Finnish for busy people

Beverages – Drinks – Juomat – Finnish Vocabulary

This page lists some of the most commonly drunk beverages. If you’re interested in alcoholic drinks, you can also check out this article about Finnish alcohol vocabulary.

Please note that if you say “minä juon” (I drink), you will need to use the partitive form of the drink. The means kahvi becomes “Minä juon kahvia”, tee becomes “Minä juon teetä” and viini becomes “Minä juon viiniä“).

Finnish English
Viini Wine
punaviini red wine
valkoviini white wine
burgundiviini burgundy
roséviini rose wine
omenaviini apple wine
samppanja champagne
kuohuviini sparkling wine
hapan sour
kuiva dry
kypsä mature
makea sweet
mieto mild
sekoitus blended
uusi new
vanha old
vuosikerta vintage
väkevä strong
Muut alkoholijuomat Other alcoholic drinks
aprikoosilikööri apricot liqueur
brandy brandy
gini gin
grogi grog
kalja table beer
katkerot bitters
kirsikkalikööri cherry liqueur
konjakki cognac
kossu Koskenkorva
lasi olutta a glass of beer
likööri liqueur
munalikööri advocaat
munkkilikööri Benedictine
olut beer
keskiolut medium strength beer
pontikka home-distilled liquor
pullotettu olut bottled beer
punssi punch
rommi rum
siideri cider
tölkkiolut canned beer
viina liquor
viski whiskey
vodka vodka
Finnish English
Alkoholittomat juomat Alcohol free drinks
appelsiinijuoma orangeade
appelsiinimehu orange juice
energiajuoma energy drink
greippimehu grapefruit juice
hanavesi tap water
kaakao cocoa
kahvi coffee
kivennäisvesi tonic
limsa lemonade
maito milk
maitokahvi coffee with milk
mehu juice
mineraalivesi mineral water
mustaherukkamehu blackcurrant juice
pirtelö milkshake
sima mead
sitruunamehu lemon juice
smoothie smoothie
soodavesi soda
tee tea
tuoremehu fresh juice

Sayings with Beverages

  • “Viina on viisasten juoma.”
    Literally: Liquor is the drink of the wise.
    Meaning: Only those who know how to drink responsibly should drink.
  • “Kahvihammasta kolottaa.”
    Literally: The coffee tooth hurts.
    Meaning: I’m in the mood for coffee.
  • “Kylmä kahvi kaunistaa.”
    Literally: Cold coffee makes you beautiful.
    Meaning: Cold coffee is better than no coffee.
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