Finnish for busy people

Bodyparts – Kehonosat

This page contains the Finnish words for the most common bodyparts.

1. The head and face

Finnish English
kasvot, naama face
pää head
huuli, huulet lip, lips
hammas tooth, teeth
suu mouth
kieli tongue
nenä nose
sierain, sieraimet nostril, nostrils
poski, posket cheek, cheeks
poskipää, poskipäät cheekbone, cheekbone
otsa forehead
silmä, silmät eye, eyes
silmäripsi, ripset eyelash, lashes
hiukset, tukka hair
ohimo, ohimot temple, temples
korva, korvat ear, ears
kulmakarvat eyebrows
leuka chin
kaula neck
niska back of the neck
takaraivo back of head

2. The torso

Finnish English
vatsa stomach
maha belly
vyötärö waist
napa navel, belly button
rintakehä, rinta chest
rinta, rinnat breast, breasts
tissit (informal) boobs
selkä back
alaselkä lower back
yläselkä upper back
selkäranka spine
kylki, kyljet side, sides
lonkka, lonkat hip, hips
peppu, takapuoli butt
kainalo, kainalot armpit, armpits

3. Appendages

Finnish English
käsi, kädet hand, or arm
käsivarsi, käsivarret arm, arms
kämmen, kämmenet palm of hand(s)
kädenselkä, kädenselät back of hand(s)
nyrkki, nyrkit fist, fists
sormi, sormet finger, fingers
etusormi, etusormet index finger, index fingers
peukalo, peukalot thumb, thumbs
keskisormi, keskisormet middle finger, middle fingers
nimetön, nimettömät ring finger, ring fingers
pikkurilli, pikkurillit little finger, little fingers
kynsi, kynnet nail, nails
ranne, ranteet wrist, wrists
kyynärpää, kyynärpäät elbow, elbows
kyynärvarsi, käsivarret forearm, forearms
olkapää, olkapäät shoulder, shoulders
olkavarsi, olkavarret upper arm, upper arms
jalka, jalat leg, or foot
jalkaterä, jalkaterät foot, feet
jalkapohja, jalkapohjat sole of foot, soles of feet
kantapää, kantapäät heel, heels
polvi, polvet knee, knees
nilkka, nilkat ankle, ankles
pohje, pohkeet calf, calves
sääri, sääret shin, shins
reisi, reidet thigh, thighs
lantio pelvis
varvas, varpaat toe, toes

The Plural Forms of Bodyparts

Some of these words are the kind which you usually have two of (e.g. eyes, ears, legs). Below you can find the singular and plural forms of those bodyparts. The first column contains words ending in -i, which undergo certain changes when you inflect them into the T-plural.

The second column contains words that belong to wordtype A, which means their basic form will be strong and their inflected form weak in the T-plural. In contrast, the words in the third column belong to wordtype B, which means their T-plural is strong while their basic form is weak.

Singular Plural
huuli huulet
kylki kyljet
kynsi kynnet
kyynärvarsi kyynärvarret
käsi det
olkavarsi olkavarret
polvi polvet
reisi reidet
ripsi ripset
sormi sormet
sääri sääret
Singular Plural
jalka jalat
korva korvat
kämmen kämmenet
lonkka lonkat
nilkka nilkat
rinta rinnat
silmä silmät
Singular Plural
hammas hampaat
ien ikenet
pohje pohkeet
ranne ranteet
sierain sieraimet
varvas varpaat

Sayings with Bodyparts

  • “Häneltä meni sormi suuhun.”
    Literally: His finger went into his mouth.
    Meaning: He didn’t know what to do.
  • “Nyt pitää ottaa järki käteen.”
    Literally: Now we have to take the wits in the hand.
    Meaning: Now we have to be smart.
  • “Hän otti kynän kauniiseen käteen.”
    Literally: She took the pen in a beautiful hand.
    Meaning: She understood the situation and fixed her mistake.
  • “Häntä pestiin kiireestä kantapäähän.”
    Literally: She was washed from the top of the head to the heel.
    Meaning: She was washed from top to toe.
  • “Tiina juoksi kieli vyön alla.”
    Literally: Tiina ran with the tongue underneath the belt.
    Meaning: Tiina was/ran in a great hurry.

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Hän otti kynän* kauniiseen käteen. One correction there

Inge (admin)

Nice catch! Thank you!