Religion – Uskonto – Finnish Vocabulary
March 20, 2019
September 2, 2024
Religion is a topic of great importance for many people. You will find more words concerning the Christian religion compared to other religions in this article. This is due to the fact that I know more about Christianity than about other religions. If you want more words of other religions added, email me a list of them and I’ll make it happen!
Finnish | English |
Uskonnot | Religions |
buddhalaisuus | Buddhism |
buddhalainen | Buddhist |
evankelisluterilainen | Evangelical Lutheran |
helluntaiseurakunta | Pentecoastal church |
hindulaisuus | Hinduism |
hindu | Hindu |
islaminusko | Islamic religion |
juutalaisuus | Judaism |
juutalainen | Jew, Jewish |
muslimi | Muslim |
katolisuus | Catholicism |
katolilainen | Catholic |
katolinen kirkko | Catholic Church |
kreikkalaiskatolinen | Greek Catholic |
kristinusko | Christianity |
kristitty | Christian |
kungfutselaisuus | Confucianism |
kveekarit | Quakers |
luterilaisuus | Lutheranism |
luterilainen | Lutheran |
metodismi | Methodism |
metodisti | Methodist |
ortodoksi | Orthodox |
ortodoksinen kirkko | Orthodox Church |
pakanuus | Paganism |
protestantismi | Protestantism |
protestantti | Protestant |
sikhiläisyys | Sikhism |
šintolaisuus | Shintoism |
taolaisuus | Taoism/Daoism |
yhdistynyt metodistikirkko | United Methodist church |
wicca | Wicca |
ahmadiyya | Ahmadiyya |
bön | Bon |
candomblé | Candomblé |
falun gong | Falun Gong |
jainalaisuus | Jainism |
jesidit | Yazidi |
lastikultti | cargo cult |
mandealaisuus | Mandaeism |
manikealaisuus | Manicharism |
mithralaisuus | Mithraism |
santeria | Santería |
sekulaari humanismi | secular humanism |
sunnalaisuus | Sunni Islam |
tenrikyō | Tenrikyo |
voodoo | West African Vodun |
zarathustralaisuus | Zoroastrianism |
Tilaisuuksia | Events |
bar mitsva | bar mitzva |
bat mitsva | bat mitzva |
hanukka | Hanukkah |
hautajaiset | funeral |
jumalanpalvelus | church service |
kaste | christening |
konfirmaatio | confirmation |
pyhä ehtoollinen | Sacred Holy Communion |
rippikoulu | confirmation school |
sapatti | Shabbat |
vihkiäiset | wedding ceremony |
Paikkoja | Places |
hautausmaa | cemetery |
helvetti | hell |
kappeli | chapel |
kirkko | church |
moskeija | mosque |
paratiisi | paradise |
synagoga | synagogue |
temppeli | temple |
Finnish | English |
Ihmisiä | People |
agnostikko | agnostic |
arkkipiispa | archbishop |
ateisti | atheist |
imaami | imam |
jumala | god |
kalifi | kaliph |
kanttori | cantor |
kappalainen | chaplain |
kirkkoherra | priest |
lukkari | parish clerk |
messias | Messiah |
muessin | muezzin |
mufti | mufti |
naispappi | woman minister |
opetuslapsi | disciple |
paavi | pope |
pakana | heathen |
pappi | minister |
pastori | pastor |
piispa | bishop |
profeetta | prophet |
pyhimys | saint |
rabbi | rabbi |
rovasti | dean |
suntio | verger |
uskovainen | devout |
Verbejä | Verbs |
kastaa | to baptize |
käydä kirkossa | to go to church |
palvoa | to worhsip |
ripittäytyä | to confess |
rukoilla | to pray |
saarnata | to deliver a sermon |
siunata | to bless |
vastustaa kiusausta | to resist temptation |
veisata virsiä | to sing hymns |
Adjektiiveja | Adjectives |
hurskas | pious |
košer, kosher | kosher |
pakanallinen | pagan |
pirullinen | satanic |
raamatullinen | biblical |
syntinen | sinful |
Substantiiveja | Nouns |
alttari | altar |
enkeli | angel |
epäjumala | idol |
jumalanpilkka | blasphemy |
kirkkoneuvosto | church council |
kirkkovaltuusto | parish council |
kirkollisverotus | church taxation |
koraani | Koran |
paasto | fasting |
piru | devil |
raamattu | Bible |
ramadan | ramadan |
ristiinnaulitseminen | crucifixion |
rukous | prayer |
saarna | sermon |
saarnatuoli | pulpit |
sielu | soul |
siunaus | blessing |
synti | sin |
toora | Torah |
uskonnonvapaus | freedom of religion |
uusi testamentti | New Testament |
vanha testamentti | Old Testament |
virsi | hymn |
ylösnousemus | resurrection |
Finnish Sayings with Origins from Religion
- ”Kullakin on oma ristinsä.”
- Literally: Each one has his own cross.
- Meaning: We all have our own problems to bear.
- ”Kääntää toinen poski.”
- Literally: Turn the other cheek.
- Meaning: To accept without retaliating when someone does you wrong.
- ”Kävelen kotonani aatamin asussa.”
- Literally: I walk in my home in Adam’s outfit.
- Meaning: I walk around stark naked.
I would like to see the Finnish Word for Methodist and also for United Methodist. I did not see those in the list of religions. For I myself, go to a United Methodist church. Thanks.
Methodism is “metodismi” in Finnish, you are a “metodisti” and United Methodist church is “yhdistynyt metodistikirkko”. Straight translations without much difficulty! Thanks for the request! I added these.