Are you going to the hairdresser’s (kampaaja) in Finland? Or are you considering a career in a hairdressing salon (parturi-kampaamo)?
Learn some key vocabulary related to the kampaaja profession below. You can find basic words, hairdressing verbs, adjectives and the names of many of the tools required. In addition, near the bottom of the page, you can find a phrase list for the communication between kampaaja (the hairdresser) and asiakas (the client).
Perussanoja – Basic Words
Finnish |
English |
parturi |
barber |
kampaaja |
hairdresser |
kampaamo |
hairdressing salon (for women) |
parturi-kampaamo |
hairdressing salon (men & women) |
hair, hiukset |
hair, hairs |
tukka |
(head of) hair |
kampaus |
hairstyle, haircut |
hiusnippu |
bunch of hair |
irtohius |
loose hair |
hiussuortuva |
tress, long lock of hair |
hiuksen tyvi |
base of the hair |
hiusten latvat |
hair ends |
Kampaaja: Verbejä – Verbs
Finnish |
English |
föönata |
to blow-dry |
harjata hiukset |
to brush the hair |
huuhdella |
to rinse |
jakaa hiukset |
to divide the hair |
jakaa hiukset kolmeen osioon |
to split up the hair in three parts |
jättää riippumaan |
to let hang loose |
kammata hiukset/tukka |
to comb hair |
kerrostaa |
to arrange in layers |
kiepsauttaa nutturaksi |
to spin into a bun |
kiertää lettu nutturaksi |
to tie a braid into a bun |
kihartaa |
to curl |
kiinnittää hiuslenkillä |
to fasten with a hairtie |
kiinnittää pinneillä |
to fasten with hair pins |
kiristää |
to tighten |
kuivata |
to dry |
laittaa tukkansa |
to fix one’s hair |
letittää |
to braid |
loiventaa luonnonkiharat |
to smoothe natural curls |
ohentaa |
to thin |
palmikoida |
to braid hair |
pitää irtohiukset kurissa |
to tame loose hairs |
pujottaa läpi |
to thread through |
raidoittaa |
to add highlights |
repiä hiuksia |
to tear hair |
selvittää hiukset |
to comb through the hair |
siistiä pikaisesti |
to trim, spruce up quickly |
sitoa hiuslenkillä |
to tie with a hairtie |
solmia yhteen |
to tie together |
suihkauttaa |
to spray |
suoristaa |
to straighten |
tasoittaa |
to even out |
tehdä poninhäntä |
to make a ponytail |
tehdä jakaus |
to part the hair |
tehdä sivujakaus |
to make a side parting |
trimmata hiukset |
to trim hair |
tupeerata |
to backcomb |
vaalentaa |
to bleach |
viimeistellä |
to finish up |
vuolla |
to thin out |
värjätä |
to dye |
Kampaustyylejä – Hairdos
Finnish |
English |
poninhäntä |
ponytail |
ponnari |
ponytail (spoken) |
sivuponnari |
ponytail to the side |
letti, palmikko |
plait, braid |
perinteinen letti |
simple braid |
ranskalainen letti |
French plait |
hollantilainen letti |
Dutch braid |
kalaruotoletti |
fishtail braid |
köysiletti |
rope twisted braid |
saparot |
pigtails |
nuttura |
bun |
otsatukka, “otsis” |
bangs |
raidat |
highlights |
juhlakampaus |
festive hairstyle |
hääkampaus |
wedding hairstyle |
rastat |
dreadlocks |
Kampaaja: Tarvikkeita – Equipment
Below, you can find a multitude of tools that a hairdresser will use: brushes and combs, clips and pins, decorations, and electronics.
Finnish |
English |
Tarvikkeita |
Equipment |
harja |
brush |
hiusharja |
hair brush |
lapioharja |
paddle brush |
pyöröharja |
round brush |
luonnonharjasharja |
boar brisle brush |
kampa |
comb |
piikkikampa |
rat tail comb |
selvityskampa |
wide tooth comb |
klipsi |
hair clip |
letitysklipsi |
braiding clip |
ositusklipsi |
sectioning clip |
hiuspinni, hiusneula |
hairpin |
nutturapinni |
bun hairpin |
hiuslenkki |
hairtie, hairband (ponytail) |
kumilenkki |
hair elastic |
hiuspanta |
headband |
hiuskoriste |
hair decoration |
hiuskoru |
hair jewelry |
hiussolki |
bobby pin |
paljetti |
sequin |
hiusvalkki, nutturavalkki |
bun shaper, shaper |
hiusdonitsi |
donut bun |
hiusverkko |
hair net |
hiusnauha |
hair ribbon |
niskaliina |
neck protection cloth |
värikappa |
waterproof apron cape |
peili |
mirror |
hoitoaine |
conditioner |
kuivasampoo |
dry shampoo |
hilsesampoo |
dandruff shampoo |
muotovaahto |
mousse |
hiuslakka |
hairspray |
hiuskiinne |
hairspray |
kampausneste |
setting lotion |
kiiltosuihke |
shine spray |
vaha |
wax |
lämpörullat |
hot rollers |
(hius)kiharrin |
(hair) curler |
hiustenkuivaaja, fööni |
hair drier |
ilmakiharrin |
air curler |
muotoilurauta |
styler |
lämpökiharrin |
curling iron |
suoristusrauta |
straightener |
Kampaajan Palvelut – Hairdresser Services
A hairdresser’s job consists of many parts, with the cutting of hair only being the top of the ice berg. Find the names of the different phases below!
Finnish |
English |
hiustenleikkaus |
hair cut |
pesu |
washing |
hiushoito |
hair care |
hiusmuotoilu |
hair styling |
värjäys |
dyeing |
kestävärjäys |
permanent dyeing |
letitys |
braiding |
keskijakaus |
center parting |
sivujakaus |
side parting |
suora jakaus |
straight parting |
föönaus |
blow-dry |
permanentti |
perm |
vaalennus |
bleaching |
raidoitus |
highlighting |
suoristus |
straightening |
tupeeraus |
backcombing |
kerrostus |
layering |
Adjektiiveja – Adjectives
Finnish |
English |
tumma |
dark |
vaalea |
light |
öljynen, rasvoittuva |
oily, greasy |
kuiva |
dry |
kiiltävä |
shiny |
tuuhea |
bushy, thick |
pitkähkö |
fairly long |
pitkä |
long |
lyhyt |
short |
lyhyehkö |
fairly short |
puolipitkä |
half-long |
sileä |
smooth, even |
kihara |
curly |
suora |
straight |
sievä |
cute |
ohuehko |
fairly thin |
paksu |
thick |
ohut |
thin |
löysä |
loose, slack |
napakka |
smart, tight |
kireä |
too tight |
(liian) tiukka |
(too) tight |
Parturi – Barber
The word list below is very limited, but might be expanded on later.
Finnish |
English |
parta |
beard |
sänki |
stubble |
viikset |
moustache |
pulisongit |
sideburns |
parranajo |
a shave |
partakone |
shaver, razor |
partaterä |
razor blade |
partavaahto |
shaving foam |
partavesi |
aftershave |
ajaa parta |
to shave |
muotoilla parta |
to shape the beard |
siistiä parta |
to trim the beard |
siistiä viikset |
to trim the moustache |
leikata niska tasaiseksi |
to even out the hair in the back |
leikata niska porrastetusti |
to cut the neck in layers |
ykköstasolla (ajeltu 3mm pituiseksi) |
grade one (3mm long) |
kakkostasolla (ajeltu 6mm pituiseksi) |
grade two (6mm long) |
kolmostasolla (ajeltu 9mm pituiseksi) |
grade three (9mm long) |
nelostasolla (ajeltu 12mm pituiseksi) |
grade four (12mm long) |
Phrases – Kampaaja ja Asiakas
I have decided to list these phrases more or less in the order in which they could be happening, so almost like a dialogue. This means that the sentences the client would say and those of the hairdresser are mixed below. I have marked both: A for asiakas (the client) and K for kampaaja (the hairdresser).
Finnish |
English |
A |
Voitteko ottaa minut vastaan nyt? |
Are you able to see me now? |
A |
Pitääkö minun varata aika? |
Do I have to reserve a time? |
K |
Tänään löytyy kello 14.00 peruutusaika. |
We have a cancellation today at 2 PM. |
A |
Haluaisin varate ajan hiustenleikkuuseen. |
I’d like to reserve a time for a haircut. |
K |
Haluatteko myös pesun? |
Would you like me to wash it too? |
K |
Mitä hiuksellesi tehtäisiin tänään? |
What would you like done to your hair today? |
K |
Millaisen tukan haluaisit? |
What kind of a haircut would you like? |
K |
Onko toivomuksia? |
What would you like? |
K |
Miten haluatte, että leikkaan tukkasi? |
How would you like me to cut your hair? |
A |
Päätä sinä. |
I’ll leave it up to you. |
A |
Haluaisin uuden tyylin. |
I would like a new hairstyle. |
A |
Haluaisin pitää pitkän tukan. |
I would like to keep my long hair. |
A |
Latvoista voisi leikata vähän. |
The ends could be cut a little. |
A |
Otsatukasta voisi vähän leikata. |
You could cut my bangs a little. |
A |
Älä leikkaa liian lyhyeksi. |
Don’t cut it too short. |
A |
Haluaisin vain, että se siistitään. |
I just want a trim, please. |
K |
Kuinka lyhyeksi haluatte sen? |
How short would you like it? |
A |
Ei liian lyhyeksi. |
Not too short. |
A |
Melko lyhyeksi. |
Pretty short. |
A |
Todella lyhyeksi. |
Very short. |
K |
Saanko leikata myös päältä vähän? |
Can I cut a bit from the top? |
A |
Haluaisin, että tukkani näyttää tuuheammalta. |
I would like my hair to look more full. |
K |
Voisin leikata tukkasi kerroksittain. |
I could cut your hair in layers. |
A |
Haluaisin vaaleita raitoja. |
I would like highlights. |
K |
Katsellaanko hiustupsuja? |
Shall we look at some hair samples? |
K |
Kuinka paljon saan leikata? |
How much can I cut off? |
K |
Menen seuraavaksi sekoittelemaan värejä. |
I’m going to go mix some colors now. |
K |
Ota vaikka jotain lukemista lehtikasasta. |
Take something to read from the magazine pile. |
K |
Annetaan värin vaikuttaa jonkin aikaa. |
Let’s leave the color to work for a while. |
K |
Väri on jo hienosti tarttunut. |
The color has already well adhered. |
K |
Edetään seuraavaksi pesupaikalle. |
Let’s continue to the washing basins now. |
K |
Onko sinulla hyvä asento? |
Are you comfortable? |
K |
Onko vesi sopivan lämpöistä? |
Is the water temperature alright? |
K |
Oletko tyytyväinen lopputulokseen? |
Are you happy with the result? |
K |
Miltäs näyttää? |
What do you think? |
A |
Tosi kiva tuli, kiitos. |
Looks great, thanks. |
Are you ready to go to the hairdresser’s now? Good luck! Perhaps afterwards, you would like to go to the bank, the pharmacy, the library or the dentist!
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I’m not sure that this is the best page on your site for this question, but I want to know how to say things like “I shave my head” by which I mean I’m bald because I shave all the hair off of my head every day.
Hei! This is the perfect place to ask 🙂 Here are some options. The first two refer to the act of shaving, the last three just describe the “continuous state” of your head.
Thanks for the question! 🙂