Finnish for busy people

Clothes – Vaatteet – Finnish Vocabulary

Learn some vocabulary related to clothes – vaatteet – on this page! You might also want to look at our page about colors, in order to add some adjectives to your sentences. In addition, you will need the “minulla on” sentence construction in order to say you have something. Learn more about how to combine these elements in my lesson plan suggestion.

When you have learned all those elements, you’re ready to start making sentences like “Minulla on punainen paita” (I have a red shirt) and “Anjalla on lyhyt hame” (Anja has a short skirt). It’s a fun way to get started with learning Finnish and will give you some encouragement as to whether Finnish can actually be mastered!

Finnish English
Vaatteet Clothes
aamutakki dressing gown
alushame petticoat
alushousut underpants
aluspaita undershirt
alusvaatteet underwear
anorakki anorak
bikinit bikini
bleiseri blazer
bokserit boxershorts
esiliina / essu apron
farkkupaita jeans shirt
farkut jeans
farmarit blue jeans
frakki tailcoat
hame skirt
hiihtohousut ski trousers
housupuku trouser suit
housut pants
huppari hoodie
iltapuku evening gown
jakku jacket
jakkupuku two piece dress and jacket
kauluspaita button-up shirt
kesämekko summer dress
korsetti corset
kylpytakki bathrobe
liivi waistcoat, vest
lyhyet housut short pants
mekko dress
minihame mini skirt
mokkajakku suede jacket
mokkatakki suede coat
nahkatakki leather jacket
neulepusero pullover
neuletakki cardigan
paita shirt
pikkuhousut panties
polvisukat knee socks
poolopaita turtle neck
puku suit
pusero blouse
pyjama pajamas
päällystakki overcoat
rintaliivit bra
sadetakki raincoat
solmio tie
shortsit shorts
stoola stole
sukat socks
sukkahousut tights
suojahaalari coverall
takki coat
toppatakki quilted jacket
toppi top
tuulipuku windbreaker
T-paita T-shirt
tunika tunic
turkistakki fur jacket
turkki fur coat
tuulipusero windcheater
työvaatteet work clothes
uimamyssy bathing cap
uimahousut bathing trunks
uimapuku swimsuit
verryttelypuku sweatsuit
villapaita sweater
villapusero sweater
villatakki cardigan
virkapuku uniform
yöpaita nightgown
yöpuku night clothes
äitiyshousut maternity pants
Finnish English
Asusteet Accessories
hartiahuivi shawl
hattu hat
hiussolki hair clip
huivi scarf
kaulakoru necklace
kaulaliina scarf
kihlasormus engagement ring
korvakorut earrings
käsineet gloves
käsilaukku hand bag
lippalakki cap
lippis cap (spoken)
myssy cap
nenäliina handkerchief
pipo woolly hat, beanie
rannekello watch
rannerengas bracelet
sormus ring
olkihattu straw hat
päähuivi head scarf
vihkisormus wedding ring
vyö belt
Osat Parts
hakaneula safety pin
hiha sleeve
hihaton sleeveless
huppu hood
kalvosin cuff
kaula-aukko neckline
kaulus collar
kengännauhat shoelaces
lahje pants’ leg
nappi button
sauma seam
tarranauha velcro
tasku pocket
vetoketju zipper
vuori inside lining
Materiaalit Materials
kashmir cashmere
keinokuitu synthetic fibre
mohair mohair
nahka leather
pellava linen
pitsi lace
puuvilla cotton
sametti velvet
silkki silk
turkis fur
villa wool
Kuviot Patterns
yksivärinen one color
raidallinen striped
ruudullinen checkered
kuviollinen patterned
pilkullinen dotted

More Clothing Words

This list consists of the most basic of the clothing items. It’s a great place to start learning clothing vocabulary. If you already master these, you can find a large collection of different types of pants, shoes and other clothing that appear exclusively in the plural.

Expressing Wearing Something

In addition to learning the vocabulary, you would benefit from learning how to make sentences with said vocabulary! You can learn how to express what you’re wearing in sentences such as Minulla on hattu päässä ja kengät jalassa.


That’s all for this article on clothes – vaatteet! Hopeful you enjoyed this word list!

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