Finnish for busy people

Cooking Verbs – Kokkaaminen – Ruoanlaitto

There are so many cooking verbs around! Here is a handy list for when you are trying to follow the directions in a Finnish recipe! You could also check out this article about the verb “to cook”.

Finnish English
laittaa ruokaa to cook
lisätä to add
sekoittaa to mix together
vatkata to whisk, to beat
keittää to boil
paistaa to fry
kiehauttaa to bring to a boil
paahtaa to roast
leipoa to bake
höyryttää to steam
ruskistaa to brown, sear
grillata to grill
hauduttaa to stew
lämmittää to warm up
liuottaa to dissolve
puolittaa to divide in half
raastaa to grate
irrottaa to remove
soseuttaa to puree
hienontaa to mince
viipaloida to slice
leikata to cut
murskata to crush
täyttää to fill
korvata to replace
Finnish English
kääriä to wrap
voidella to grease
kuivattaa to dry off
ripotella to sprinkle
vaivata to knead
maustaa to add seasoning
annostella to measure out
mitata to measure
peittää to cover
levittää to spread
pilkkoa sipuli to chop up an onion
sulattaa voita to melt butter
sulattaa lihaa to defrost meat
rikkoa muna to break an egg
kuoria banaani to peel a banana
kuoria peruna to peel a potato
kuoria muna to shell an egg
kaulita taikina to roll the dough out
tarjoilla to serve
korjata pöytä to clear the table
tiskata to do the dishes

These cooking verbs can be used as adjectives to describe how a dish has been prepared by turning them into past passive participles (TU-participles).

Finnish English
friteerattu banaani deep-fried banana
paistettu riisi fried rice
höyrytetty siika steamed whitefish
keitetty muna boiled egg
paahdettu leipä toasted bread
raastettu porkkana grated carrot
savustettu lohi smoked salmon
haudutettu paisti braised roast
ruskistettu jauheliha browned minced meat
marinoitu broileri marinated chicken


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