Finnish for busy people

Finnish Words Related to Money – Raha

This article contains Finnish words related to money: both easy and hard vocabulary. I’m including both verbs and nouns, so you can get as much vocabulary to work with as possible!

Finnish English
Verbit Verbs
ansaita to earn
investoida to invest
haaskata rahaa to waste money
kavaltaa rahaa to embezzle money
käyttää rahaa to use / to spend money
lahjoittaa to donate
lainata to borrow / to lend
maksaa to pay / to cost
maksaa kortilla (pic) to pay with a bank card
maksaa käteisellä to pay in cash
maksaa luotolla to pay with a credit card
maksaa takaisin to pay back
olla rahapulassa to be short of money
ostaa to buy
periä to inherit
rahastaa to collect fares
rahoittaa to finance
rikastua to get rich
saada sairauspäivärahaa to receive sickness benefits
suorittaa maksu to make a payment
säästää to save
tuhlata rahaa to waste money
vaihtaa rahaksi to cash in
vaihtaa valuuttaa to exchange currency
varastaa to steal
vaurastua to get wealthy, prosper
veloittaa tililtä to charge an account
verottaa to tax
Ihmiset People
kassanhoitaja cashier
kauppias shop-keeper
kerjäläinen beggar
myyjä sales person
osakas stock holder / shareholder
palkansaaja wage earner
pankkiiri banker
pankkivirkailija bank clerk
pankinjohtaja bank manager
pankkiryöstäjä bank robber
perijä inheritor, heir
pummi bum, sponger
pörssimeklari stock broker
rahastaja conductor
rahastonhoitaja treasurer
rahoittaja financer
varas thief
vakuutuksenantaja insurer
vakuutuksenottaja the insured
vakuutusasiamies insurance agent
verokarhu the taxman
veronmaksaja taxpayer
Köyhyys Poverty
köyhä poor
rikas rich
köyhyysraja poverty line
rahahuolet financial worries
rahapula lack of money
rahaton penniless
rahapulassa short of cash
rahavaikeudet financial difficulties
konkurssi / vararikko bankruptcy
Finnish English
Raha Money
apuraha grant
avustus aid, benefit
harmaa raha gray money
hinta price, cost
hyvitys rebate, credit
juomaraha, tippi tip, drinking money
katteeton sekki a bad cheque
kolikko coin
korvaus compensation
lomaraha holiday pay
lompakko wallet
lunnasraha ransom
löytöpalkkio finder’s fee
maksu payment
palkankorotus pay rise
palkka salary
palkkio fee; bonus
peliraha play money
perintörahat inheritance money
pikkuraha petty cash
päiväraha daily allowance
rahakukkaro coin purse
rahapussi wallet
rahakokoelma coin collection
rahasto fund
rahoitus finance
rahalahjoitus donation
sakko fine
sekki cheque
seteli bank note
stipendi stipend, scholarship
taloudellinen tuki financial support
tasaraha exact change
taskuraha pocket money
vaihtoraha change (coins)
vakuus guarantee deposit
vakuutusmaksu premium
viikkoraha weekly allowance
vuokra rent
Vero Tax
arvonlisävero VAT
jäännösvero residual tax
veroasteikko tax scale
veroilmoitus tax form
verollinen /veronalainen taxable
veronkanto collection of taxes
veronkierto tax avoidance
veropalautus tax refund
veroprosentti tax rate
verorasitus tax burden
verotoimisto tax office
veroton tax free
verotus taxation
Pörssi Stock exchange
raha-asiat financial affairs
rahaliitto monetary union
rahamaailma financial world
rahamarkkinat financial market
rahanvaihto money exchange
valuuttakurssi exchange rate
rahan arvo value of money
kassavirta cash flow
kauppatiede economics
inflaatio inflation
osake share
investoida to invest
investointi investment

Finnish Sayings Related to Money

  • Aika on rahaa.
    • Literally: Time is money.
    • Meaning: Time is too valuable to be wasted.
  • Raha rauhoittaa.
    • Literally: Money brings peace.
    • Meaning: Having money makes life easier.
  • Raha tulee rahan luokse.
    • Literally: Money comes to money.
    • Meaning: Those who have money will get more money.
  • Köyhällä ei ole varaa ostaa halpaa.”
    • Literally: A poor person can’t afford to buy cheap stuff.
    • Meaning: Quality costs money.

Spoken Language

Some spoken language words that mean money are: fyrkka, massi, hillo, tippi, fyffe, rahna.

Spoken Finnish Standard Finnish
Onko sulla fyrkkaa? Onko sinulla rahaa?
Anna ne fyrkat mulle. Anna rahat minulle.
Onks sul paljo hilloo? Onko sinulla paljon rahaa?
Mis mun hillot viipyy? Missä minun rahani viipyy?
Mul ei oo yhtää fyffee. Minulla ei ole yhtään rahaa.

You can find more money related vocabulary on the page about banks and banking!

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Is it possible to include the plural form of noun and adjective in Finnish for these kinds of vocabulary sheet? The T-plural form can help learner to know the stem of the word. For example: Hinta – hinnat. Just a suggestion. Thank you for the page! It is very helpful.

Last edited 4 years ago by Hanh

For stem memorization, the “singualar” plural and singular genitive reveals the stem. The plural illative reveals the plural stem(it will be different in the genitive/partitive depending on the word type.)



Last edited 4 years ago by Rasikko

Adding to that…:
