Being Sick and Illnesses – Finnish Vocabulary
April 13, 2019
September 2, 2024
So you’re sick, are you? Or do you just want to learn some Finnish vocabulary about illnesses to be able to have a conversation about them? Below, you can find a list of some very common diseases. You can learn more illness related vocabulary on our page about doctor visits.
Finnish | English |
Minulla on/oli | I have/had |
ahdistushäiriö | anxiety disorder |
aivohalvaus | a stroke |
aivotärähdys | a concussion |
ajos, paise | an abcess |
allergia | allergy |
anemia | anemia |
auringonpistos | sunstroke |
astma | asthma |
bronkiitti | bronchitis |
emätintulehdus | vaginal infection |
epilepsia | epilepsy |
eturauhassyöpä | prostate cancer |
flunssa | flu, influenza |
heinänuha | hay-fever |
hengitysvaikeuksia | difficulty breathing |
ihotauti | skin disease |
ihottuma | a rash |
inkontinenssi | incontinence |
keskenmeno | miscarriage |
keuhkokuume | pneumonia |
kitarisantulehdus | tonsillitis |
korvatulehdus | ear infection |
lavantauti | typhoid |
leukemia | leukemia |
malaria | malaria |
masennus | depression |
merisairaus | sea-sickness |
migreeni | migraine |
munuaiskivi | kidney stone |
nivelreuma | arthritis |
noidannuoli | lumbago |
Finnish | English |
Minulla on/oli | I have/had |
närästys | heartburn |
pahoinvointi | nausea |
paleltuma | frostbite |
paniikkikohtaus | panic attack |
polio | polio |
rintasyöpä | breast cancer |
sairaus | illness |
tartunta | infection |
tuberkuloosi | tuberculosis |
raskausmyrkytys | pre-eclampsia |
reumatismi | rheumatism |
ripuli | diarrhea |
ruokamyrkytys | food poisoning |
sappikivi | gall stone |
selkäsärky, selkäkipu | back ache |
sikotauti | mumps |
sokeritauti, diabetes | diabetes |
sokki | shock |
sukupuolitauti | venereal disease |
sydänkohtaus | heart attack |
sydänvika | heart problem |
syöpä | cancer |
trauma | trauma |
traumaperäinen stressihäiriö | PTSD |
tuhkarokko | scarlet fever |
ummetus | constipation |
umpisuolentulehdus | appendicitis |
unettomuus | insomnia |
vatsahaava | stomach ulcer |
vesirokko | chicken pox |
Some basic sentences
Finnish | English |
Olen sairas. | I’m sick. |
Minulla on huono olo. | I don’t feel well. |
En voi hyvin. | I’m not doing well. |
En tiedä, mikä minua vaivaa. | I don’t know what’s wrong with me. |
Tarvitsen lääkärin. | I need a doctor. |
Tarvitsen lääkettä. | I need medication. |
Haluan varata ajan lääkärille. | I want to make an appointment with a doctor. |
Voisitko soittaa ambulanssin? | Could you call an ambulance? |
Tarvitsen lääkärintodistuksen. | I need a doctor’s note. |
En voi tulla kouluun tänään. | I can’t come to school today. |
En voi tulla töihin tänään. | I can’t come to work today. |
That’s it for illnesses. You can study useful vocabulary sentences for visiting the doctor as well by clicking the link!
Hei, two questions:
– Wiktionary names “emätintulehdus” for vaginitis – “emäntientulehdus” struck me as a little odd, is it an alternative form, a (weird!) kind of euphemism, or simply an error? Most if not all google-results for “emäntientulehdus” seem to lead to or stem from this page. Also, can “tulehdus” mean both infection and inflammation in this case?
– The common cold is not in this list – is “olen vilustunut” used in everyday speech at all? I mostly hear people saying they have “flunssa” when talking about either the flu (real influenza) or also about the commom cold. Which is more common/natural, would you say? Are there different levels of formality?
Thanks, and all the best!