Finnish Abbreviations – Lyhenteitä
This page contains all kinds of different Finnish abbreviations, all thrown together into one big table. Some of them are specific to university vocabulary and thesis writing, others have to do with cooking, and then there are some that are just part of everyday life.
The point of this page is not to give you a list of abbreviations to learn by heart. Rather, you can come back to this page to look up what a certain abbreviation means when you come across it while reading Finnish.
1. Random Abbreviations
Abbreviation | Finnish | English |
lyh. | lyhenne | abbreviation |
yki, YKI | yleiset kielitutkinnot | General Language Proficiency |
krs. | kerros | floor (in apartment building) |
n. | noin | about, approximately |
nro | numero | number |
os. | osoite | address |
p. / puh. | puhelin | telephone number |
s-posti | sähköposti | |
hetu | henkilötunnus | personal identification number |
sotu | sosiaaliturva | social security |
T., Terv. | terveisin | best regards (at end of letter) |
2hh | kahden hengen huone | two-person room (hotel) |
2h | 2 huonetta | 2 rooms (in apartment) |
some | sosiaalinen media | social media |
atk | automaattinen tietojenkäsittely | ADP |
huom! | huomaa | note! |
ALV | arvonlisävero | VAT taxes |
HIV | human immunodeficiency virus | HIV |
lut. | luterilainen | Lutheran |
ev.lut. | evankelisluterilainen | Evangelical Lutheran |
kat. | katolinen, katolilainen | Catholic |
krist. | kristillinen | Christian |
ortod. | ortodoksinen | Orthodox |
Hki | Helsinki | Helsinki (city) |
Tku | Turku | Turku (city) |
Tre | Tampere | Tampere (city) |
Lpr | Lappeenranta | Lappeenranta (city) |
Vsa | Vaasa | Vaasa (city) |
sm. | Suomen mestari | Finnish champion |
EM | Euroopan Mestaruus | European championship |
MM | Maailmanmestaruus | World Championship |
ME | maailmanennätys | word record |
TyEl | työntekijän eläkelaki | employee pension law |
ÄO, äo | älykkyysosamäärä | IQ |
2. Food Related Abbreviations
Abbreviation | Finnish | English |
kpl | kappale | pcs |
prk | purkki | tin/jar/container |
ps, pss | pussi | bag |
rkl | ruokalusikallinen | tablespoon full |
tlk | tölkki | carton |
rs | rasia | carton, tub |
ltk | laatikko | box |
pkt | paketti | packet |
luomu | luonnonmukainen | organic, natural (food) |
HYLA, Hyla | hydrolysoitu laktoosi | hydrolyzed lactose (low lactose food) |
3. Abbreviations of Units of Measurement
Abbreviation | Finnish | English |
mm | millimetri, “milli” | millimeter |
cm | senttimetri, “sentti” | centimetre |
m | metri | metre, meter |
km | kilometri | kilometre, kilometer |
cl | senttilitra | centiliter |
dl | desilitra, “desi” | deciliter |
l | litra | liter |
g | gramma | gram |
kg | kilogramma, “kilo” | kilogram |
kcal | kilokalori | kilocalorie |
m² | neliömetri | square meter |
m3 | kuutiometri | cubic meter |
km/h | kilometriä tunnissa | kilometers per hour |
°C | Celsius-aste | degree Celsius |
°F | Fahrenheit-aste | degree Farenheit |
Ø | läpimitta, halkaisija | diameter |
b | bitti | bit |
kt | kilotavu | kilobyte |
Mt | megatavu | megabyte |
Gt | gigatavu | gigabyte |
Tt | teratava | terabyte |
kHz | kilohertsi | kilohertz |
kJ | kilojoule | kilojoule |
kW | kilowatti | kilowatt |
kWh | kilowattitunti | kilowatt hour |
4. Abbreviations Related to Time
Abbreviation | Finnish | English |
ma, ti | maanantai, tiistai | Monday, Tuesday |
ap. | aamupäivällä | in the morning (AM) |
ip. | iltapäivällä | in the afternoon (PM) |
ilt. | iltaisin | in the evenings |
eaa. | ennen ajanlaskun alkua | BC “before start of calendar” |
eKr. | ennen Kristuksen syntymää | BC “before the birth of Christ” |
jaa. | jälkeen ajanlaskun alun | AD “after start of calendar” |
jKr. | jälkeen Kristuksen syntymän | AD “after the birth of Christ” |
klo | kello | o’clock |
h | tunti | hour |
pvm | päivämäärä | date |
pnä | päivänä | in that day |
kk | kuukausi, kuukautta | month, months |
vk | viikko(a) | week(s) |
v. | vuosi / vuonna / vuosina | year / in the year(s) |
vrk | vuorokausi | 24 hours |
5. School Related Abbreviations
Abbreviation | Finnish | English |
amk | ammattikorkeakoulu | university of applied sciences |
Polamk | Poliisiammattikorkeakoulu | Police University of Applied Sciences |
kand. | kandidaatti | Bachelor (university degree) |
maist. | maisteri | Master (university degree) |
lis. | lisensiaatti | Licenciate (university degree) |
toht., tri | tohtori | Doctorate (university degree) |
opett. | opettaja | teacher |
leht. | lehtori | lector |
prof. | professori | professor |
opisk. | opiskelija | student |
opp. | oppilas | pupil |
yo. | ylioppilas | highschool graduate |
lv. | lukuvuosi | academic year |
kl. | kevätlukukausi | spring semester |
sl. | syyslukukausi | autumn semester |
op | opintopiste | credit (ECTS) |
6. People Related Abbreviations
Abbreviation | Finnish | English |
nti | neiti | miss |
rva | rouva | mrs. |
pj. | puheenjohtaja | spokesman |
kansaned. | kansanedustaja | Congress member |
kapt. | kapteeni | captain |
kers. | kersantti | sergeant (army) |
kenr. | kenraali | general (army) |
opo | opinto-ohjaaja | study supervisor |
joht. | johtaja | director, chief |
assist., ass. | assistentti | assistant |
siht. | sihteeri | secretary |
kirjeenv. | kirjeenvaihtaja | newspaper correspondent |
hlö | henkilö | person |
s. | syntynyt | date of birth |
k. | kuollut | deceased |
7. Abbreviations for Organizations
Below, you can find some abbreviations for important organizations and institutions and such. We could add lots of local organizations to this list, but these are just a couple of examples.
Abbreviation | Finnish | English |
YK | Yhdistyneet kansakunnat | United Nations |
SPR | Suomen Punainen Risti | Finnish Red Cross |
Evira | Elintarviketurvallisuusvirasto | Food Safety Authority |
TE-keskus | Työ- ja elinkeinokeskus | Employment and Economic Development Center |
Kela | Kansaneläkelaitos | Social Insurance Institution of Finland |
HS | Helsingin Sanomat | Helsingin Sanomat newspaper |
tmi. | toiminimi | trade name (type of company) |
oy | osakeyhtiö | corporation (type of company) |
ry | rekisteröity yhdistys | registered union (type of company) |
ay. | ammattiyhdistys | trade union |
HO | hovioikeus | Court of Appeal |
KKO | korkein oikeus | Supreme Court |
KHO | korkein hallinto-oikeus | Supreme Administrative Court |
OPH | Opetushallitus | Board of Education |
8. Abbreviations in Sentences and Clauses
There is a fairly large amount of abbreviations that express the relations between words and sentences, similar to conjunctions. The phrases make most sense when you see them in an actual sentence, so I’m considering writing a separate article about them.
In the table below I’ve occasionally added “x” to the abbreviation or the translation. This is a placeholder for any word. I’ve included it in those cases where the phrase seemed more understandable with this addition.
Abbreviation | Finnish | English |
em. | edellä mainittu | mentioned above |
esim. | esimerkiksi | for example (e.g.) |
jms. | ja muuta sellaista | and other similar things, etc. |
jne. | ja niin edelleen | and so on, etc. |
ko. | kyseessä oleva x | the x in question, concerning x |
ks. | katso x | see x, look at x |
ks. esim. | katso esimerkiksi | see for example |
mm. | muun muassa | among other things |
nim. | nimittäin | namely |
ns. | niin sanottu | so-called |
t. | tai | or |
tms. | tai muuta sellaista | or something like that |
ts. | toisin sanoen | in other words, aka |
vars. | varsinkin / varsinainen | especially / actual |
vrt. | vertaa | compare to |
ym. | ynnä muuta | and so on, etc. |
yms. | ynnä muuta sellaista | and the like, etc. |
nk. | niin kutsuttu | so-called |
9. Pronunciation of Abbreviations
In addition to knowing what Finnish abbreviations mean, it’s also important to know how to pronounce them. When reading a sentence with an abbreviation out loud, there are several methods in use. Let’s take the abbreviation Eta “Euroopan talousalue” as an example:
- We can read it as a word, so literally “eta“.
- We can read it letter per letter, so “ee-tee-aa“.
- We can read it as if it wasn’t abbreviated, so “Euroopan talousalue“
For many words, only one of these three options is used. Knowing which one can be difficult because this can differ based on the abbreviation without many clear rules.
9.1. Examples of abbreviations you will read as if the whole word was written
Abbreviation | Pronunciation |
Paino: 3 kg | “Paino: kolme kiloa.” |
Kävin mm. pankissa. | “Kävin muun muassa pankissa.” |
Hoteli: 2hh | “Hotelli: kahden hengen huone.” |
Nopeus: 30 km/h | “Nopeus: kolmekymmentä kilometriä tunnissa.” |
Asuinpaikka: Hki | “Asuinpaikka: Helsinki.” |
Kapasiteetti: 3 hlö | “Kapasiteetti: kolme henkilöä.” |
Tämä tapahtui v. 2000. | “Tämä tapahtui vuonna kaksituhatta.” |
9.2. Examples of abbreviations you will read as if they were the actual word
Abbreviation | Pronunciation |
Lähettäjä: Kela | “Lähettäjä: Kela“ |
Luomu-ruoka | “Luomu-ruoka” |
Eviran päätös | “Eviran päätös” |
9.3. Examples of abbreviations you will read one letter at a time
Please realize that you should be using the Finnish pronunciation of the letters here. For exampl, L, M and N are äl, äm and än. This also counts for vowels! When it says in the table below “tee-vee” this is not the English pronuncation “tii-vii”.
Abbreviation | Pronunciation | English |
ALV | aa-äl-vee | VAT |
HIV | hoo-ii-vee (never “hiv”) | HIV |
tv | tee-vee | TV |
MTV3 | äm-tee-vee kolme | MTV3 (tv station) |
CD | see-dee | CD |
dvd | dee-vee-dee | DVD |
oy | oo-yy | corporation |
WHO | vee-hoo-oo | WHO |
DNA | dee-än-aa | DNA |
EU | ee-uu | European Union |
SPR | äs-pee-är | Finnish Red Cross |
JPEG | jii-peg | JPEG |
ADHD | aa-dee-hoo-dee | ADHD |
BMI | bee-äm-ii | BMI |
HTML | hoo-tee-äm-äl | html |
BBC | bee-bee-see OR bii-bii-sii | BBC |
FBI | äf-bee-ii OR äf-bii-ai | FBI |
10. Problems Related to Abbreviations
There are two questions that are very common related to abbreviations:
- Should you use capital letters or small letters?
- Should you include a dot or not?
This is something Finns struggle with as well. This is first taught to Finns in high school, and then repeated during further education. It’s a good idea to look these up online when you’re using them. There are some rules, but I find they have so many exceptions that there is little point in listing them here.
Another issue is the fact that Finnish has cases. You might understand m means “meter/metre”, but in a text, you could come across the inflected forms m:nä, m:einä, m:jä. Those could be the topic of another article some day!
I have a separate article with lots of abbreviations regarding to housing adverts. You can also find a more extensive list on the website of Kotimaisten kielten keskus.
If you want to learn abbreviations related to your own profession or hobbies, you can do some Google searches to hopefully find a couple of good lists. A random search I did came up with:
Those are some of the most common Finnish abbreviations! I hope you found what you were looking for.
Very useful. I’d been collecting these piecemeal, but it’s very useful to have this extensive collection as a reference source.