Mathematics – Finnish Vocabulary
February 14, 2019
September 1, 2024
If you’re studying Finnish in Finland as an immigrant, there is the possibility that you will need to take a course of mathematics at some point. In that case, these words could prove to be useful!
Or maybe you just like mathematics, and want to broaden your vocabulary through a subject you care about? Whatever the case, here are some mathematical words to learn! Look at our page about numbers as well!
Finnish | English |
Verbejä | Verbs |
arvioida | determine |
jakaa | to divide |
kertoa | to multiply |
vähentää | to subtract |
laskea yhteen | to add up |
lisätä | to add |
tarkistaa | to check |
laskea | to count |
ratkaista | to solve |
alleviivata | to underline |
ympyröidä | to circle |
vertailla | to compare |
sieventää | to simplify |
perustella | to prove |
Geometria | Geometry |
suora | straight line |
jana | segment |
ympyrä | circle |
halkaisija | diameter |
säde | radius |
kulma | angle |
suorakulma | right angle |
kolmio | triangle |
neliö | square |
paraabeli | parabola |
lieriö | cylinder |
kartio | cone |
kuutio | cube |
pyramidi | pyramid |
soikio | oval |
suorakulmio | rectangle |
särmä | edge |
pystysuora | vertical |
vaakasuora | horizontal |
tilavuus | volume |
pinta-ala | surface area |
aste | degree |
Finnish | English |
Muita sanoja | Other words |
plus | plus |
miinus | minus |
summa | sum |
tulos | result |
yhtälö | equation |
jakojäännös | remainder |
kymmenylitys | ten-crossing |
päässälasku | counting in your head |
reaaliluku | real number |
kokonaisluku | integral number |
murtoluku | fraction |
laskuoppi | arithemtic |
laskutehtävä | arithmetical problem |
aritmetiikka | arithmetic |
luku | number |
parillinen luku | even number |
pariton luku | odd number |
perusluku | cardinal number |
järjestysluku | ordinal number |
numero | figure |
laskin | calculator |
virhe | mistake |
kertotaulu | multiplication table |
kertolasku | multiplication |
vähennyslasku | subtraction |
jako | division |
yhtä suuri kuin | equal to |
That’s it for mathematics!
I like learning the mathematical words in Finnish. I know in English there are squares and cubes of numbers. How would we say 4 squared? I know it’s the same problem as 4 times 4 but it’s a way of saving a little space on paper.
4² = neljä potenssiin kaksi
2³ = kaksi potenssiin kolme
The way I originally offered to say these squared forms is quite formal. I understand that for 4² you could also so “neljän neliö”, 6² would be “kuuden neliö”.
For higher numbers, you can also use ordinal numbers in the mihin form: 2³ would be “kaksi kolmanteen”, while 4⁴ would be “neljä neljänteen”.
Hope this helps!
Thanks this helps a lot for my test thanks very much
what is vastaluku
Wikipedia has this to say: