Finnish Spoken Language Vocabulary
Finnish spoken language has a lot of vocabulary that sets it apart from written Finnish. This article gives you an overview of the types of spoken language words you will come across in Finland.
“Spoken language” is a pretty general term, which can refer to different types of Finnish. In its widest sense, it just means any Finnish that is produced orally. In this article, I’m focusing on general spoken language: the type of Finnish words that every Finn should be able to understand regardless of where they live or what age they are.
This means I’m leaving out slang that’s specific to a region, age group or community in these lists of Finnish spoken language vocabulary. The words in these lists should be useful to you no matter where in Finland you go. They are used in everyday communication and often even in situations that are a little more formal.
- Loanwords borrowed straight from other languages
- Shortened standard language words
- Spoken language words ending in –Ari
- Spoken language words ending in –is
- Spoken language words ending in –kkA/-skA
- Spoken language words ending in -kku/-tsuku/-tsu
- More random spoken language words
1. Loanwords Borrowed Straight from Other Languages
First, spoken language words are sometimes barely changed at all when they’re adopted into spoken Finnish. At most, they will get a vowel added to their end.
Spoken | Origin | Standard |
frendi | friend | ystävä, kaveri |
eksä | ex | entinen puoliso |
bändi | band | yhtye |
matsi | match | ottelu |
biitsi | beach | ranta |
fiilis | feeling | tunne |
iisi | easy | helppo |
mesta | место (R. “place”) | paikka |
lafka | лавка (R. “shop”) | yritys |
sapuska | закуска (R. “appetizer”) | ruoka |
bailata | bailar (Sp. “dance”) | tanssia, juhlia |
duuni | don (Sw. “work”) | työ, työpaikka |
broidi | broder (Sw. “brother”) | veli |
hima | hem (Sw. “home”) | koti |
2. Shortened Standard Language Words
It’s also common to make a word from standard Finnish shorter in spoken language. When doing so, it’s fairly common to have these words end in an –a. Below, you can find some examples.
Spoken | Standard | English |
minsa | minuutti | minute |
sekka | sekunti | second (time) |
kilsa | kilometri | kilometer |
eka | ensimmäinen | first |
toka | toinen | second (#2) |
bensa | bensiini | petrol, gas |
musa | musiikki | music |
proffa | professori | professor |
labra | laboratorio | laboratory |
pressa | presidentti | president |
remppa | remontti | renovation |
ope | opettaja | teacher |
info | informaatio | information |
ale | alennusmyynti | sales |
desi | desilitra | deciliter |
3. Spoken language words ending in –Ari
I have a separate article on words ending in –Ari . The table below gives you some examples of words from this derivation type! These words can be created both based on a loanword and on a Finnish word that’s long.
Spoken language | Origin | Translation |
hamppari | hampurilainen | hamburger |
telkkari | televisio | television |
jälkkäri | jälkiruoka | dessert |
duunari | “to do” (or Swedish) | working man, wage slave |
rekkari | rekisterikilpi | license plate |
narkkari | narkomaani | narcomaniac |
Bemari | BMW | car brand |
Volkkari | Volkswagen | car brand |
läppäri | laptop | laptop |
synttärit | syntymäpäivä(juhlat) | birthday (party) |
4. Spoken language words ending in –is
I also have a separate article on spoken language words ending in –is. You can find some example words in the table below. These words can be created both based on a loanword and on a Finnish word that’s long.
Spoken language | Origin | Translation |
fiilis | feeling | feeling |
futis / fudis | footbal | soccer |
julkkis | julkisuuden henkilö | celebrity |
kirppis | kirpputori | fleamarket |
kokis | Coca-Cola | cola |
koris | koripallo | basketball |
laihis | laihdutuskuuri | diet |
pehmis | pehmytjäätelö | soft ice cream |
pingis | ping-pong | table tennis |
roskis | roskakori | trash can |
5. Spoken language words ending in –kkA/-skA
I don’t have a separate article on this group, but there are also many spoken language words that end in –kkA, or sometimes –skA. These words are usually based on a longer Finnish word.
Spoken | Standard | English |
kännykkä | matkapuhelin | mobile phone |
tietsikka | tietokone | computer |
enkka | ennätys | record |
ratikka | raitiovaunu | tram |
välkkä | välitunti | recess |
jälkkä | jäki-istunto | detention |
matikka | matematiikka | mathematics |
maikka | opettaja | teacher |
häikkä | häiriö, vika | glitch, fault |
purkka | purukumi | chewing gum |
menkat | kuukautiset | menstrual period |
elukka | eläin | animal |
harkat | harjoitukset | training |
ötökkä | hyönteinen | bug |
sitikka | Citroën | Citroën |
rintsikat | rintaliivit | bra |
huoltsikka | huoltoasema | gas station |
tatska | tatuointi | tattoo |
jänskä | jännittävä | exciting |
limska | limonadi | lemonade |
seiska | seitsemän | seven |
kiska | kioski | kiosk |
6. Spoken language words ending in –kku/-tsuku/-tsu
There is another large group of spoken language words ending in –u, with certain subgroups, such as –kku, -tsku and -tsu. These words are usually based on a longer Finnish word.
Spoken | Standard | English |
enkku | englanti | English |
kunkku | kuningas | king |
punkku | punaviini | red wine |
peukku | peukalo | thumb |
saikku | sairausloma | sickness leave |
terkkuja | terveisiä | greetings |
murkku | muurahainen | ant |
murkku | murrosikäinen | teenager |
bansku | banaani | banana |
matsku | materiaali | material |
mitsku | mitali | medal |
pitsku | piha | yard |
paku | pakettiauto | van |
laku | lakritsi | liquorice |
kakru | kakara, lapsi | kid |
papru | paperi | paper, document |
sossu | sosiaalityöntekijä | social worker |
kossu | Koskenkorva | Koskenkorva |
fisu | kala | fish |
Mersu | Mercedes-Benz | Mercedes-Benz |
kopsu | kopio, moniste | photocopy |
hoitsu | sairaanhoitaja | nurse |
poitsu | poika | boy, son |
kätsy | kätevä | handy, convenient |
drinksu | drinkki, juoma | drink |
7. More Random Spoken Language Words
These are some other spoken language words. They don’t really go under any of the previous categories but I did want to include them.
Spoken | Standard | English |
naama | kasvot | face |
nokka | nenä | nose, beak |
koivet | jalat | legs |
rööki | tupakka | cigarette |
pottu | peruna | potato |
mutsi | äiti | mother |
faija | isä | father |
heppa | hevonen | horse |
leffa | elokuva | movie |
bileet | juhlat | party |
bisse | olut | beer |
kämppä | asunto | apartment |
paatti | vene | boat |
moka | virhe | mistake |
piuha | johto | cable, wire |
läppä | vitsi | joke |
intti | armeija | army |
Read more elsewhere
- Suomisujuu: Suomen puhekielen 100 yleisintä sanaa
- Book: Oikeeta suomee – suomen puhekielen sanakirja
That’s all for Finnish spoken language vocabulary right now. My list is relatively short. Learning spoken language vocabulary is best done “in real life”. Good luck!