Words ending in -nto/-ntö
April 9, 2019
June 1, 2021
Words ending in -ntO (the large O means it can be both -nto and -ntö according to the vowel harmony rules) usually have a verb at the base of them. A noun ending in -ntO will use the weak stem of the verb. This is not a productive wordtype (aka no new words are made using this pattern), and Finnish contains about 40 words ending in -ntO. Below are the most common ones.
Verb | English | Noun | English |
johtaa | to lead | johdanto | introduction |
käyttää | to use | käytäntö | practice |
tuottaa | to produce | tuotanto | production |
laskea | to count | laskento | arithmetic |
lukea | to read | luento | lecture |
olla | to be | olento | being, creature |
keksiä | to invent | keksintö | invention |
periä | to inherit | perintö | heritage, legacy |
miettiä | to think | mietintö | report |
nauttia | to enjoy | nautinto | enjoyment, pleasure |
sopia | to make up, agree | sovinto | reconciliation |
toimia | to function, operate | toiminto | function, facility |
uskoa | to believe | uskonto | religion |
asua | to live | asunto | residency, housing |
istua | to sit | istunto | session |
lausua | to state, recite | lausunto | statement, testimonial |
avata | to open | avanto | hole in the ice |
havaita | to detect, observe | havainto | observation |
hallita | to govern | hallinto | government |
palkita | to recognize, pay | palkinto | reward, prize |
ravita | to nourish | ravinto | nourishment |
luoda | to create | luonto | nature |
Next, you can find each of the words above in a sentence, to give you more of an idea how they’re used.
Finnish | English |
Johdanto on ensimmäinen osio. | The introduction is the first part. |
On hyvä käytäntö palkita ahkeruutta. | It’s a good practice to reward hard work. |
Tehdas laajentaa tuotantoaan. | The factory expands its production. |
Koulussa opiskellaan laskentoa. | Arithmetic is studied in school. |
Luento kesti kolme tuntia. | The lecture lasted three hours. |
Mikä tuo olento on? | What is that creature? |
Kenen keksintö hehkulamppu on? | Whose invention is the light bulb? |
Perintö jaetaan tasan. | The inheritance is divided equally. |
Tutustun työryhmän mietintöön. | I check out the team’s report. |
Sauna on yksinkertainen nautinto. | The sauna is a simple pleasure. |
Tehdään sovinto! Unohdetaan asia! | Let’s reconciliate! Let’s forget it! |
Puhelimeen tuli uusi toiminto. | A new function came to the phone. |
Islam on suosittu uskonto. | Islam is a popular religion. |
Asuntoni on liian pieni. | My apartment is too small. |
Istunto on vanhentunut. | The session has expired. |
Tarvitsen lääkärin lausunnon. | I need a doctor’s statement. |
Avanto on jäätynyt. | The hole in the ice has frozen. |
Tein havainnon, että… | I made the observation that… |
Hyvä hallinto ei ole itsestäänselvyys. | A good management is not self-evident. |
Sain palkinnon vasta jälkeenpäin. | I got the reward only later. |
Hyvä ravinto on elintärkeä asia. | Good nutrition is a vital issue. |
Luonto kärsii. | Nature is suffering. |