Words ending in -llinen- Finnish Vocabulary
Words ending in LLINEN are usually derived from a noun. In this article, I’ve listed words ending in -llinen based on their meaning.
1. Expressing Qualities – Like a Friend, Friendly
The adjectives in this section have been derived a noun which refers to a person. They describe a quality that is normally associated with the noun: they resemble or contain a quality which the noun has.
Finnish | English | Finnish | English |
kuningas | king | kuninkaallinen | royal, regal, kingly |
sotilas | soldier | sotilaallinen | military, warlike, martial |
jumala | god | jumalallinen | godly, godlike, divine |
ihminen | human | inhimillinen | humane, human |
ruhtinas | prince, lord | ruhtinaallinen | princely, majestic, luxurious |
pakana | heathen, pagan | pakanallinen | heathen, pagan |
tuttava | acquaintance, friend | tuttavallinen | familiar, intimate |
nainen | woman | naisellinen | feminine, womanly |
ylimys | aristocrat | ylimyksellinen | aristocratic |
lapsi | child | lapsellinen | childish, immature |
äiti | mother | äidillinen | maternal, motherly |
sankari | hero | sankarillinen | heroic |
keisari | emperor | keisarillinen | imperial |
ritari | knight | ritarillinen | knightly, chivalrous, gallant |
mestari | master, expert | mestarillinen | masterful |
porvari | bourgeois (noun) | porvarillinen | bourgeois (adjective) |
toveri | companion, comrade | toverillinen | companionable, comradely |
isä | father | isällinen | fatherly, paternal |
ystävä | friend | ystävällinen | friendly |
veli | brother | veljellinen | brotherly |
yksilö | individual | yksilöllinen | individual, individualistic |
naapuri | neighbor | naapurillinen | neighborly |
sisar | sister | sisarellinen | sisterly, sororal |
2. Originating from – Belonging to – Pertaining to
Finnish | English | Finnish | English |
aakkoset | alphabet | aakkosellinen | alphabetical, alphabetic |
aate | ideology | aatteellinen | ideological |
aihe | subject, reason | aiheellinen | justified, justifiable, sound |
aika | time | ajallinen | temporal |
aloite | initiative | aloitteellinen | proactive |
alue | region, area | alueellinen | regional, territorial |
ammatti | occupation, profession | ammatillinen | occupational, professional |
armo | mercy, grace | armollinen | merciful, gracious |
arvoitus | riddle, enigma | arvoituksellinen | mysterious, enigmatic |
asia | matter, affair | asiallinen | matter-of-fact, appropriate |
edistys | progress, improvement | edistyksellinen | progressive, innovative |
ehto | condition, provision | ehdollinen | conditional, provisory |
elin | organ | elimellinen | organic |
elo | life, living | elollinen | living, organic |
eläin | animal | eläimellinen | bestial, beast-like |
elämys | experience, thrill | elämyksellinen | experiential, memorable |
ennätys | record (noun) | ennätyksellinen | unparalleled, record (adjective) |
epäsuosio | unpopularity, disgrace | epäsuosiollinen | unfavorable |
erhe | error, mistake, fallacy | erheellinen | erroneous, faulty, fallacious |
esihistoria | prehistory | esihistoriallinen | prehistoric |
esimerkki | example | esimerkillinen | exemplary, model |
etu | advantage | edullinen | affordable, advantageous |
haaste | challenge, dare | haasteellinen | challenging |
haitta | harm, disadvantage | haitallinen | harmful, detrimental |
hallinto | administration | hallinnollinen | administrative |
harmi | annoyance, bummer | harmillinen | regrettable, vexing |
havainto | observation, perception | havainnollinen | illustrative, demonstrative |
hedelmä | fruit | hedelmällinen | fertile, fruitful |
helvetti | hell | helvetillinen | infernal, hellish |
henki | spirit | hengellinen | spiritual, religious |
herkku | delicacy, treat | herkullinen | delicious, tasty |
hermosto | nervous system | hermostollinen | neural, nervous |
hetki | moment | hetkellinen | momentary |
historia | history | historiallinen | historical, historic |
huoli | care, concern | huolellinen | careful, thorough |
hyve | virtue | hyveellinen | virtuous |
hyöty | use, benefit | hyödyllinen | useful, beneficial |
häpeä | shame, disgrace | häpeällinen | shameful, disgraceful |
ihanne | ideal (noun) | ihanteellinen | ideal (adjective), idealistic |
ihme | miracle, wonder | ihmeellinen | miraculous, wondrous |
ilmasto | climate | ilmastollinen | climatical, climatic |
isänmaa | fatherland, homeland | isänmaallinen | patriotic |
iva | mockery, sarcasm | ivallinen | sarcastic, sardonic, mocking |
jako | division | jaollinen | divisible |
juhla | party, feast | juhlallinen | festive, ceremonious |
järjestelmä | system | järjestelmällinen | systematic, methodical |
järjestö | organization | järjestöllinen | organisational |
järki | sense, reason | järjellinen | rational, reasonable, sensible |
kansa | nation | kansallinen | national |
kapina | rebellion, mutiny | kapinallinen | rebellious, mutinous |
kasvatus | education, upbringing | kasvatuksellinen | educational |
kauppa | shop, trade, commerce | kaupallinen | commercial, mercantile |
kemia | chemistry | kemiallinen | chemical |
kieli | language | kielellinen | linguistic, verbal |
kiire | hurry, rush | kiireellinen | urgent |
kirja | book | kirjallinen | written, literary, in writing |
kirjain | letter | kirjaimellinen | literal |
kirkko | church | kirkollinen | acclesiastical, churchly |
kiusa | nuisance, annoyance | kiusallinen | bothersome, awkward |
koe | experiment, test | kokeellinen | experimental, empirical |
kokemus | experience | kokemuksellinen | experiential |
koriste | ornament, decoration | koristeellinen | ornamental, decorative |
Kristus | Christ | kristillinen | Christrian |
kunnia | honor, glory | kunniallinen | respectable, honorable |
kunta | municipality | kunnallinen | municipal |
kunto | fitness, condition | kunnollinen | decent, proper |
kuvaus | portrayal, depiction | kuvauksellinen | photogenic, picturesque |
käsite | concept, notion | käsitteellinen | conceptual, abstract |
käytäntö | practice, convention | käytännöllinen | practical, functional |
laatu | quality | laadullinen | qualitative |
lainsäädäntö | legislation | lainsäädännöllinen | legislative |
laki | law | laillinen | lawful, legal |
laskenta | calculation, computation | laskennallinen | computational, arithmetical |
leikki | game | leikillinen | playful |
lepo | rest, respite | levollinen | restful, calm |
liha | flesh, meat | lihallinen | fleshly, carnal, corporeal |
liika | excess, surplus | liiallinen | excessive, superfluous |
lohtu | comfort, solace | lohdullinen | comforting |
loppu | end, ending | lopullinen | final, definitive |
luonto | nature | luonnollinen | natural |
lupa | permission, permit | luvallinen | permissible, lawful |
luottamus | trust, reliance | luottamuksellinen | confidential |
lääke | medicine | lääkinnällinen | medicinal |
maa | world, ground | maallinen | worldly, earthly, secular |
maksu | payment | maksullinen | requiring payment |
maltti | patience, composure | maltillinen | moderate, level-headed |
merkitys | meaning, significance | merkityksellinen | meaningful, significant |
merkki | mark, sigh | merkillinen | peculiar, curious |
muoto | form, shape | muodollinen | formal |
murhe | sorrow, grief | murheellinen | tragic, melancholic |
murre | dialect | murteellinen | dialectal |
myrkky | poison | myrkyllinen | poisonous |
määrä | quantity | määrällinen | quantitative |
nautinto | enjoyment, pleasure | nautinnollinen | enjoyable, satisfying |
nimi | name | nimellinen | nominal |
näkemys | view, outlook | näkemyksellinen | visionary |
oikeus | justice, court | oikeudellinen | legal, judicial |
ongelma | problem | ongelmallinen | problematic, tough |
onni | happiness | onnellinen | happy, glad |
opetus | teaching, education | opetuksellinen | educational, pedagogical |
otto | intake, uptake | otollinen | favourable, acceptable |
paikka | place, location | paikallinen | local, native |
pakko | compulsion, coercion | pakollinen | compulsory, obligatory |
palkka | wages, pay, salary | palkallinen | salaried, paid, compensable |
periaate | principle, philosophy | periaatteellinen | principled |
perintö | inheritance, heritage | perinnöllinen | hereditary, inheritable |
persoona | person, character | persoonallinen | unique, distinctive, individual |
peruste | base, ground | perusteellinen | profound, thorough |
petos | fraud, deceit | petoksellinen | fraudulent |
piina | torment, agony | piinallinen | torturous, agonizing |
pilkka | scoff, taut, mock | pilkallinen | mocking, derisive |
pinta | surface | pinnallinen | superficial, shallow |
piru | devil, imp | pirullinen | diabolic, fiendish |
poikkeus | exception, anomaly | poikkeuksellinen | exceptional, different |
pulma | puzzle, dilemma | pulmallinen | tricky, problematic |
puolue | political party | puolueellinen | partial, biased |
puute | lack, shortage | puutteellinen | insufficient, inadequate |
raamattu | the Bible | raamatullinen | biblical, scriptural |
raato | carcass, carrion | raadollinen | predatory, unscrupulous |
raha | money | rahallinen | monetary, fiscal, financial |
raja | border, limit | rajallinen | limited, finite |
rakenne | structure, construction | rakenteellinen | structural, constructive |
rauha | peace | rauhallinen | peaceful, calm |
ravinto | nutrition, food | ravinnollinen | nutritional |
rotu | race, breed | rodullinen | racial |
runo | poem | runollinen | poetic |
ruumis | body | ruumiillinen | physical, corporal |
sana | word | sanallinen | verbal, vocal |
sanasto | vocabulary, lexicon | sanastollinen | lexical |
seremonia | ceremony | seremoniallinen | ceremonial |
seura | society, company | seurallinen | sociable, outgoing |
seutu | region | seudullinen | regional |
seurakunta | parish, congregation | seurakunnallinen | parochial, congregational |
sopimus | contract, agreement | sopimuksellinen | contractual |
sovinto | reconciliation | sovinnollinen | conciliatory |
suhde | ratio, relation | suhteellinen | relative, proportionate |
suosio | popularity, favor | suosiollinen | favorable |
suru | sadness | surullinen | sad |
suu | mouth | suullinen | oral, verbal |
suunnitelma | plan, design | suunnitelmallinen | planned, methodical |
sydän | heart | sydämellinen | heartfelt, cordial |
synti | sin | synnillinen | sinful |
syy | guilt | syyllinen | guilty |
sääntö | rule, regulation | säännöllinen | regular |
taide | art | taiteellinen | artistic |
taivas | heaven, sky | taivaallinen | heavenly, divine, ethereal |
talous | economy | taloudellinen | financial, economic |
tapa | habit, manner, custom | tavallinen | ordinary, usual, everyday |
tarkoitus | purpose, intent | tarkoituksellinen | intentional, deliberate |
tarve | need, necessity | tarpeellinen | necessary, essential |
tavoite | goal, objective | tavoitteellinen | goal-oriented |
terveys | health | terveydellinen | sanitary |
tiede | science | tieteellinen | scientific |
tilasto | statistic, statistics | tilastollinen | statistical |
todiste | evidence, proof | todisteellinen | evidentiary, evidential |
toiminta | action, activity | toiminnallinen | functional, active |
tolkku | sense, reason | tolkullinen | sensible, reasonable |
tosiasia | fact | tosiasiallinen | factual, actual |
tulkinta | interpretation | tulkinnallinen | interpretive, interpretative |
tulos | result, outcome | tuloksellinen | effective, productive, successful |
tunne | feeling, emotional | tunteellinen | emotional, sentimental |
tunnelma | atmosphere | tunnelmallinen | atmospheric, ambient |
tunto | feel, sense | tunnollinen | diligent, conscientious |
tuotanto | production | tuotannollinen | productive |
turva | safety, security | turvallinen | safe, secure |
tuska | pain, agony | tuskallinen | painful, harrowing |
tyyppi | type | tyypillinen | typical |
urheilu | sports, athletics | urheilullinen | sporty, athletic |
urho | hero | urhoollinen | heroic, valiant |
usko | faith, trust, belief | uskollinen | faithful, loyal |
uskonto | religion | uskonnollinen | religious |
vaara | danger | vaarallinen | dangerous |
vahinko | harm, damage | vahingollinen | harmful, injurious, detrimental |
vajaus | deficiency | vajauksellinen | deficient |
valhe | lie | valheellinen | untruthful, false |
valtakunta | nation, empire | valtakunnallinen | nationwide, national |
valtio | state, nation | valtiollinen | state, national |
vastuu | responsibility | vastuullinen | responsible, accountable |
velka | debt, indebtedness | velvollinen | obliged, liable, bound |
vero | tax, taxation | verollinen | taxable, assessable |
vertauskuva | metaphor, allegory | vertauskuvallinen | symbolic, metaphorical |
viha | hatred | vihollinen | enemy |
viihde | entertainment | viihteellinen | entertaining |
vika | defect, flaw | viallinen | faulty, defective |
vilppi | deceit, fraud | vilpillinen | deceitful, fraudulent |
virhe | error, mistake, fault | virheellinen | incorrect, inaccurate |
virka | office, post, job | virallinen | official, formal |
väestö | population | väestöllinen | demographical |
yhteiskunta | society, civilization | yhteiskunnallinen | societal, civic |
yhteisö | community, society | yhteisöllinen | communal |
yliopisto | university | yliopistollinen | academic |
yllätys | surprise | yllätyksellinen | surprising, unexpected |
yö | night | yöllinen | nightly, nocturnal |
äly | intellect, intelligence | älyllinen | intellectual, cerebral |
äänne | speech sound, phone | äänteellinen | phonetic |
ääri | verge, brim | äärellinen | finite |
3. Expressing Ownership – With Wings, Winged
A fairly large group of words ending in –llinen express that something “has” something, ie. is equipped with something. For example, hampaallinen lintu is a bird which has teeth.
In English, many of these can be expressed using an adjective ending in -ed, such as “winged”, “wired” or “framed”. I have included that translation in many cases in the table below but I’ve opted for also adding a description. This is mostly for the benefit of non-native English speakers.
Finnish | English | Finnish | English |
ase | weapon | aseellinen konflikti | a conflict with weapons, “armed” |
hammas | tooth | hampaallinen lintu | a bird with teeth, “toothed” |
hapsu | tassel, fringe | hapsullinen matto | a rug with tassels, “fringed” |
hiha | sleeve | hihallinen aluspaita | an undershirt with sleeves |
huppu | hood | hupullinen takki | a coat with a hood, “hooded” |
häntä | tail | hännällinen apina | a monkey with a tail |
jalka | leg | jalallinen kukkaruukku | a flowerpot with legs |
kansi | lid | kannellinen laatikko | a box with a lid, “lidded” |
kehys | frame | kehyksellinen valokuva | a picture with a frame, “framed” |
korkki | cap, cork | korkillinen pullo | a bottle with a cap |
korko | intrest | korollinen laina | a loan with interest |
korko | heel | korollinen kenkä | a shoe with a heel |
kukka | flower | kukallinen rusetti | a headband with flowers, “flowery” |
kuva | picture | kuvallinen henkilökortti | an ID with a picture, picture ID |
kuvio | pattern | kuviollinen tapetti | a wallpaper with patterns, “patterned” |
lanka | wire, cord | langallinen hiiri | a mouse with a cord, “wired” |
lava | platform | lavallinen pakettiauto | a van with a platform, flatbed van |
lukko | lock | lukollinen lääkekaappi | a medicine cabinet with a lock |
nappi | button | napillinen neuletakki | a cardigan with buttons, “buttoned” |
olkain | strap | olkaimellinen kesämekko | a summer dress with straps |
perhe | family | perheellinen mies | a man with a family |
pilkku | spot | pilkullinen mekko | a dress with polka dots |
pyörä | wheel | pyörällinen ajoneuvo | a vehicle with wheels |
raita | stripe | raidallinen paita | a shirt with stripes, “striped” |
reikä | hole | reiällinen rasia | a box with holes in it |
ruutu | square | ruudullinen vihko | a checkered paper notebook |
sanka | handle | sangallinen roskapussi | a trash bag with handles |
sarvi | horn | sarvellinen eläin | an animal with (a) horn(s), “horned” |
sauma | seam | saumallinen sukka | a sock with seams |
seinä | wall | seinällinen katos | a shelter with walls |
siipi | wing | siivellinen hyönteinen | an insect with wings, “winged” |
täyte | filling | täytteellinen piirakka | a pie with filling, “filled” |
vesileima | watermark | vesileimallinen paperi | a paper with a watermark, “watermarked” |
varsi | shaft, stalk | varrellinen harja | a brush with a handle |
viiva | line | viivallinen paperi | a paper with lines, “lined” |
väri | color | värillinen kuva | a picture with color, “colored” |
4. Expressing Quantities – A Spoonful of Sugar
One other common derivation type of words ending in -llinen is related to amounts. We can add -llinen to words that are a type of “container” (such as a glass, a plate or a can). By doing so, you can express quantities. The word lasi means “glass”, while the word lasillinen means “a glass full of”.
These words ending in -llinen generally express quantities which are “as much as the container will hold”. It’s hard to describe this phenomenon, but the examples below hopefully help clear up any confusion.
Finnish | English | Finnish | English |
arkku | chest | arkullinen rahaa | a chest/trunk full (of money) |
astia | dish | astiallinen vettä | a potful/dishful (of water) |
autokuorma | car load | autokuormallinen kiviä | a carload/truckload (of stones) |
hylly | shelf | hyllyllinen kirjoja | a shelf full (of books) |
kannu | jug | kannullinen maitoa | a jugful (of milk) |
kattila | pot, kettle | kattilallinen puuroa | a kettleful (of porridge) |
kauha | scoop | kauhallinen keittoa | a scoopful (of soup) |
kippo | cup | kipollinen vettä | a cupful (of water) |
kori | basket | korillinen hedelmiä | a basketful (of fruit) |
korkki | cap | korkillinen lääkettä | a capful (of medicine) |
koura | hand, grab | kourallinen ihmisiä | a handful (of people) |
kulho | bowl | kulhollinen kirsikoita | a bowlful (of cherries) |
kuorma | load | kuormallinen hiekkaa | a loadful (of sand) |
kuppi | cup | kupillinen keittoa | a cupful (of soup) |
laatikko | box | laatikollinen leluja | a boxful (of toys) |
laivalasti | shipload | laivalastillinen | a shipload/boatful (of animals) |
lasi | glass | lasillinen viiniä | a glassful (of wine) |
lautanen | plate | lautasellinen juustoja | a plateful (of cheeses) |
luokka | class | luokallinen lapsia | a class full (of children) |
lusikka | spoon | lusikallinen sokeria | a spoonful (of sugar) |
mappi | folder, file | mapillinen kirjeitä | a folder full (of letters) |
muki | mug | mukillinen kahvia | a mugful (of coffee) |
paketti | packet | paketillinen kahvia | a packet full (of coffee) |
pannu | pot, kettle | pannullinen kahvia | a pot (of coffee) |
pata | pot | padallinen puuroa | a potful (of porridge) |
pikari | goblet | pikarillinen viiniä | a goblet full (of wine) |
pullo | bottle | pullollinen | a bottleful (of water) |
purkki | jar, can | purkillinen persikoita | a jarful, canful (of peaches) |
pussi | bag | pussillinen omenoita | a bagful (of apples) |
rasia | box, carton | rasiallinen suklaita | a boxful (of chocolates) |
rekka | truck | rekallinen sotilaita | a truck full (of soldiers) |
reppu | backpack | repullinen kirjoja | a backpack full (of books) |
ruokalusikka | tablespoon | ruokalusikallinen voita | a tablespoon full (of butter) |
saavi | tub, vat | saavillinen marjoja | a tubful/bucketful (of berries) |
syli | lap | sylillinen kukka | a lapful/armful (of flowers) |
säkki | sack | säkillinen perunoita | a sackful (of potatoes) |
teelusikka | teaspoon | teelusikallinen suolaa | a teaspoonful (of salt) |
tuoppi | pint, tankard | tuopillinen olutta | a pint (of beer) |
tynnyri | barrel, keg | tynnyrillinen rommia | a barrelful (of rum) |
tölkki | can | tölkillinen pinaattia | a canful (of spinach) |
vati | dish, tray | vadillinen vettä | a dishful (of water) |
ämpäri | bucket | ämpärillinen vettä | a bucketful (of water) |
sanko | bucket | sangollinen vettä | a bucketful (of water) |
5. Nouns Ending in LLINEN
A small section of words ending in -llinen are nouns rather than adjectives
Finnish | English |
ehtoollinen | holy communion |
illallinen | evening meal |
kapinallinen | rebel |
koillinen | northeast |
osallinen | participant, accomplice, involved party |
perillinen | heir |
pohjallinen | insole (of shoe) |
päivällinen | supper, dinner, midday meal |
päällinen | covering, coating |
sivullinen | bystander |
syyllinen | culprit, guilty person |
velallinen | debtor |
vihollinen | enemy |
6. Unclear Derivation
Generally, adjectives ending in -llinen have a clear noun as a root word. It’s easy to find and recognise the root word. Sometimes, however, the relation isn’t as clear – or the root word isn’t a noun. The following table contains a selection of such words.
Finnish | English | Finnish | English |
Probably derived from adjectives | |||
eri | different, other | erillinen | separate |
kelpo | decent, proper, valid | kelvollinen | suitable, eligible |
syvä | deep (often concrete) | syvällinen | profound, deep (abstract) |
terve | healthy (e.g. person) | terveellinen | healthy (e.g. food) |
tosi | true, real | todellinen | real, actual |
täysi | full | täydellinen | perfect |
kade | envious, jealous (rare) | kateellinen | envious, jealous |
rehti | honest, straight (rare) | rehellinen | honest, truthful |
irti | loose (not tight) | irrallinen | loose, unattached, separate |
Probably derived from verbs | |||
alkaa | to begin, to start | alkeellinen | rudimentary, primitive |
kärsiä | to bear, endure, suffer | kärsivällinen | patient, tolerant |
mahtaa | to wonder if possible | mahdollinen | possible |
olla | to be | oleellinen | essential, important |
tahtoa | to desire, want, wish | tahallinen | intentional, deliberate |
täsmätä | to add up, match | täsmällinen | punctual, exact, precise |
Probably derived from other wordtypes | |||
esi- | pre- | edellinen | previous |
yli | over, beyond | ylellinen | luxurious, magnificent |
kiitos | thanks | kiitollinen | grateful, thankful |
äkkiä | suddenly | äkillinen | suden, abrupt |
Unclear derivation | |||
? | ? | kohtuullinen | reasonable, moderate |
? | ? | säntillinen | meticulous, precise |
If this topic interests you, I suggest you also read this Finnish article on the topic. It raises several interesting points which I haven’t included here.
For other adjective derivations, check out my article about the derivational suffix -mainen/mäinen!
Hyvää juhannusta.