? Learn more about these pronouns!

Elokuvateatteri – At the Cinema – Finnish Vocabulary
Learn Finnish vocabulary related to going to the movies (elokuvateatteri) in Finland! In addition to word lists, I’ve also included many example sentences!

Oi Maamme Suomi – Finnish Songs Analyzed
Find out what the lyrics of Oi Maamme Suomi mean! In this article, you can learn more about the Finnish national anthem and what it is about.

Verbs in Finnish Spoken Language
Verbs in Finnish spoken language are different from standard Finnish. Find out what you will hear when talking to Finns and what it means!

Finnish Spoken Language Pronunciation
“Sit haluun yhen vihreen pussin karkkej” That sentence contains 5 ways in which the Finnish spoken language pronunciation differs from its written form!

Complications with Finnish Mass Nouns – Object and Complement
Juon KAHVIA. Juon KAHVIN. Juodaan KAHVIT. The object and complement (predikatiivi) are more complicated than you initially thought. Learn more!

Ainesanat – Uncountable Mass Nouns – Finnish Object and Complement
Ainesanat “mass nouns” are important both when you’re learning about the Finnish object and about complement sentences and the predikatiivi.

Pala Siivu Viipale Lohko – Finnish Vocabulary of Parts
The words PALA, SIIVU and VIIPALE are just three words that you can use to express part of a whole. Learn more vocabulary today!

The Meaning of the Finnish Months
Find out more about the meaning of the Finnish months! Hopefully knowing the origin of the word will help you remember the name of each month.

Nothing Nowhere and Never in Finnish
Nothing, nowhere and never are misleadingly simple words. Learn more about EI MITÄÄN, EI MISSÄÄN and EI KOSKAAN, as well as other related words.

Palautusoikeus – Finnish Money Back Guarantee
Learn some Finnish vocabulary, including the words valitus, reklamaatio, palautusoikeus, takuu, vaihto-oikeus and asiakastyytyväisyys!

Ei Tippa Tapa – Irwin Goodman – Finnish Songs Analyzed
For those of you who like music and translating Finnish song lyrics, here’s an analysis of the Finnish song “Ei tippa tapa” by Irwin Goodman.

Positiva känslor – Positiiviset tunteet – Finskt Ordförråd
Känner du dig glad, tacksam, tillfredsställd, road eller förväntansfull? Lär dig positiva känslor på finska i den här artikeln!

Mustamakkara Uusi-Seelanti – Finnish Double Inflection
Finnish has some compound words that get endings added to them TWICE. For example, mustamakkara becomes e.g. mustastamakkasta and mustanmakkaran. Learn more!

Finnish Spoken Language Numbers Kaheksan
Yy kaa koo; kaheksan, yheksän; yhellä, kahella – the Finnish spoken language numbers are something that will take you some time to learn.

Grundläggande Finska – Finskt Ordförråd
Lär dig grundläggande finska fraser och ord som “Var ligger toaletten?” i den här artikeln om finska baskunskaper. Var förberedd inför din resa!

Finnish Insults – Haukkumasanat
This article contains frequently used Finnish insults (haukkumasana). Get acquainted with these so you can understand what people around you say!

Comparison of the Inflection of Numbers – Viisi Viides
Viidessä vs viidennessä, kuutena vs kuudentena, kolmeen vs kolmanteen. Hopefully this comparison of the inflection of numbers will help you!

Finnish Bus Traffic Phrases – Bussipysäkillä
Learn more bus traffic vocabulary, including how to say the bus numbers in Finnish! We go over both simple and advanced vocabulary.

Ykkönen Kakkonen – The Names of the Numbers in Finnish
In Finnish, you have separate words that refer to the names of the numbers: number 7 is SEISKA, for example. Learn when and how to use these forms!

Hattu Päässä ja Kengät Jalassa – Inessive Case
Explaining what you’re wearing in Finnish is different: you should specify that you’re wearing the hat on your head for example: Minulla on hattu päässä.

Vaatekaupassa – Clothing Store Vocabulary
Learn some Finnish vocabulary for in the clothing store: VAATEKAUPASSA! This article contains a lot of useful example sentences.

Puoli HALF – Puolet Puolestani Puolella Puolisalaa
Puoli means HALF in Finnish, but that’s not the only way to use it! Find out how to use “kaikin puolin”, “ulkopuolella” and “puoliksi” and other phrases!

Plural Imperative Wedding Checklist Examples Sentences
This article is filled with plural imperative examples: it’s a long list of wedding checklist phrases. Lukekaa häiden muistilista!

Mennä and Lähteä – Finnish Verb Differences
The verbs MENNÄ and LÄHTEÄ can be confused easily, especially by native Estonian speakers. Find out now what makes these verbs confusing!

How to Say FOR in Finnish – English Preposition
Thanks FOR the ride. This is FOR you. I voted FOR Kekkonen. Find out how to translate FOR to Finnish! (Kiitos kyydiSTÄ, tämä on sinuLLE, äänestin KekkosTA)

The Lative Case – Ylös Alas Kauemmas – Finnish Grammar
ULOS, KAUAS, LÄHEMMÄS and KAUEMMAS are considered to be examples of the ancient LATIVE case which doesn’t exist anymore. Learn more here!

Finnish Wedding Vocabulary – Häät Häiden Häissä
Learn some Finnish wedding vocabulary for when a friend gets married or you get married yourself! There is a lot of vocabulary related to this topic.

Poliisiasemalla – Finnish Police Station Vocabulary
Do you want to report a crime? Get a new passport? Apply for Finnish citizenship? Get a weapon permit? Poliisiasemalla tapahtuu!

Hätätilanteet – Finnish Emergency Situation Vocabulary
One topic that you’ll feel relieved you have studied if anything happens is definitely vocabulary related to emergency situations (hätätilanteet).

Eri Pikku Rikki Viime Ensi Poikki – Indeclinable Words
Some words in Finnish can’t be inflected in the Finnish cases: they are indeclinable words. Learn more about some of the most common ones!

Tuli Tulli Tuuli Tyyli – Finnish Pronunciation
Finnish’ pronunciation matches its written form fairly closely. As such, the words tuli, tulli, tuuli and tyyli are all pronounced differently. Read more!

Finnish Birthday Vocabulary – Hyvää Syntymäpäivää!
Hyvää syntymäpäivää! Learn some Finnish birthday vocabulary, including phrases such as TÄYTTÄÄ PYÖREITÄ VUOSIA and KAKKUKAHVIT.

Pöydällä vs Pöyrällä – Finnish Phonology Issues
The letter d gets replaced by certain other sounds in spoken language. So what’s the genitive form of “pöytä” in your dialect, pöydän vs pöyrän?

Finnish -ATA Verbs Borrowed from Swedish
VENATA, DYYKATA, HOKSATA and DUUNATA are just a few of the Finnish -ATA verbs borrowed from Swedish. Learn more about their origin right here!

Household Problems – Finnish Vocabulary
Vesihana vuotaa. Patteri ei toimi. Naapuri soittaa kovaa musiikkia. Learn some phrases to express household problems you might be having!

Plurale Tantum in Finnish – Always Plural Words – Syntax and Semantics
This article deals with the semantics and the syntax of plurale tantum words in Finnish. Find out more about the grammar of words that are always plural!

Categories of Finnish Plurale Tantum Words
Clothes, bodyparts and celebrations are common categories of Finnish plurale tantum words, but that’s not all of them! Find out more!

Plural Finnish Clothing Vocabulary – Plurale Tantum
Housut, farkut, silmälasit and rintaliivit are just a few of the many plural Finnish clothing words. Take a look at this rather detailed list!

Events Celebrations – Always Plural Finnish Words – Plurale Tantum
The names of Finnish events, celebrations and parties are often exclusively used in their plural form. Learn more about plurale tantum nouns here!

Things that Break – Example sentences – Finnish Vocabulary
Bones, toys, hearts, devices and glass are all things that break regularly. Click to find out Finnish phrases about things that break!

Computer Problems in Finnish – Tietokoneessa on Vika
Miten tietokoneesi toimii tänään? How’s your computer working today? Learn some phrases related to computer problems today!

Siinä Siitä and Siihen – “There” in Finnish
Come find out when to use SIIHEN, SIITÄ and SIIHEN, and how they fit into the tässä-tällää-tuossa-tuolla-siinä-siellä spectrum!

Tuolla Tuolta Tuonne – “Over There” in Finnish
This article explains when to use TUOLLA “over there”, TUOLTA “from over there” and TUONNE “to over there”. Learn when to use these!

How to Say TO BREAK in Finnish – Vocabulary
Learn how to say “to break” in Finnish using verbs! Find out the difference between RIKKOA, SÄRKEÄ, SÄRKYÄ, TUHOTA and many more verbs!

Finnish Vocab to Refer to Something Broken – Rikki Poikki Hajalla
Check out this overview of ways to refer to something BROKEN in Finnish: rikkinäinen, jumissa, tukossa, palasina, murtunut, hajalla, puhki and much more!

Finnish for Beginners: Lesson Plan Suggestions
This Finnish for beginners lesson plan suggestions series should give you an idea on the order in which you could be studying Finnish.

Expressing Necessity with a Passive Participle – On Mentävä, On Odotettava
In the Finnish language TÄYTYY is used to say someone MUST do something. Alternative, expressing necessity with a participle is also possible. Learn more!

Levällään Ammollaan Sukkasillaan Finnish Adessive Phrases
Levällään ammollaan and sukkasillaan are three phrases using the adessive case and a possessive suffix. You can find other similar phrases in this article.

[ Olla + X:lla ] Finnish Adessive Phrases – Olla Kahvilla Meneillä Treffeillä
This article lists adessive phrases such as [olla lenkillä] and [olla voitolla], which follow the [olla + x:lla] construction pattern.

Christmas in Finland – Joulu Suomessa – Vocabulary
Hyvää joulun odotusta! Hyvää joulua! Learn some vocabulary related to Christmas in Finland, including Christmas traditions and foods!

Translative Verb Rections – Translatiivi Rektiot
There are quite many verbs that require the translative for their complements. You can find examples of these translative verb rections on this page!

Tuossa Tuosta Tuohon – “Over There” in Finnish
To say “over there” in Finnish, you can use TUOSSA “over there”, TUOSTA “from over there” and TUOHON “to over there”. Find out more here!

Täällä Täältä Tänne – “Here” in Finnish
There are many ways to say “here” in Finnish. This article focuses on TÄÄLLÄ (here),TÄÄLTÄ (from here) and TÄNNE (to here), which refer to larger areas.

Tässä Tästä Tähän – “Here” in Finnish
Tässä, tästä and tähän can all be translated as “here”. They are the pronoun TÄMÄ in the missä, mistä and mihin form. Learn more now!

How to Say “Here” and “There” in Finnish
Tässä, täällä, tuossa, tuolla, siinä, siellä are all words used to say “here” and “there” in Finnish. Read now about when to use which one!

Infinitives, Participles and Conjugations of the Verb Lähteä
This article gives you an overview of the verb LÄHTEÄ in the Finnish infinitives, participles and conjugations, along with links to each topic.

-Pa/Pä Liitepartikkeli Clitic – Onpa vaikeaa!
Onpa sinulla kaunis koti! Tulepa tänne! This tricky little clitic -pa/pä appears all over the place in Finnish. Learn what it means and how to use it!

The Verb Antaa – Many Meanings
The verb ANTAA has two main meanings but, in addition, is used in a large list of phrases. Find out more about what antaa can mean in this article!

Juovuksissa Nukuksissa -UksissA(An) Adverbs
Suutuksissa, eksyksissä, juovuksissa and nukuksissa are four examples of adverbs that end in -UksissA. Learn more about this advanced adverb type now!

How to Say “I don’t know” in Finnish
How do you say “I don’t know” in Finnish? How do you express more clearly what you don’t know? This article goes over the ways to say “I don’t know”.

Että in Finnish – “That” – Subordinate Clauses and More
This article looks at all the different ways you can use ETTÄ in Finnish. This includes the usage with “sivulauseet”, but also phrases and more!

Sivulause – Finnish Sentence Types: Subordinate Clauses
Learn about Finnish sentence types! A “sivulause” (subordinate clause in English) gives more information about the main sentence, or complements it.

How to say TO TRY in Finnish – Yrittää Pyrkiä Kokeilla
You can use many verbs to say TO TRY in Finnish. In this article, you can find out what each of them means, as well as their rections!

Verb Rections with Että – Siihen että, Siitä että
Rakastan sitä, että.. Tykkään siitä, että… Luotan siitä, että… Kuulostaa siltä,että… Learn more about verb rections with että-sentences!

Siinä tapauksessa – Siitä huolimatta – Connectives
Siinä tapauksessa – Sen takia – Sitä varten – Siinä mielessä – Sitä paitsi – Sillä tavoin. These are all phrases that include the pronoun “se”. Learn more now!

Finnish Conjunctions – Ja Mutta Koska Sekä Että
This page lists all the Finnish conjunctions and provides links to other articles on Uusi kielemme that deal with conjunctions.

Making someone do something – Pyytää Kehottaa Käskeä
Pyytää, neuvoa, vaatia, käskeä and velvoittaa are some of the Finnish verbs you can use to express “making someone do something”.

Verbtype 1 – Conjugation – All Tenses and Moods
Verbtype 1 is usually the first verbtype you learn. On this page you can find information about how verb type 1 verbs are conjugated in Finnish.

Viime Viimeinen Viimeksi Viimein
Find out the meaning and difference between the words viime, viimeinen, viimeksi and viimein with plenty of examples!

Reduplication: Vuosi vuodelta – Askel askeleelta
Reduplication is the phenomenon where a word or phrase gets repeated several times in a row. In Finnish you can have for example “juuri ja juuri” and “käsi kädessä”.

Ruokaruoka Pikapikaa – Double Words – Reduplication
Are you eating your food-food fast-fast? Syötkö ruokaruokaasi pikapikaa? Learn more about reduplication and its functions in Finnish!

Kun and kuin in Spoken and Written Finnish
If you’re confused about when to use kun and kuin, you’re not the only one. Find out more about how to use these words in spoken and written Finnish!

Sitten Silloin – “Then” in Finnish
Sitten and silloin both mean “then”. Find out what the difference is between the two so that you can start to use these words more accurately!

Kova vs Vaikea – How to say “hard” in Finnish
How do you say “hard” or “difficult” in Finnish? Let’s take a look at kova vs vaikea, while also looking at some other ways to say “hard” in Finnish.

Eri Erilainen Erikoinen Erityinen – The Difference
Today… A very special topic, just for you. Learn the difference between the Finnish words ERI, ERILAINEN, ERIKOINEN and ERITYINEN!

Auttaa Auttoi – Verbtype 1 Imperfect Tense
Ajaa ajoi, auttaa auttoi, maksaa maksoi, laittaa laittoi. Four examples of a..a – a…oi verbs, aka verbtype 1 verbs in their imperfect form.

Syödä and Eating – Closely-Related Verbs
Syödä means eating, but it’s not even close to being the only verb to express that action! Learn other verbs, phrases and sayings with the verb syödä!

Supporting a Friend – Finnish Vocabulary Phrases
Here is some Finnish vocabulary for supporting a friend! Learn how to express sympathy, show empathy and reach out to a friend in need.

Missä Phrases – Menossa Tukossa Pystyssä Jäässä
Olla jumissa, olla tulossa, olla vastassa, olla töissä ja olla kylässä are some of the many examples of missä phrases that Finnish has. Learn something new!

Finnish Winter Phenomenons Vocabulary
Tykkylumi, takatalvi and talvikunnossapito are three of the Finnish winter words you can find an explanation of in this article.

Finnish Winter Vocabulary – Talvi
Come learn Finnish winter vocabulary so you’ll be prepared to describe what’s going on in Finland for about 5 months a year!

Verbs like Lentää Lensi Tietää Tiesi – Imperfect
Why does the verb lentää become “hän lensi” in the past tense? And tietää “minä tiesin”? Let’s take a look at the type of verbs that have this rule!

Animal Compound Words
Hiirimatto, koirauni, leijonanosa, työmyyrä and sudennälkä are just a few of the animal compound words you can find in Finnish. Broaden your vocab!

Lie Lienee – Expressing probability – Potential
So you’ve come across the words lie and lienee and now you wonder what they mean. Find out more about ways to express probability in this article!

When do you KNOW Finnish?
When do you KNOW Finnish? What are the minimum requirements for being fluent in Finnish? How do teachers test your Finnish proficiency? Read more!

Mones Monesko Monentena – How does mones work?
Are you wondering how the word MONES works in Finnish? Learn more phrases like “Monentena päivänä saavuit?” and “Ties kuinka mones kerta.” in this article!

Taitaa Saattaa Mahtaa – Verb Differences
We can use certain auxialliary verbs to express probability in Finnish: taitaa, mahtaa and saattaa. Learn more about their usage in this article!

Vowel Lengths: Matemaatikko Matematiikka
Let’s take a look at the vowel lengths in words like politiikka and poliitikko. These are parallel nouns that express a person and a field of science.

Nouns Describing Personality or Behavior
This article contains words such as puupää, söpöliini, mielipuoli, hurmuri and ahmatti which are nouns describing personality or behavior.

Postitse Puhelimitse Ohitse Maitse – Prolative
The -(i)tse ending on words like postitse, puhelimitse, ohitse and maitse is called the prolative. The name isn’t important, but the words can be!

Välissä Välillä – The Difference Between
What’s the difference between välissä and välillä? Mikä ero on sanojen välillä? Välillä on vaikeaa valita. Learn the semantical difference between the two!

Ajanilmaukset – Expressions of Time – Example Sentences
There are so many “ajanilmaukset” aka ways to express time, with all kinds of different phrases. In this article, we look at some example sentences.

Words ending in ja/ija – Opiskelija Opettaja
In this article you can find out more about words ending in -ja/-ija, including useful vocabulary and information on how to inflect these words.

Ilmastonmuutos – Global Warming
Climate change and global warming – ilmastonmuutos – is an excellent topic to improve your Finnish levels at a more advanced level. Learn some vocab here!

Open and Closed in Finnish – Auki Avoin Kiinni Suljettu
Auki, avoin, avoinna, avattu, kiinni, and suljettu are words used to express open and closed in Finnish. Learn the limitations of each of these words!

Nukkua and Sleeping – Closely-Related Verbs
In this second installment of our series on closely related verbs, we look at NUKKUA. Learn more vocabulary related to sleeping in this article!

Adjective Rections – Vihainen sinulle – Ylpeä sinusta
Adjective rections are the reason why we say: rehellinen SINULLE, ihastunut SINUUN and ylpeä SINUSTA. Learn more of the different rections now!

Talking about Languages in Finnish – Minä puhun suomea
Minä puhun vähän suomea. Minä puhun englantia sujuvasti. En ymmärrä mitään. Time to start talking about languages in Finnish!

Trees – Finnish Nature Vocabulary
In this article, you can find the Finnish names of many trees as well as vocabulary related to trees and Finnish sayings.

Tämmönen and Semmonen – Tällainen and Sellainen
Tämmönen and semmonen are the spoken language equivalents of tällainen and sellainen. Learn more about these proadjectives in this post!

Transitivity and Intransitivity – Different Derivation Types
Finnish verbs can be divided based on their transitivity and intransitivity. This article contains more information of the different derivation types.

Reflexive Verbs -UTU/YTY- Peseytyä Ilmoittautua
Minä peseydyn, pukeudun ja valmistaudun ilmoittautumaan kurssille! I wash myself, dress myself and prepare myself to sign myself up for a course!

Automative Verbs -UTU/YTY- Korjautua Uusiutua
Automative verbs express that something happens by itself. The verbs on this page all end in -utua/-ytyä and have an automative meaning.

Emotive Causative Verbs -TTAA or -TUTTAA
Pelottaa, väsyttää, kyllästyttää and hämmästyttää are emotive causative verbs. This article looks at the derivation of these types of verbs.

Finnish Words Ending in L, N or R
This article deals with finnish words ending in -l, -n, -r, such as kyynel, sammal, manner, jäsen and vasen. You can learn how to inflect them here!

Verbs like teettää and korjauttaa – Teettoverbit
Verbs like teettää and korjauttaa express that you delegate the action: you make someone ELSE do the action. Find more examples here!

Why Doesn’t Siivota Become “Siipoan”?
In this article we take a look at the possible answer to the question “Why doesn’t siivota become siipoan?” and other similar consonant gradation puzzles.

Automative Verbs -UA/-YÄ – Kaataa Kaatua – Transitivity
This article deals with transitive and intransitive verb pairs, where the intransitive versions are automative verbs. The verb happens automatically.

Causative Verbs -TTAA – Loppua Lopettaa – Transitivity
Herättää, pudottaa and sammuttaa are three very common examples of causative verbs. Learn more about this type of verb in this article!

Sekä Että – Joko Tai – Double Conjunctions
Learn how to use “sekä että”, “joko tai”, “ei eikä” and other double connectors to make more advanced sentences in Finnish!

Translative Verbs: Verbtype 6 and Others
Translative verbs express a CHANGE in state or being: something becomes better, larger or faster. In Finnish we can use verbtype 6 verbs for this, but there are also e.g. -UTU- verbs that fulfill the same function.

Älä tee – Negative Imperative – Example Sentences
Älä tee samaa virhettä! Learn some negative imperative phrases that start with älä, so you can start using this form better!

Nationalities in Finnish – Minkämaalainen sinä olet
Use the ending -lainen/läinen for nationalities in Finnish! This works for countries (kanadalainen), continents (aasialainen) and cities (helsinkiläinen).

Punctuation – Pilkku Piste Kysymysmerkki
Learn how to say the following punctuation marks in Finnish: dash, questionmark, brackets, quotation marks etc.

Adjectives Ending in -NUT/-NYT
Väsynyt, väsyneenä, väsyneeltä… Kuollut, kuoleella, kuolleen… Learn more about how to put adjectives ending in -nut/nyt in the Finnish cases!

Words Ending in -in – Keitin Soitin Puhelin
The group of Finnish words ending in -in is very large. These nouns are derived from verbs and their semantical meaning is that they are a tool.

Paljon Monet – Many People – Sentences
This article latches on to a small but often-occuring mistake of Finnish language learners. Learn how to start a sentence with “many people”!

Moni Monta Monet – Many
Moni, monta and monet are three forms of the same word, which means “many”. Find out more about when to use which form correctly in this article!

Elefantti or Norsu? Loanwords vs Finnish Words
Should you say elefantti or norsu? Filmi or elokuva? Klovni or pelle? Printteri or tulostin? Learn some more about the different types of loanwords!

Plural illative – Suomalaisiin ihmisiin
“Haluan tutustua suomalaisiin ihmisiin”, “olen tottunut kylmiin talviin” and “laitan kirjat hyllyihin” are three example sentences of the plural illative.

Object Sentence Examples – Luen kirjaa / kirjan / kirjat
This article offers some object sentence examples that hopefully will help you make sense of the maze that is the Finnish object.

Kolme as Kolome – Svaavokaali – Schwa Vowel
Some Finns say kolme as “kolome”, kylmä as “kylymä” and helppo as “heleppo”. Learn more about the phenomenon called schwa vowel or svaavokaali in Finnish.

How to say @ and # in Finnish
Learn the pronunciation of https:// and how to say @ and # in Finnish in this article! Get ready to say your email address and your url in Finnish.

Spoken Language Passive Overview
Consider the following: me mennään, me mentiin, me ollaan menty, me mentäisiin, and me oltais menty. This spoken language passive overview goes over these forms.

The Imperfect and Perfect Tense: Examples
This article contains ten useful examples that point out the difference between the imperfect and the perfect tense in Finnish.

In the City: Beginner Finnish Lesson Plan #6
This In the City: Beginner Finnish Lesson will show you how you can combine vocabulary related to place names with verbs expressing actions.

Tykätä and Pitää – Saying You Like Things in Finnish
The verbs tykätä and pitää are used to express that you like something in combination with the mistä-form. This article gives you lots of examples.

The Verb Käydä – Many Meanings #4
The verb KÄYDÄ has many meanings, some of which are really common (e.g. käyn kaupassa) and some less so (e.g. käy taloksi).

Minä käyn kaupassa – Käydä – Example Sentences
In Finnish, “I go to the store” is usually translated as “Minä käyn kaupassa”. Learn more about the basic usage of the verb käydä!

Body Parts: Beginner Finnish Lesson Plan #5
In this “Body Parts Beginner Finnish” lesson, we look at how you can use vocabulary and grammar together in order to talk about bodies and illnesses.

Daily Routine: Beginner Finnish Lesson Plan #4
Learn how to combine grammar (verbtypes, location cases) and vocabulary (verbs and rooms) in this Daily Routine: Beginner Finnish Lesson Plan.

Clothing: Beginner Finnish Lesson Plan #3
The topic of this Complete Beginner Finnish Lesson Plan #3 is CLOTHES. Learn how to combine grammar and vocabulary to talk about your clothes.

Furniture Beginner Finnish Lesson Plan #2
The topic of this Complete Beginner Finnish Lesson Plan #2 is ROOMS AND FURNITURE. Learn how to combine grammar and vocabulary to talk about your home.

Family: Beginner Finnish Lesson Plan #1
The topic of this Complete Beginner Finnish Lesson Plan #1 is FAMILY MEMBERS. Learn how to combine grammar and vocabulary to talk about your family.

Hyllyllä or Hyllyssä? Pöydässä or Pöydällä?
Is the book “hyllyssä” or “hyllyllä”? Are you meeting a friend “kaupungissa” or “kaupungilla”? Learn the difference between these words in this article!

Your First 100 Finnish Verbs – Finnish for Beginners
Learn your first Finnish verbs! This list is aimed at beginners who want to learn some verbs and use in combination with the verbtypes.

Places in the City – Finnish Vocabulary
This article lists places in the city, as a primer for learning the location cases. First study these places, then learn how to use them in location stences!

Imperfect Perfect Plusquamperfect – When to Use?
Finnish has three past tenses: the imperfect, perfect and plusquamperfect. We’re giving you examples showing you the difference between all three!

Cleaning – Siivoaminen – Finnish Vocabulary
Learn some vocabulary related to CLEANING! We go over the most common verbs, as well as the names of the equipment and detergents used.

Verbs Ending in -OTTAA and -OITTAA (ehdottaa kirjoittaa)
In spoken language, we can say “kirjottaa” instead of “kirjoittaa”. This is true for all verbs ending in -oittaa. As such, verbs ending in -ottaa and -oittaa can be a little tricky to spell sometimes.

Random Words #2: Kissa – Cat – Finnish Vocabulary
In this article we explore the topic of CATS a little. The beautiful word kissa describes everyone’s favorite feline creature. Learn more Finnish vocabulary!

Traktori Raktori – Stressi Ressi – Consonant Clusters in Finnish
Why do some Finns say REENATA and RESSI rather than TREENATA AND STRESSI? Why does SÄKÄ become TSÄKÄ? Learn about Finnish consonant clusters!

Third Person Imperative – Tulkoon – Jussiivi
The third person imperative and passive imperative are called the jussive (jussiivi) by linguists. They’re an advanced Finnish grammar subject.

Nauraa Hohotti – Colorative Descriptive Verb Chains
“Kuolla kupsahti”, “nauraa hohotti” and “puhua pälpätti” are three verb chain phrase examples of the colorative construction. This is an advanced Finnish grammar subject.

T-Plural vs. Partitive Plural
In this article, you can get some insight in when to use T-plural vs partitive plural in both regular sentences and existential sentences.

Existential Sentences – Jossain on jotain
Existential sentences express that somewhere there is something, for example “Pöydällä on kirja”. Learn more about this sentence type now!

Word Order in Existential Sentences
The word order in existential sentences is important (location + verb + subject) because it expresses a certain meaning. Learn more now!

Vanha vs Wanha – Finnish Phonology Issues
Phonology (the study of speech sounds) is interesting in many ways. Learn more about the history behind wanha vs vanha in this article!

Banaani vs Panaani – Finnish Phonology Issues
Have you ever noticed that Fins don’t clearly pronounce the b-sound? Think of banaani vs panaani for example. Learn whyFinns have problems with the b!

Paska – Swear Words Related to Secretion
In this article we look at the improper and vulgar use of PASKA, KUSI and PERSE. In addition to religious and sexual swears, secretion is a common topic for swear words.

Profanities – Curse Words – Swearing in Finnish
Saatana! Helvetti! Jumalauta! Perkele! Let’s take a look at the Finnish swearwords that originate from a religious source. Kirosanat haltuun!

Vittu – Swear Words
The swear word VITTU is used excessively in Finnish. It translates as “cunt”, but is mostly used in the same way as “fuck” in English. Get acquainted with this curse word now!

Swearing in Finnish – Kiroilu Kirosanat
This is the root article for a series on swearing in Finnish. We go over the vocabulary and some of the grammar related to swearing!

Tahansa – Anything Anyone Anywhere
Have you wondered how to say anything, anyone or anywhere in Finnish? Finnish usually uses “tahansa” for this purpose, in combination with a question word.

Adverbs Ending in isin: kotoisin peräisin aamuisin
Aamuisin, iltaisin, sekaisin, väkisin, kotoisin are all examples of adverbs ending in isin. These adverbs form a small but popular group.

Alkaa Aloittaa Ruveta Ryhtyä – Meanings and Rections
Aloitan leikin, alan leikkiä, rupean leikkimään, ryhdyn leikkiin. Learn more about the verbs alkaa, aloittaa, ruveta and ryhtyä in this article. We go over what contexts these verbs are used in as well as their rections.

The Sinä-Passive and Other Generic Sentences
You can use a generic sentence to express that anyone can be the subject of the sentence. In Finnish, you can use both the third person singular and the sinä-passive.

Itseni Myself – How to Use Itse
Olen oma itseni myself… Itseäni kiinnostaa… Itselläni on… Itsestään… The word itse is used in many contexts and meanings. Learn more now!

Puhua and Speaking – Closely-Related Verbs
Click to find a useful Finnish verbs related to oral communication! Included are, for example, the verbs riidellä, mummista and juoruta.

Sanoa Puhua Kertoa – Verb Differences
Are you wondering when to use the verbs sanoa, puhua and kertoa? Find out in this article!

Everything Everyone – Kaikki on Kaikki ovat
Everything and everyone are both translated as “kaikki” in Finnish. Learn how to tell the difference and how to use both!

Oleva Olevan Olevasi Olevansa – What?
What do the words oleva olevan olevasi and olevansa mean exactly? Learn more about this participle and how to use it in our article!

The Verb Katsoa – Many Meanings #3
The verb katsoa has many meanings, as well as a large array of phrases attached to it. Learn more about this surprisingly versatile verb now!

Katsoa Nähdä Katsella – Verb Differences
This article contains a list of verbs related to the verb KATSOA. This list compares katsoa to NÄHDÄ and KATSELLA, but also offers additional verbs.

Tää Toi Se – Spoken Language – Tämä Tuo Se
The pronouns tämä, tuo and se can become tää, toi and se in spoken language. In addition, they are special when inflected into the cases as well!

Mä Mää Mie – Pronouns in Spoken Language
“Oh mä mää mie, mä mää mie, mä mää mie, let me go”, is that how the ABBA song goes? It’s how it should go if they were learning Finnish!

Ne menee, ne tulee, ne kattoo – Spoken Language
The spoken language form of “he menevät” is “ne menee”. While spoken language can be hard to learn, at least this part of it is easy!

Mutta and Vaan – The Difference Between Conjunctions
So what’s the difference between mutta and vaan? If you’ve been wondering, you can find the answer here, tailored for both beginners and advance learners!

The 5 Finnish Participles – Overview
The page contains an overview of the 5 finnish participles and their most important uses. It also contains links to all our other participle articles!

How to Say Yes and No in Finnish – Kyllä ja Ei
How do you say “yes” and “no” in Finnish? The simple answer is respectively “kyllä” and “ei”. However, it’s not quite that simple. Learn how to say yes and no in Finnish!

Kakka Pissa Pieru ja Hiki – Finnish Bodily Functions Vocabulary
If you want to learn Finnish vocabulary about poop, pee, farts and sweat, you’ve found the right place! Find all your kakka, pissa, pieru ja hiki words here!

Body Movements – Plural Imperative – Nouskaa!
In this body movements article we look both at verbs related to these movements and how to use them in a sentence. Oppikaa uusia verbejä!

Body Movements – Imperative – Kapteeni Käskee
Turn around, sit down, raise your hand, close your eyes! These imperatives are related to body movements. In this article, we will look at more examples.

“Many Meanings” Series
The “many meanings” series consists of articles related to one single word and its different meanings. Some verbs just mean many different things!

The Verb Saada – Many Meanings #2
Saanko hetkeksi huomionne? The verb saada has many meanings and uses. Find out more about this interesting verb in this article!

Osata Voida Saada – Finnish Verbs Differences
Osata voida saada: three verbs that get confused easily. Learn the difference between “mä osaan”, “mä voin” and “mä saan” in this article!

Osata Saada Voida Pystyä Kyetä – Verb Differences
This article deals with the following verbs: Osata, saada, voida, pystyä and kyetä. It goes over their differences and uses in some detail.

Loppu Lopussa Loppuun Lopuksi
Loppu, lopussa, loppuun, lopuksi… Have you wondered when to use these forms? Learn more about the word loppu in this article!

Finnish Climbing Vocabulary – Kiipeily – Hobbies
Climbing is a hobby that comes with a lot of important vocabulary. Learn some terms related to climbing tyoes, equipment and technical terms!

Kampaaja Kampaamossa Sanasto Hairdressing
In this article, you can find key vocabulary related to kampaaja (hairdresser) and kampaamo (hairdressing salon). Perfect to expand your vocab!

Hotellissa – Finnish Hotel Vocabulary
Here’s some Finnish vocabulary to use when you’re in a hotel (hotellissa)! Learn how to ask for things and how to sign in!

Third Infinitive in Spoken Language: Menen nukkuun
Pystytkö ymmärtään? Alkaako ärsyttään? Alatko etsiin selityksiä? The third infinitive in spoken language loses its marker -maan.

Car Problems – Autossa on vika
This list is meant to help you either when you’re running into car problems in Finland, or when you’re studying or interested in car repairs. Learn some useful phrases!

Finnish Alcohol Vocabulary – Alkoholi
This page contains basic Finnish alcohol vocabulary as well as some background on why Finns drink so much alcohol. Kippis!

Kolari – Auto-onnettomuus – Car Accident Vocabulary
The words kolari and auto-onnettomuus both mean “car accident”. This is the topic of many news reports, and thus you could use this vocabulary!

Geokätköily – Geocaching – Finnish Vocabulary
Geokätköily or geocaching is a cool hobby, which you don’t need much more for than maybe your mobile phone. Learn some vocab here!

Jalkapallo – Football – Soccer – Finnish Vocabulary
Jalkapallo is a very popular sport worldwide. Finns are perhaps more interested in ice hockey, but of course they have Finnish soccer vocabulary too!

Words Ending in -mA – Sattuma, Syntymä, Unelma
Finnish has a large group of words ending in -mA. Many of these words have a long history within the Finnic or Uralic language groups.

The Verb Kestää – Many Meanings #1
The verb kestää is interesting because of its wide variety of meanings. It’s a pretty common verb, so it’s definitely worth getting more familiar with.

Words Ending in -Ari – Spoken Language Words
Jälkkäri, talkkari, olkkari, kylppäri and uikkarit are some very common spoken language words ending in -ari. You can find more words here!

To Play: Pelata, Leikkiä, Soittaa, Näytellä – What’s the Difference
Finnish has many verbs that are translated as just “to play” in English: pelata, leikkiä, soittaa and näytellä. Learn the difference here!

Agent Participle – Agenttipartisiippi
The agent participle has the marker -mA, and expresses the agent of something (kirjoittamani kirja, or äidin kirjoittama kirja).

Adverbs Ending in -ttAin
In this advanced article, you can find a list of adverbs ending in -ttAin. Approach these with a grain of salt: you will not need to learn all of these!

Adverbs that Express Certainty, Probability and Unlikelihood
In this list, you can find adverbs that express certainty (selvästi, totta kai), probability (todennäköisesti, varmaan), and unlikelihood (tuskin)

Words Ending in a Consonant: Overview
Rakas, keskus, soitin, työtön, myyjätär and roskis are all words ending in a consonant. They each have their own page with more information.

Finnish Words Ending in -s – S-Loppuiset Sanat
Finnish has plenty of words ending in a consonant, but these often have an exceptional inflection into the cases. Learn about Finnish words ending in -s!

Words Ending in -os/-ös – Os-loppuiset Sanat
Kerros, mainos and rikos are some verb basic words ending in -os. Learn more about this special group of verb derivates in this article!

Spoken Language Words ending in -is – Puhekieli Sanasto
Roskis, futis, depis and kirppis are spoken language words ending in -is. Add these to your vocabulary and learn how to inflect them in the cases!

Words Ending in -As – Taivutus: As-Loppuiset Sanat
Some words: hammas, saapas, iäkäs, avulias, rakas, etc. Let’s look at some words ending in -as and at how they inflect in the cases!

Comparative and Superlative of Adjectives in the Cases
Isompi, isommalla, isommilla, isoimmall, isoimmilla: these are all comparative and superlative forms of adjectives in the cases. Learn more!

Finnish Comparative and Superlative of Adverbs
“usein, useammin, useimmin”, “paljon, enemmän, eniten” and “helposti, helpommin, helpoiten” are examples of the Finnish comparative and superlative of adverbs

Uusi kielemme in Other Languages
If you speak any language fluently and have some basic knowledge of html, I’d love to add other languages to my website as well. The new layout finally allows for that to happen. If you’re interested, you can contact me! 0 0 votes Article Rating Related posts: No related posts.

Finnish Comparative Forms – Vertailuasteet
The Finnish comparative and the superlative are interesting because of their inflection. Here are the comparative forms of adjectives and adverbs!

Finnish Superlative of Adjectives – Superlatiivi
The Finnish superlative of adjectives is recognisable by the -in at the end of the word. It expresses that something has the most of a certain quality.

Old Words versus New Words Ending in -i
Words that end in -i can be confusing in finnish. Learn now how old words versus new words behave when you put the in the partitive and other cases!

Adverbs of Location: Täällä, Kaikkialla, Ylhäällä
There are many adverbs of location: täällä, tuolla, kotona, perillä, kylässä, sieltä, kaukaa, alas, ylös and many more. Learn what they mean in this article!

Plural Location Cases of Longer Words
This page about the plural location cases of longer words shows you the changes long words go through when inflecting them in e.g. the plural inessive (-ssa)

Expressions of Time – Ajanilmaukset
Joka päivä, päivän verran, päiväksi, kerran päivässä, päivän päästä, etc. Do you know when to use each of these? Learn more about expressions of time in this article!

Plural Location Cases – Monikon Paikallissijat
This article explains the inflection of words in the plural location cases: e.g. taloissa, taloista, taloille, taloilla, taloilta.

Missä asut? Tampereella vai Helsingissä?
Some place names will get -ssa added to them, others -lla. Learn how to answer the question “Missä asut?” in this blog post!

Plural Partitive of Long Words
The plural partitive of long words has its own rules, separate from shorter words. Find out why it’s lääkäreitä, insinöörejä, opiskelijoita and opettajia.

Useful Links for Learning Finnish
This page contains a list of useful links you could check out to learn more Finnish. This list contains only the most interesting sources available.

The Plural Genitive of Long Words
The Plural Genitive of Long Words is a topic you will wish didn’t exist. There are so many variants and no clear rules as to which are the most common.

Plural Partitive vs Plural Genitive
Let’s compare two of the hardest plural cases: the plural partitive vs plural genitive. They have a lot in common, which can help you in your studies.

Overview of the Passives
In this overview of the passives you can find the present passive, the past passive and the passive conditional all in one place!

Talking about Years – Minä vuonna?
Tthe expressions tänä vuonna, viime vuonna, tulevana vuonna, vuosien varrella, and vuoden kuluttua can all be used when talking about years. Learn more!

Questions of Time – Ajanilmaukset
There are many ways to ask about when something happened, how long it lasted, and when something is going to happen. This page contains the most popular questions related to time.

Adverbs of Time – Ajan Adverbit
Tänään, huomenna, aina, joskus, iäti, ei koskaan, ajoittain, välillä, aikaisemmin, vielä, enää, iltaisin, kauan, etc. are adverbs of time. Learn more!

Feeling Verbs – Minua Ärsyttää – Tunnekausatiiviverbit
“Tunnekausatiiviverbi” is an awesome term which lacks a translation to English. As such, we’ll call them “feeling verbs” and hope that’s clear enough!

Adverbs of Intensity – Astemääritteet
“Tosi”, “aika”, “hemmetin”, “uskomattoman” and “ihan” are adverbs of intensity (aka intensitiivipartikkelit aka astemääritteet) Learn about them here!

Compound Verbs – Yhdysverbit
Koeajaa, allekirjoittaa, esipestä, yliarvioida, irtisanoa and ylläpitää are compound verbs. Let’s take a look at what kind of verbs they are!

Temporal Substitute Construction – Temporaalinen lauseenvastike
Minä imuroin Antin tiskatessa. Antti tekee ruokaa minun imuroitua. The temportal substitute construction turns two sentences into one! Learn more

The Second Infinitive
Puhun kuiskaten. Laulan tehdessäni ruokaa. Ruokaa tehtäessä käytetään liesituuletinta. Learn how to use the second infinitive aka E-infinitive!

Modal Substitute Construction – Modaalinen Lauseenvastike
Lapsi tuli itkien. Me tanssimme laulaen. Äiti siivoaa radiota kuunnellen. Find out more about the modal substitute construction aka modaalirakenne!

Fourth Infinitive Verb Rections
Harrastan lukemista, nautin lukemisesta, mutta sitten kyllästyn lukemiseen. Learn some fourth infinitive verb rections now!

The Fourth Infinitive -minen Neljäs Infinitiivi
Rakastan nukkumista! Nukkuminen on kivaa. Hän nukkuu nukkumistaan. Learn how to use the fourth infinitive (neljäs infinitiivi) now!

Thank you for your donation!
Thank you so much for supporting Uusi kielemme! People like you make it possible for me to keep up this website.

Telling the Date – Monesko?
Monesko päivä tänään on? Telling the date is both easy and hard. It’s one of those subjects you need to learn slowly over time.

The Months – Kuukaudet
On this page you can find among other things: missä kuussa, tammikuussa, tammikuuhun asti, kuukausi sitten, kuukauden päästä.

The Days of the Week – Viikonpäivät
Maanantai, viime tiistaina, ensi sunnuntaina, perjantaihin mennessä, etc. Do you know how to use the days of the week in Finnish sentences?

Giving a Speech in Finnish – Phrases
In this article you can find transition phrases used when giving a speech in Finnish. Learn some useful vocabulary for giving a speech!

Adjectives with Fixed Modifiers – Yhdysadjektiivit
Täpötäysi, typötyhjä, rutikuiva and vitivalkoinen are adjectives that have gotten a fixed modifier as a prefix. Learn more about them here!

Animal Comparisons – Terve Kuin Pukki
Animal comparisons are pretty commonly used to express that someone behaves like or has a characteristic of an animal. “Terve kuin pukki” is one example.

Finnish Abbreviations – Lyhenteitä
The abbreviations hlö, vko, puh, esim. and mm. are very common in Finnish everyday life. Learn some useful Finnish abbreviations now!

Words Ending in -Sto/-Stö
Elimistö, kirjasto, maasto, tilasto, toimisto and ilmasto all are words ending in -sto. What do they all have in common? Learn more now!

Literature – Kirjallisuus
Motiivi, julkaisu, käsikirjoitus, loppusointu and kustantamo are words that all belong to the same topic: literature! Learn more Finnish vocabulary!

Visual Arts – Kuvataide
Maalaaminen, piirtäminen, valokuvaaminen and veistäminen are all ways to practice visual art. Learn some Finnish vocabulary about art now!

At the Doctor’s – Lääkärillä
How do you tell a Finnish doctor what’s wrong? How can you understand what the doctor says? You can start with the phrases on this page!

Being Sick and Illnesses – Finnish Vocabulary
Click to learn Finnish vocabulary related to different illnesses, including all kinds of things from RIPULI to MASENNUS!

Pets – Lemmikit – Lemmikkineläin
Pets are awesome, be it a cute little rabbit or a slithering snake. Learn vocabulary related to pets, with a special focus on cat and dogs!

Birds – Lintu – Linnut – Finnish Vocabulary
On this page you can find the names of some common birds. In addition, there is also a list of bird-related words and some Finnish sayings!

Friendship and Love – Ystävyys ja Rakkaus
Friendship and love are some of the most important things in life. Learn some Finnish vocabulary related to relationships and love now!

Words ending in -tar – Kuningatar, Jumalatar
Finnish has the suffix -tar which can make the word it’s attached to female. Words ending in -tar include kuningatar (queen) and papitar (priestess).

Words Ending in -nta/-ntä
There is a fairly large amount if words ending in -nta in Finnish: tarjonta, valvonta, torjunta, paheksunta, sidonta, etc. Learn more now!

Words ending in -nto/-ntö
Istunto, keksintö, lausunto and hallinto all have something in common. There is a fairly large group of words ending in -nto. These nouns are derived from verbs.

Adverbs of Manner: Hitaasti, Helposti, Huonosti
Käveletko hitaasti, nopeasti, rauhallisesti vai kömpelösti? Puhutko hiljaa, kovaa, vihaisesti vai kohteliaasti? Learn more about adverbs of manner!

Talking About the Weather – Ilma Sää Keli
Sataa vettä. Aurinko paistaa. Tuulee. On myrsky. You will be talking about the weather in no time with the Finnish vocabulary on this page!

Telling the Time in Finnish: Mitä kello on?
Mitä kello on? Mihin aikaan tavataan? Moneltako kokous alkaa? This page will give you some useful phrases for telling the time in Finnish!

The Verb Harrastaa – Talking about Your Hobbies
To talk about your hobbies in Finnish, you will need the verb “harrastaa. Learn how to use it and how the fourth infinitive is related to it!

Law and Crime – Laki ja Rikollisuus
If you’re planning on reading newspapers in Finnish, this page will greatly help you! It contains Finnish vocabulary related to the law and crime.

The Future Tense in Finnish – Expressing Intent
Why is there no future tense in Finnish? How do you express intent when you can’t use a tense for it? Learn how Finns talk about future events!

War and Peace – Sota ja Rauha
On this page you can find Finnish vocabulary related to war and peace. It includes lists of army professions, weapons, verbs and much more!

Acting – Näytteleminen – Movies and Plays
Perhaps acting is your job. Or perhaps it’s your hobby. You could be doing the acting or just watching. In any case, time to learn some Finnish vocabulary!

Rooms and Furniture – Huoneet ja Huonekalut
In this article, you can find Finnish vocabulary related to rooms and furniture. These are a great way to expand your vocabulary!

Social Security – Sosiaaliturva – Kela Sanastoa
Finland’s social security office is called Kela aka kansaineläkelaitos. Learn some basic words related to dealing with Kela in this article.

The Perfect Conditional – Konditionaalin Perfekti
“If I would have known, I wouldn’t have come” This sentence contains the perfect conditional. Learn more about how to form it in this article!

Necessity Sentences – Täytyy – Pitää – On Pakko
“Minun täytyy” and “minun on pakko” are part of necessity sentences. Learn how to use them, as well as what happens to the object of the sentence!

Positive Emotions – Positiiviset tunteet
Are you feeling excited, happy, thankful, fortunate or amused? Learn the Finnish names of positive emotions in this article!

Bones and Intestines – Luut ja Sisäelimet
Keuhkot, maksa, mahalaukku, kyynärluu, pääkallo, rystyset, etc. Let’s take a look at the Finnish names of the bones and intestines!

Bodyparts – Kehonosat
Keuhkot, maksa, mahalaukku, kyynärluu, pääkallo, rystyset, etc. Let’s take a look at the Finnish names of the bones and intestines!

Death – Kuolema – Finnish Vocabulary
Death – kuolema in Finnish – is perhaps a slightly macabre topic to learn vocabulary about, but sometimes it can prove to be useful.

Us-Ukse- versus Us-Ude- Word Comparison
The word “rakkaus” is inflected differently than the words “keskus”. Why? Find out now in this guide on Us-Ukse- versus Us-Ude-!

Vowel Harmony Exceptions – Vokaaliharmonia
The vowel harmony rules apply to most Finnish words. However, there are several groups of loanwords with vowel harmony exceptions. Learn more now!

Vowel Harmony – Vokaaliharmonia – Finnish Grammar
The Finnish vowels form two opposite groups: A, O and U versus Ä, Ö and Y. Learn how this affects inflection, conjugation and derivation!

Body Care Products – Ihonhoitotuotteet
Here is a list of the Finnish names of body care products! Lip liner, blusher, bronzer, eye shadow, everything you need for your beauty routine!

Fishing – Kalastus – Harrastus – Hobby
If you like fishing – kalastus – as a hobby, you can find the most basic Finnish words for fishing equipment in this list. Happy studing!

Hunting – Metsästys – Hobby – Harrastus
This article contains Finnish vocabulary related to hunting. It has essential verbs, names of the equipment used and general hunting related words.

Sports – Urheilu – Hobbies
In this article, you will find a fairly long list with the names of the sports in Finnish, as well as how you would say that you practice that sport.

Sauna – Kiuas, lauteet, ja höyry – Finnish Vocabulary
This article has Finnish vocabulary related to the sauna! Learn some nouns and verbs related to the oh-so-important hobby of sauna’ing!

At the Store – Kaupassa
This article contains useful words related to shopping at the store. These are all fairly basic words, so a great place to start learning Finnish vocabulary

At the Library – Kirjastossa
When you’re in Finland at the library and you’d like to be able to talk about books and other library related things, you can use this list!

The Third Infinitive – Kolmas Infinitiivi
“Menen nukkumaan” is an example of a phrase with the third infinitive. It’s very commonly used in Finnish. Learn more about this form here!

Third Infinitive Rections – Kolmas infinitiivi
Menen nukkumaan, olen syömässä, kiellän tulemasta. Those are some examples of third infinitive verb rections. Learn more on this page!

Verb-Based Words Ending in Us-Ukse-
One large group of Finnish words ending in an -s are the verb-based words ending in us-ukse. This includes for example words like “tarjous” (from tarjota).

Words Ending in -is – Kallis Kaunis Futis Roskis
The Finnish language has several types of words that end in -is, which have their own way of being inflected into the cases. Find out more here!

Words ending in -uus/-yys (UUs-UUde-)
There is a large group of words ending in -uus/-yys that get -uude/-yyde- when you conjugate them. Let’s look at them and expand our vocabulary!

The Potential – Potentiaali – Saanen muistuttaa…
The potential mood expresses that something is probable, but not certain. It’s an extremely rarely used Finnish verbal mood.

Religion – Uskonto – Finnish Vocabulary
Learn some Finnish vocabulary related to religion! While religion isn’t something Finns talk about very openly, it’s still an interesting topic.

Family members – Perhe ja sukulaiset
This post contains both “äiti” and “isä” and more complicated family members like “holhooja” and “orpo”. Something for students of all levels!

Survival Finnish – Basic Phrases
Let’s learn some basic Finnish questions like “Where is the bathroom?”, some exclamations like “Help!” and much more in this survival Finnish word list.

The Passive Present Participle – TAVA-Participle
Tehtävä, luettava, sanottava, muistettava and tarvittava are all examples of the present passive participle. Learn more about it in this article!

Present Passive Participle Sentence Constructions
“On tehtävissä”, “on tehtävänä” and “vien tehtäväksi” are very interesting present passive participle sentence constructions. Learn more now!

Music – Musiikki – Millaisesta musiikista pidät?
Tykkäätkö musiikista? Music – musiikki – is a universal language, so why not study some Finnish music related vocabulary to help you talk about it!

Musical Instruments – Soittimet – Soitatko kitaraa?
Soitatko pianoa? Osaatko soittaa kitaraa? Learn more about the Finnish names of various musical instruments and their parts!

Intelligence – Älykkyys – Kuinka fiksu olet?
What is intelligence really? Is it just your brain? This article does not offer an answer to that question, but it does teach you some Finnish vocabulary!

School – Koulu – Finnish Vocabulary
School – Koulu in Finnish – has some pretty basic and easy to learn vocabulary related to it. In addition to that there is university vocab too!

Ordinal Numbers in the Cases – Järjestysnumerot
Ensimmäinen, toinen, kolmas… Ensimmäisestä, toiseen, kolammeksi… Learn how to inflect the ordinal numbers in the cases!

The Numbers in Finnish – Numerot
This page will get you started with your Finnish studies: start by learning the numbers in Finnish! This page also includes ordinal numbers.

The Inflection of Numbers – Numeroiden taivutus
Finnish has 15 grammatical cases, and – surprise surprise – even the numbers can be inflected into these cases. Find out more in this article!

Computer – Tietokone – Finnish Vocabulary
We’re all addicted to our computers and the internet these days. It makes perfect sense to start studying some computer related words in Finnish!

Beverages – Drinks – Juomat – Finnish Vocabulary
Here’s a page full of Finnish words for beverages! Learn how to say what you want to drink now, so you can use it once you order a drink!

Meat – Liha ja Liharuokia – Finnish Vocabulary
There are vegans, vegetarians, and then there are meat lovers! Here is some vocabulary meat eaters can definitely use while grocery shopping.

Herbs and Spices – Yrtit ja Mausteet
Talking about cooking in Finnish is fun! Here are some herbs and spices that you could use in your conversations, as well as in the store.

Berries – Marjat – Finnish Vocabulary
Learn some vocabulary about berries! Finland has awesome berries (marjat) that you can just pick in nature thanks to the jokamiehenoikeudet.

Fruit – Hedelmät – Finnish Vocabulary
Another topic that’s excellent for beginners: learning the names of fruit aka hedelmät! And remember: omena päivässä pitää lääkärin loitolla!

Vegetables – Vihannekset tai Kasvikset
Learn some Finnish food vocabulary: this time about vegetables! In Finnish there are two words for vegetables: kasvikset and vihannekset.

Geography – Maantiede – Finnish Vocabulary
Are you interested in geography? You can expand your Finnish vocabulary with the help of this page! It contains a wide arrange of geography related words!

Tools – Työkalut – Finnish Vocabulary
There are a lot of tools – työkalut in Finnish – which you might need when talking Finnish. This page is mainly focused on construction sight and manual labor job tools.

Politics & Government – Politiikka ja Hallitus
Politics! It’s something we should all be interested in. Here’s your chance to learn some words related to the government and styles of governing.

The Relative Pronoun Joka – Joka-pronomini
The relative pronoun joka allows you to make more complicated sentences by adding subordinate clauses that give extra information about the main clause.

Demonstrative Pronouns – Tämä, Tuo, Se, Nämä, Nuo, Ne
Tämä, tuo, se and nämä, nuo, ne are all demonstrative pronouns. Learn how to use them and how they inflect in this article!

Pronouns – Pronominit – Finnish Grammar
Pronouns – pronominit as they are called in Finnish – are those tiny words that refer to things and express relations between them

Clothes – Vaatteet – Finnish Vocabulary
Clothes – vaatteet in Finnish – are a great way to start practicing possession and colors! Get ready to talk about what clothes you are wearing!

Breakfast – Aamiainen – Finnish Vocabulary
Breakfast – aamiainen – is the most important meal of the day, they say. Here are some great foods to start your day with!

Cooking Recipe Phrases – Keittiön Ruokaohje
These cooking recipe phrases all use the imperative in order to tell you what to do in the kitchen. Learn about Finnish recipes today!

Dishes and Kitchen Appliances – Keittiössä
Here you can find an extensive list of Finnish names for Dishes and Kitchen Appliances. Learn some kitchen vocabulary to communicate “keittiössä”!

The Active Past Participle – NUT-Partisiippi
You can make verbs into the -nut form, which is called the active past participle. This form is the used for several different functions. Find out more!

Että-Participle – Referatiivirakenne
There are so many things you can do with particles! Learn how to use participles to replace an että-sentence in this article!

The Active Present Participle – VA-Partisiippi
The first of this series is the active present participle, also called the VA-participle. It’s used to replace joka-sentences as well as että-sentences.

Long form of the First Infinitive – Finaalirakenne
The finaalirakenne uses the long form of the first infinitive. Learn when to use it as well as certain phrases it appears in!

Infinitive Verb Rections – Rektiot Infinitiivi
Some verbs with (first) infinitive verb rections are haluta, osata, voida and saada. Learn more about this fairly easy group of verb rections!

Character & Personality – Luonne & Persoonallisuus
If you want to describe yourself or the people in your life in Finnish, here’s a page with lost of vocabulary to talk about character & personality!

Describing How People Look – Finnish Vocabulary
There’s a variety of ways to express features when you are discribing how people look. In this article, we go through some of the different ways to do so!

Professions – Ammatit – Finnish Vocabulary
What’s your profession? What work would you like to do in Finnish? Take a look at this list of professions and professionals!

Words Ending in -ton/-tön – Finnish Vocabulary
Words ending in -ton/-tön express a lack of something. Most of the time, these words have a noun as their base, to which the -ton ending is added.

How Do You Say “to Cook” in Finnish
Are you wondering what I’m wondering? How do you say “to cook” in Finnish? Why hasn’t anybody taught me this verb yet? Find out now!

Cooking Verbs – Kokkaaminen – Ruoanlaitto
If you want to learn how to talk about making food in Finnish, you will need a whole bunch of cooking verbs. Here’s a good list to start with!

The Difference Between Tai and Vai
Many learners for Finnish have wondered when to use tai and when vai. Learn the difference between tai and vai in this article!

Random Words #1: Heinä
Random Words is a series that teaches you words through association. Our first word is “heinä”. There is some cool history connected to it!

Space and Planets – Avaruus ja Planeetat
Wouldn’t it be cool to be able to talk about space and planets in Finnish? Here are some words related to space to get you started!

Partitive Verbs – Partitiiviverbit – Finnish Grammar
Here’s a list of some basic partitive verbs. Partitive verbs require the noun they’re attached to to appear in the partitive case.

Words that Express Quantity for the Partitive
The partitive is used with words that express how much of something there is. Here’s a list of words that express quantity!

Finnish Prepositions – Finnish Grammar
Postpositions are definitely more common in Finnish, but there are some Finnish prepositions as well. In addition, some words can be both!

The Colors – Värit – Finnish Vocabulary
Colors are an easy way to start collecting vocabulary, but in addition to the really basic colors, even advanced learners can find something new!

Finnish Sayings with Basic Adjectives
If you’ve learned your old-new, young-old, rich-poor word pairs in Finnish, you can now use those words in these finnish sayings with basic adjectives

Finnish Question Words – Interrogative Pronouns
Missä? Miten? Milloin? Kenen kanssa? Miksi? Learn how to use the finnish question words to enquire about a variety of things!

The Difference Between Mikä and Mitä
Mikä sinun nimi on? Mitä haluat tehdä? Mitä ruoassa on? Mikä tämä on? Learn when to use mitä and when to use mitä in questions!

Question Word: Kuka? Who? – Interrogative Pronoun
A thing as simple as asking “who” is a whole hassle in Finnish. Learn more now about the complicated uses of the question word kuka!

The Inflection of Postpositions – Finnish Grammar
If you understand the basics of postpositions, this is the right place for you Learn about the inflection of postpositions in the mistä and mihin form!

Travel and Transportation – Matkustaminen ja Liikennemuodot
This article is all about travel and transportation. It focuses on the actual traveling from place A to place B and not so much on the experience abroad.

Vacationing – Matkustaminen – Loma
Here are some Finnish words you might need while vacationing, including the types of vacations people take and activities to do there. Learn new words now!

Things to Take with you to a Deserted Island
Here’s the Finnish name of some things to take with you to a deserted island. Can you pick which five items you would absolutely take with you?

Finnish Postpositions – Edessä Takana Vieressä
Finnish has a lot of postpositions. Especially the concrete ones that are related to where something is situated are important, but there are many more!

The Longest Finnish Word You Will Need
In this article, we will be looking at the longest Finnish words you will need. None of those nightmare words; only USEFUL words!

Finnish Words Related to Money – Raha
Learn some Finnish words related to money, so you can confidently talk about finances and taxes, if you feel inclined to do so!

Age and Aging – How old are you? – Finnish Vocabulary
Life has many stages, from a tiny baby to an experienced senior citizen. Learn some new Finnish words about age and aging on this page!

Perceptional Verbs – Aistiverbit – Finnish Vocabulary
Perceptional verbs come by many names: sense verbs, aistiverbit, aistimusverbit, vaikutelmaverbit, etc. They have a special rection to them!

The Imperfect Tense – Past Tense – Imperfekti
The past tense – or the imperfect tense – is used for when something is completely over with. Find out how it is conjugated in Finnish right now!

Insects – Animals – Eläimet – Finnish Vocabulary
Here’s another article with animal related vocabulary. This one is all about insects (hyönteiset)! Learn the names as well as some related words!

Reptiles – Animals – Eläimet – Finnish Vocabulary
In addition to a list of the names of the most common reptiles, there is also some vocabulary related to reptiles in general.

Mammals – Animals – Eläimet – Finnish Vocabulary
Learn some more animal words by tackling this word list of common mammals! There are also some sayings about animals in this article!

Animal Body Parts – Finnish Vocabulary
Learn about animal body parts in this article! We’ve included the words that are specific to animals, so you won’t find “eye” or “korva” in this article.

Verbtype 6 Consonant Gradation
Verbtype 6 consonant gradation is very much like for verbtype 3 and 4. This means the basic form of the verb will be weak and the conjugations strong.

Fish and Sea Creatures – Finnish Vocabulary
Plenty of fish in the sea to learn the names of in Finnish! Click through to find a nice list of common fish and sea creatures!

Earth, Water and Sky – Finnish Nature Vocabulary
From nature we come and to nature we return (at least each summer during the kesämökki-season). Learn some earth, water and sky vocabulary!

Gardening – Puutarhanhoito – Finnish Vocabulary
Learn some new words related to all the kinds of gardening you could be doing! It would certainly be nice to be able to talk about this in Finnish!

Chemical Elements – Alkuaineet
Are you into chemistry? Are you also trying to learn Finnish? Here you can see the translations of all the chemical elements on one page!

Chemistry – Kemia – Finnish Vocabulary
If you’re hoping to learn some new Finnish words in the field of chemistry, this is a good starting point! Learn some basic words today!

Physics – Fysiikka – Finnish Vocabulary
Here’s your chance to learn some Finnish words related to the field of science! We don’t cover it all, but you get a select group of words to start with!

Flowers – Kukka – Finnish Vocabulary
Do you love flowers? Do you want to know their names in Finnish? This is the right place for that! There is also a section for flower-related words!

The Press – Finnish Vocabulary
Time to learn some vocabulary related to the press, newspapers, journalists and the fine art of creating news! Click through to learn more Finnish words!

The Senses – Aistit – Finnish Vocabulary
Learn some useful vocabulary related to the five senses: kuuloaisti, näköaisti, hajuaisti, tuntoaisti and makuaisti. Let’s feel something!

Minulla on – Possession (Having Something) – Finnish
In this article we talk about possession (having something). In Finnish you need the minulla on -sentence construction for that. Learn more now!

Traffic – Finnish Vocabulary
This article compiles Finnish verbs and nouns that are related to traffic. Learn them, so you can be safer in traffic and talk to people about it!

Means of Transportation – Finnish Vocabulary
Car, bus, train etc are means of transportation. This article lists a plentitude of means of transportation and also discusses how to use them in sentences.

Mathematics – Finnish Vocabulary
If you like mathematics AND learning Finnish, you can combine the two and learn a whole bunch of Finnish words related to mathematics here!

Communication – Finnish Vocabulary
In this article, you will find both verbs and nouns that describe ways of talking to people and other forms of communication.

Finnish Loanwords – Lainasanoja
There are quite a few Indo-European loanwords in the Finnish language. These Finnish loanwords are easy to learn, but be careful with the pronounciation!

The Compass – Etelä Pohjoinen Itä Länsi
Learn some vocabulary related to the Cardinal Directions, aka the directions on the compass! South-West, the Wild West, Western movies, all of it!

Verbtype 3 Consonant Gradation
Ommella becomes ompelen, ajatella becomes ajattelen and tapella become tappelen. Learn more about verbtype 3 consonant gradation!

Verbtype 4 Consonant Gradation
Verbtype 4 consonant gradation is interesting but a little bit frustrating. Which verbs undergo consonant gradation and which ones don’t? Learn more now!

Verbtype 1 Consonant Gradation
Verbtype 1 consonant gradation is very important to any learner of Finnish. Find out what it is, when to use it and lots of examples in this article!

The Finnish Verbtypes
Learn more about the Finnish verbtypes! In this article you can see all the verbtypes and get information on how to conjugate them.

Why won’t he correct me?!
In this article I go over some of the reasons why Finns don’t correct mistakes learners make, and offer some solutions for circumventing this problem.