Chemistry – Kemia – Finnish Vocabulary
February 15, 2019
September 1, 2024
Chemistry (kemia) is the study (tutkimus) of matter (materia), its properties (ominaisuus), how and why substances (aine) combine (yhdistää) or separate (hajota) to form other substances, and how substances interact (vuorovaikuttaa) with energy (energia).
Have fun learning some new science related words!
Finnish | English |
kemia | chemistry |
kemiallinen | chemical |
reaktioyhtälö | chemical equation |
alkuaine | element |
molekyyli | molecule |
ioni | ion |
atomi | atom |
atomipaino | atomic weight |
reaktio | reaction |
yhdiste | compound |
sidos | bond |
kaava | formula |
metalli | metal |
epämetalli | non-metal |
Finnish | English |
happi | oxygen |
vety | hydrogen |
typpi | nitrogen |
typpihappo | nitric acid |
rikki | sulphur |
rikkihappo | sulphuric acid |
hiili | carbon |
kalium | potassium |
hiilihydraatti | carbohydrate |
proteiini | protein |
rasva | lipid, fat |
Finnish | English |
kiinteä | solid |
neste | liquid |
kaasu | gas |
liueta | to dissolve |
liuos | solution |
happo | acid |
hapan | acidic |
happamuus | acidity |
emäs | base |
tislaus | distillation |
indikaattori | indicator |
elektrolyysi | electrolysis |
elektrolyytti | electrolyte |
anodi | anode |
katodi | cathode |
We also have an article on the periodic table with the names of all the chemical elements in Finnish!