Finnish for busy people

Bones and Intestines – Luut ja Sisäelimet

After you’ve learned the words on the general page about bodyparts, you can move on to the Finnish names of the bones and intestines on this page!

Finnish English
Luut Bones
häntäluu tail bone
kylkiluu rib
kyynärluu ulna
lantioluu pelvic bone
lapaluu shoulder blade
nenäluu nasal bone
nikamat vertebrae
olkaluu humerus
poskiluu cheekbone
pääkallo skull
rintalasta sternum
rystyset knuckles
selkäranka spine
solisluu clavicle
Finnish English
Sisäelimet Intestines
haima pancreas
keuhkot lungs
kohtu womb
laskimo vein
maksa liver
mahalaukku stomach
munasarja ovaries
munuaiset kidneys
paksusuoli colon
perna spleen
peräsuoli rectum
ohutsuoli small intestine
sappirakko gall bladder
suoli bowel, gut
sydän heart
umpisuoli appendix
valtimo artery
verisuoni blood vessel
virtsarakko bladder
aivot brain

Sayings with bones and intestines

  • “Mun äijän käytös ottaa aivoon.”
    Literally: My guy’s behavior takes to the brain.
    Meaning: My guy’s behavior annoys me.
  • “Hänellä ei ollut selkärankaa kieltäytyä lahjuksista.”
    Literally: He didn’t have the spine to turn down the bribes.
    Meaning: He wasn’t strong enough not to accept the bribes.
  • “Hänellä on kirjailijan verta suonissaan.”
    Literally: He has the blood of a writer in his veins.”
    Meaning: He’s a born writer, is talented, has an affinity for writing.
  • “Se ei mahdu kallooni.”
    Literally: It doesn’t fit in my skull.
    Meaning: I don’t understand, don’t believe it.
  • “Hän huusi täysin keuhkoin.”
    Literally: He screamed with full lungs.
    Meaning: He screamed as loud as he could.
  • “Hänellä on sydän paikallaan.”
    Literally: She has the heart on its place.
    Meaning: She’s good-hearted, she tries to do well.
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