Abstract Nouns in Complement Sentences – Predikatiivi
This article deals with abstract nouns in complement sentences. It’s an important topic to familiarize yourself with when you’re studying the complement. Please first study the main rules for the complement.
It’s been challenging to write this, because there are very few sources available that look at abstract nouns in detail. Finnish sources seem to mostly take for granted that the reader knows which words are abstract and which ones aren’t. Sources for language learners generally keep this topic fairly superficial. As such, I’ve been relying on extensive Google search results to find the tendencies that are related to abstract nouns.
- What is an abstract noun?
- What is a complement (predikatiivi)?
- Showing Human Qualities or Characteristics
- Character traits as concepts
- Character traits as personal qualities
- Showing Emotions or Feelings
- General rule
- Specific feelings
- Feelings that only last a moment
- Activities and actions
- General rule
- Process versus result
- Countable result of an action
- Periods and States
- Periods of time
- States of being
- Concepts and Ideals
- Countable Abstract Things
- Obvious countable abstract things
- Less obvious countable abstract things
- Things that are measurable
- Things there are only one of
- Unexplained
- A strategy for if you’re not sure
1. What is an abstract noun?
Don’t scroll past this! It’s not as obvious as you might think. Different languages consider different words abstract. In English, you are usually instructed to consider if a noun can have “a” or “the” placed in front of it (e.g. “a thought” versus “creativity”).
Abstract nouns can express many things, e.g. a feeling, a property or a state. English and Finnish don’t match up perfectly when we’re talking about abstract nouns. Take the word “advice” for example. In English, it’s impossible to say “one advice”. In Finnish, it’s common to form phrases such as “Annan sinulle yhden neuvon” which means “I give you one (piece of) advice”.
The most important thing to take away from the article is that there is a difference between ABSTRACT and UNCOUNTABLE. For example, thoughts are abstract, but you can count them. As such, the complement won’t have to be in the partitive when your subject is the word ajatus “thought”.
2. What is a complement (predikatiivi)?
Complement sentences typically consist of a subject, the verb olla and a complement. The most typical complement sentences will express what the subject is like, which means they will contain an adjective as the complement.
- If your subject is a concrete, countable noun, you will use the nominative for the complement.
- If your subject is a mass noun (ainesana), you will use the partitive case for the complement. (learn more)
- If your subject is plural, you will usually use the plural partitive for the complement.
- If your subject is a “plurale tantum” word, you will use the T-plural for the complement. (learn more)
- If your subject is an activity or expresses a process, you will use the partitive case for the complement.
- If your subject is abstract but countable, you will use the nominative for the complement.
- If your subject is an abstract concept, you will generally use the partitive case for the complement.
Read more about the complement in general here.
# | Finnish | English |
1 | Omena on pyöreä. | An apple is round. |
1 | Minä olin nuori. | I was young. |
2 | Kahvi oli kuumaa. | The coffee was hot. |
2 | Sähkö voi olla kallista. | Electricity can be expensive. |
3 | Opiskelijat olivat fiksuja. | The students were smart. |
4 | Häät olivat tylsät. | The wedding was boring. |
5 | Käveleminen on mukavaa. | Walking is pleasant. |
5 | Etäopiskelu on vaikeaa. | Distance learning is difficult. |
5 | Ajattelu voi olla vahingollista. | Thinking can be harmful. |
6 | Ajatus oli loistava. | The thought was brilliant. |
7 | Onni on katoavaista. | Happiness is fleeting. |
The article you’re currently reading deals with numbers 5, 6 and 7.
3. Showing Human Qualities or Characteristics
This section contains subjects such as kindness, beauty, generosity, weakness and greed. These human qualities and personality traits are considered abstract. When we describe what these are like, we are doing so in general.
Main rule: “X on Y:tä.”
- If you’re unsure what case to use when talking about character traits, use the partitive case.
- Are we considering the character trait as a concept in general? → use the partitive case (3.1.)
- Are we explaining the intensity of a character trait in one person? → use the basic form (3.2.)
3.1. Character Traits as Concepts
When the subject of our sentence is a character trait, the complement will apear in the partitive case. Important in this first table is that we’re talking about the quality as a concept in general.
We could avoid the partitive here by saying “X on arvokas ominaisuus” (X is a valuable quality).
# | Finnish | English |
– | Huolellisuus on tärkeää. | Carefulness is important. |
– | Arin avuliaisuus oli epäilyttävää. | Ari’s helpfulness was suspicious. |
– | Avoimuus on välttämätöntä. | Transparency is essential. |
– | Arin anteliaisuus oli epäitsekästä. | Ari’s generosity was selfless. |
– | Ahneus on inhimillistä. | Greed is human. |
– | Heikkous on inhimillistä. | Weakness is human. |
– | Arin huomaavaisuus oli yllättävää. | Ari’s thoughfulness was surprising. |
– | Hallituksen jääräpäisyys on surullista. | The stubbornness of the government is sad. |
– | Nokkeluus on seksikästä. | Wit is sexy. |
– | Arkuus on ymmärrettävää. | Shiness is understandable. |
– | Luonnon kauneus oli mykistävää. | The beauty of nature was stunning. |
– | Pahuus on parantumatonta. | Evil is incurable. |
– | Rehellisyys on tärkeintä. | Honesty is the most important. |
– | Uteliaisuus on vaarallista. | Curiosity is dangerous. |
– | Reiluus on tärkeää kuluttajille. | Fairness is important to the customers. |
3.2. Character Traits as Personal Qualities
We can also talk about these human characteristics as a personal character trait. For example, instead of saying that “self-confidence is sexy”, we could say that “my self-confidence is bad”. In these cases, we will use the partitive case for the complement when we talk about the character trait in general, and the basic form when we mean a certain person‘s character trait.
# | Finnish | English |
– | Miksi itsehillintä on niin vaikeaa? | Why is self-restraint so difficult? |
– | Itsehillintäni on olematon. | My self-control is nonexistent. |
1 | Itsevarmuus on seksikästä. | Self-confidence is sexy. |
1 | Itsevarmuuteni oli erittäin huono. | My self-confidence was very poor. |
– | Kärsivällisyys on vaikeaa. | Patience is difficult. |
– | Kärsivällisyyteni on huono. | My patience is poor. |
2 | Sinnikkyys on tärkeää. | Tenacity is important. |
2 | Oppilaan sinnikkyys on korkea. | The student’s perseverance is high. |
3 | Tytön itsetunto oli vahva. | The girl’s self-esteem was strong. |
4. Showing Emotions or Feelings
This section contains words such as jealousy, anxiety, fear, contempt, disappointment and shame. You can talk about feelings in general as well as a current episode of a feeling: we can talk about fear or about the fear we felt in a situation.
Main rule: “X on Y:tä.”
- If you’re unsure which case to use, use the partitive case for feelings.
- Are we considering the feeling as a quality in general? → use the partitive case (4.1.)
- Are we considering the feeling as a process that lasts? → use the partitive case (4.1.)
- Are we considering the feeling as something someone undergoes? → use the partitive case (4.2.)
- Are we considering the feeling as a whole? → use the basic form (4.2.)
- Is the feeling tied to a specific situation? → use the basic form (4.2.)
- Is the feeling very short-lived, momentaneous? → use the basic form (4.3.)
4.1. General Rule
Generally, when your subject is an emotion, it will require the complement to be inflected in the partitive case. All of these feelings are the type that last for a while and won’t be over in a second. This is important to note because when a feeling is very short-lived, it’s possible to use the basic form.
Note how the words in this table ONLY get the partitive case, no matter if they’re somehow specific or not!
# | Finnish | English |
1 | Ahdistus on usein epämääräistä. | Anxiety is often general/unspecified. |
1 | Ahdistus oli voimakasta. | The anxiety was intense. |
– | Avuttomuus oli kamalaa. | The helplessness was horrible. |
– | Kateellisuus on minulle täysin vierasta. | Jealousy is completely alien to me. |
– | Katkeruus on rumaa ja inhottavaa. | Bitterness is ugly and disgusting. |
– | Ihailu oli yksipuolista. | The admiration was one-sided. |
– | Kiinnostus on alussa ollut vähäistä. | Interest has been low in the beginning. |
– | Kunnioitus oli molemminpuolista. | The respect was mutual. |
– | Pieni mustasukkaisuus on normaalia. | A little jealousy is normal. |
– | Liisan myötätunto oli vilpitöntä. | Liisa’s compassion was sincere. |
– | Onnellisuus on suhteellista. | Happiness is relative. |
– | Onni on katoavaista. | Happiness is fleeting. |
– | Optimismi oli perusteetonta. | The optimism was unfounded. |
– | Ajoittainen alakuloisuus on normaalia. | Occasional depression is normal. |
– | Halveksunta oli syvää. | The contempt was profound. |
4.2. Specific Feelings
Sometimes feelings are specific to a certain situation, or specific for an individual. These are deviations from the normal rule. As such, you can always rely on the partitive case if you’re unsure.
# | Finnish | English |
1 | Ilo oli suurta eri puolilla Kroatiaa. | There was great joy throughout Croatia. |
1 | Lapsen ilo oli valtava. | The child’s joy was immense. |
2 | Jännitys on edelleen voimakasta. | The tension is still strong. |
2 | Jännitys oli sietämätön. | The tension was unbearable. |
3 | Suru on jokaiselle yksilöllistä. | Grief is unique to each person. |
3 | Äidin suru oli pohjaton. | Mother’s grief was bottomless. |
4 | Syyllisyys on hyödyllistä. | Guilt is useful. |
4 | Syyllisyys on kiistaton. | The guilt is indisputable. |
5 | Sosiaalisten tilanteiden pelko on yleistä. | Fear of social situations is common. |
5 | Pelko voi olla todella voimakas. | The fear can be really strong. |
6 | Usko oli vahvaa. | Faith was strong. |
6 | Uskoni oli vahva. | My faith was strong. My belief was strong. |
7 | Katumus oli myöhäistä. | Repentance was late. |
7 | Paulin katumus oli aito. | Paul’s remorse was genuine. |
? | Kiukkuni oli aiheetonta. | My anger was unfounded. |
? | Kiukku oli aiheellinen. | The anger was warranted. |
– | Masennus on yleistä. | Depression is common. |
– | Masennus oli lievä. | The depression was mild. |
4.3. Feelings that Only Last a Moment
When you’re dealing with an emotion that generally doesn’t last longer than a moment, you will use the basic form for the complement. These all refer to a sudden emotion that’s tied to a specific situation.
# | Finnish | English |
– | Helpotus on lyhytaikainen. | The relief is short-lived. |
– | Huojennus oli valtava. | The relief was huge. |
– | Hämmästys oli suuri. | The astonishment was great. |
– | Häpeä oli miltei sietämätön. | The shame was almost unbearable. |
– | Pettymys on valtava. | The disappointment is huge. |
– | Epäusko oli valtava. | The disbelief was huge. |
5. Activities and Actions
Main rule: “X on Y:tä.”
- If you’re unsure which case to use, use the partitive case for actions.
- Are we talking about the action in general? → use the partitive case (5.1.)
- Are we focusing on the action as a process? → use the partitive case (5.1.)
- Are we focusing on the action’s finished result? → use the basic form (5.2.)
- Are we talking about the countable result of an action? → use the basic form (5.3.)
- Are we talking about other abstract, but countable things? → use the basic form (5.3.)
5.1. General Rule
One fairly reliable rule is that nouns that express an activity or movement will be considered abstract. This is obvious for words such as kävely “walking” and hiihtäminen “skiing”, but can also sometimes be less obvious.
When you make a noun out of a verb (e.g. luistella “to skate” > luisteleminen “skating”) you use the fourth infinitive. In addition, many verbs also have a second option, which is less regular. For example, käveleminen and kävely “walking”; matkustaminen and matkustus “traveling”, and kierrättäminen and kierrätys “recycling”. Think of them as the difference between “thinking” and “thought”, or “use” and “consumption”. All these nouns way describe an action or activity.
When one of these words is the subject of a sentence, the complement will appear in the partitive case.
# | Finnish | English |
– | Adoptio oli silloin yleistä. | Adopting was normal during the time. |
– | Aivopesu on tehokasta. | Brainwashing is effective. |
1 | Looginen ajattelu on tarpeellista. | Logical thought is necessary. |
2 | Anteeksianto oli vaikeaa. | Forgiveness was difficult. |
– | Tulevaisuuden arvailu on vaikeaa. | Guessing the future is difficult. |
– | Desinfiointi on vaivatonta. | Disinfection is easy. |
– | Liikunta on tärkeää. | Exercise is important. |
3 | Matkustus on raskasta. | Traveling is rough. |
– | Tupakointi on kallista. | Smoking is expensive. |
4 | Työnteko oli tehokasta. | Working was efficient. |
– | Alkoholin käyttö on vaarallista. | Alcohol consumption is dangerous. |
– | Hauskanpito oli tärkeintä. | Having fun was most important. |
– | Taudin hoito on tehokasta. | The treatment of the disease is effective. |
– | Vanhustenhoito on vaativaa. | Elderly care is demanding. |
– | Leikin havainnointi on tärkeää. | Observation of play is important. |
– | Häirintä oli tahallista. | The harrassment was intentional. |
– | Kidutus oli raakaa. | The torture was cruel. |
5 | Opetus oli realistista. | The education was realistic. |
– | Opiskelu oli hyödyllistä ja mielekästä. | Studying was helpful and meaningful. |
– | Yksilön palvonta on turhaa. | Worship of the individual is useless. |
– | Anatomian tuntemus oli vähäistä. | There was little knowledge of anatomy. |
– | Edistys oli hyvin hidasta. | Progress was very slow. |
– | Kierrätys on tärkeää. | Recycling is important. |
– | Kiristys on aina laitonta. | Extortion is always illegal. |
– | Silmukan kiristys on helppoa. | Tightening the loop is easy. |
– | Seuranta on luotettavaa ja avointa. | Monitoring is reliable and transparent. |
– | Kehitys oli vahvaa Ruotsissa. | The development was strong in Sweden. |
5.2. Process versus Result
With some verb-based nouns, we can use both the partitive and the nominative for the complement. Which form you use depends on how you view the action. On the one hand, you could be referring to the process, so to the action taking place. On the other hand, you could also refer to the end result of the action.
When you use the subject to refer to the process of the action, you will use the partitive case for the complement. When you use the subject to refer to the end result, you will use the basic form for the complement.
# | Finnish | English |
1 | Parketin asennus on nopeaa. | Parquet installation is quick to do. |
1 | Parketin asennus on valmis. | The parquet installation is done. |
2 | Asiakaspalvelu on raskasta. | Customer service is strenuous. |
2 | Asiakaspalvelu on erinomainen. | The customer service is excellent. |
– | Analyysi oli aineistolähtöistä. | The analysis was data-driven. |
– | Analyysi oli osuva. | The analysis was apt. |
3 | Maailmankaupan kasvu oli maltillista. | The growth in world trade was moderate. |
3 | Väkiluvun kasvu oli pienin 50 vuoteen. | Population growth was the lowest in 50 years. |
4 | Tuho oli järjestelmällistä. | The destruction was systematic. |
4 | Kaupungin tuho oli nopea. | The destruction of the city was fast. |
5 | Talon ilmanvaihto oli puutteellista. | The ventilation of the house was inadequate. |
5 | Talon ilmanvaihto oli puutteellinen. | The ventilation of the house was inadequate. |
– | Koko myymälän jäähdytys on tasaista. | The cooling of the whole shop is even. |
– | Pakastimen jäähdytys on tehokas. | Freezer cooling is effective. |
– | Muutos on jatkuvaa. | The change is ongoing, continuous. |
– | Muutos on valtava. | The change is huge. |
6 | Nöyryytys oli epäsuoraa ja sanatonta. | The humiliation was indirect and non-verbal. |
6 | Nöyryytys oli täydellinen. | The humiliation was complete. |
7 | Ulkomaille muutto oli hankalaa. | The move abroad was difficult. |
7 | Muutto oli välttämätön. | The move was unavoidable. |
8 | Yleisön nauru oli taukoamatonta. | The audience’s laughter was incessant. |
8 | Naurusi on niin tarttuva. | Your laughter is so contagious. |
– | Perehdytys oli selkeää. | The orientation was clear. |
– | Työhön perehdytys oli laadukas. | The job orientation was of high quality. |
– | Kysyntä oli heikompaa Euroopassa. | Demand was weaker in Europe. |
– | Palvelun kysyntä oli kova. | The demand for the service was strong. |
? | Nuhtelu oli armotonta ja ankaraa. | The rebuke was ruthless and harsh. |
? | Nuhtelu on kohtelias mutta tiukka. | The rebuke was polite but firm. |
5.3. Countable Result of an Action
Just like the words in the list above, the following words are clearly derived from a verb. They will, however, not be used with a partitive complement. This is due to the fact that these nouns don’t express the action as a process, but rather as the end result of said action.
For example, loukkaus “insult” clearly comes from the verb loukata “to insult” and muistinmenetys “memory loss” from the verb menettää “to lose”. However, we’re talking about a specific occurrence. Often these nouns are countable (e.g. three insults, one ban).
# | Finnish | English |
– | Solvaus oli tehokas. | The insult was effective. |
– | Loukkaus oli vakava. | The insult was serious. |
– | Uhkaus oli vain sanallinen. | The threat was purely verbal. |
1 | Arvonta on liian satunnainen. | The draw is too random. |
2 | Muistinmenetys oli tilapäinen. | The memory loss was temporary. |
3 | Kielto oli pysyvä. | The ban was permanent. |
4 | Mainosten esto on tehokas. | Ad blocking is effective. |
– | Väkivallan uhka oli suuri. | The threat of violence was great. |
5 | Teko oli tahallinen. | The act was deliberate. |
6 | Liike oli hidas ja varovainen. | The movement was slow and cautious. |
– | Valaistus oli kirkas ja miellyttävä. | The lighting was bright and pleasant. |
6. Periods and States
Main rule: “X on Y:tä.”
- If you’re unsure which case to use for periods, use the partitive case for actions.
- Are we talking about the period in general? → use the partitive case (6.1.)
- Are we focusing on the period as a process? → use the partitive case (6.1.)
- Are we referring to the period as a whole? → use the basic form (6.1.)
- Are we referring to the period after it is over with? → use the basic form (6.1.)
- States of being will always have the partitive case (6.2.).
6.1. Periods of Time
# | Finnish | English |
– | Arki oli sujuvaa ja mukavaa. | Everyday life was smooth and comfortable. |
1 | Elämä oli ihanaa. | Life was wonderful. |
2 | Lapsuus on lyhyt ja korvaamaton. | Childhood is short and priceless. |
3 | Aikuisuus on ahdistavaa. | Adulthood is distressing. |
4 | Nuoruus on huoletonta. | Youth is carefree. |
– | Vanhemmuus oli meille luontaista. | Parenting was natural for us. |
5 | Isyys on vaativaa. | Fatherhood is demanding. |
5 | Lapsen isyys on selvä. | The child’s paternity is clear. |
– | Äitiys voi olla rankkaa. | Maternity can be tough. |
? | Ystävyys oli helppoa lapsena. | Friendship was easy as a child. |
6.2. States of Being
There are some nouns (generally ending in -us) that express a state, something that lasts. Unlike many other nouns on this page, they don’t express a process or action. It’s just a state of being (e.g. uneployment or childhood).
We will use the partitive case for the complement of such a subject.
# | Finnish | English |
– | Kodittomuus oli alueella harvinaista. | Homelessness was rare in the area. |
– | Taloudellinen osaamattomuus on yleistä. | Financial incompetence is widespread. |
– | Työttömyys oli usein tilapäistä. | Unemployment was often temporary. |
– | Köyhyys on Suomessakin todellista. | Poverty is real in Finland, too. |
– | Rikkaus on henkistä tai aineellista. | Wealth is spiritual or material. |
– | Orjuus oli tavallista. | Slavery was commonplace. |
– | Rikollisuus oli yleistä. | Crime was widespread. |
– | Vapaus on arvokasta. | Freedom is valuable. |
7. Concepts and Ideals
Concepts and ideals will get a partitive complement. I haven’t been able to find many such words that appear in complement sentences. For all of these, the example sentences I found had a complement that express a certain attitude towards the idea or concept. As such, the partitive case could be both due to the abstract subject or due to the fact that we’re expressing judgement.
# | Finnish | English |
– | Politiikka on tylsää. | Politics are boring. |
– | Hyväntekeväisyys on nyt helpompaa. | Charity is easier now. |
– | Altruismi on tärkeää. | Altruism is important. |
– | Ekologisuus on meille tärkeää. | Ecology is important to us. |
8. Countable Abstract Things
8.1. Obvious Countable Abstract Things
The following are things that can be considered abstract but which you can count. I’m only including these because if you google abstract nouns in English, some of these keep showing up. However, all these nouns (except one) are used in English when the demonstative pronoun “the”. This is usually a good indicator that a word is countable.
# | Finnish | English |
– | Matka on raskas. | The journey is difficult. |
– | Tämä perinne on suhteellisen uusi. | This tradition is relatively new. |
– | Järjestelmä oli loistava. | The system was great. |
– | Sairaus on erittäin harvinainen. | The disease is extremely rare. |
– | Jokainen raskaus on erilainen. | Every pregnancy is different. |
– | Sävelmä on traditionaalinen. | The melody is traditional. |
1 | Oikeusistunto oli tunteikas. | The trial was emotional. |
– | Koulutus oli mielestäni erittäin antoisa. | I found the course very rewarding. |
– | Tilaisuus on avoin kaikille. | The event is open to all. |
– | Tilanne on erittäin vaikea. | The situation is very difficult. |
– | Tunnelma oli loistava. | The atmosphere was great. |
– | Maisema oli kaunis. | The landscape was beautiful. |
– | Näköala oli huikaiseva. | The view was breathtaking. |
2 | Sota on väistämätön. | War is unavoidable. |
– | Syksyn sato oli runsas. | The autumn harvest was plentiful. |
– | Tulva oli ollut katastrofaalinen. | The flood had been catastrophic. |
– | Arvoitus oli helppo. | The riddle was easy. |
– | Ilmastointi on ollut viallinen. | The air conditioning has been defective. |
– | Keino oli tehokas. | The method was effective. |
– | Ikkunan somistus oli upea. | The window decoration was magnificent. |
– | Miehen ulkonäkö oli moitteeton. | The man’s appearance was impeccable. |
– | Ensimmäinen vaikutelma on tärkeä. | The first impression is important. |
3 | Rike oli selvä. | The offense was clear. |
3 | Rikkomus oli vain vähäinen. | The offense was only minor. |
3 | Rikos oli raaka ja julma. | The crime was raw and cruel. |
8.2. Less Obvious Countable Abstract Things
There are lots of countable things going on in our head: ideas, estimates, memories, decisions, and guesses. While you can’t touch a thought (ajatus), it’s still one thing, and you can have multiple of them. This makes it a concrete countable thing, and thus not abstract.
This group isn’t much different from the one above in Finnish, but might give you more trouble.
# | Finnish | English |
– | Aavistukseni oli oikea. | The hunch I had was right. |
– | Epäily oli aiheeton. | The suspicion was unfounded. |
– | Ajatus oli naurettava. | The idea was ridiculous. |
– | Arvelu on perusteeton. | The guess is unfounded. |
– | Arvio on realistinen. | The estimate is realistic. |
– | Idea oli toimiva. | The idea was workable. |
– | Ensimmäinen arvaus on ilmainen. | The first guess is free. |
1 | Havainto oli merkittävä. | The observation was significant. |
– | Jokainen mielipide on yhtä arvokas. | Every opinion is equally valuable. |
2 | Muisto oli kaunis. | The memory was beautiful. |
2 | Ihmisen muisti on epäluotettava. | Human memory is unreliable. |
3 | Neuvo oli tosi yksinkertainen. | The advice was really simple. |
– | Periaate oli varsin ongelmallinen. | The principle was quite problematic. |
4 | Päätös on lainvoimainen. | The decision is final. |
5 | Tieto oli virheellinen. | The piece of information was wrong. |
6 | Uskomus oli hyvin yleinen. | The belief was very common. |
7 | Huoli oli turha. | The worry was unnecessary. |
– | Henkilöstön motivaatio oli erinomainen. | The staff’s motivation was excellent. |
– | Tiimin asenne oli positiivinen. |
The team’s attitude was positive. |
– | Häiriö oli lyhytaikainen. | The disturbance was short-lived. |
– | Hyvä aloite on selkeä. | A good initiative is clear. |
– | Tulos oli loistava. | The result was great. |
– | Saavutus on valtava. | The achievement is huge. |
– | Seuraamus on asianmukainen. | The penalty is appropriate. |
– | Kuntoutuksen hyöty oli pieni. | The benefit of rehabilitation were small. |
– | Arvioitu haitta oli vähäinen. | The estimated disadvantage was minor. |
– | Tämä kyky on synnynnäinen. | This ability is innate. |
9. Things that are measurable
This group might either make perfect sense to you or confuse you to no end! All the things in this group are in some way measurable: things that can be small or large, bad or good, strong or weak.
This isn’t an official rule that I’ve come across anywhere online or in books. It’s just that these words do seem to all have something in common. All these words will get a complement in the basic form.
# | Finnish | English |
– | Järvien välinen etäisyys on pieni. | The distance between the lakes is short. |
1 | Lämpötila on tasainen koko hallissa. | The temperature is constant in the hall. |
– | Kuvien laatu on huono. | The picture quality is poor. |
– | Ajoneuvon nopeus oli suuri. | The speed of the vehicle was high. |
– | Mailan pituus on sopiva. | The racket’s length is suitable. |
– | Lapsen ruokahalu on heikko. | The child’s appetite is weak. |
– | Makujen sopusointu oli täydellinen. | The harmony of the flavors was perfect. |
2 | Sää on sateinen. | The weather is rainy. |
– | Tarve on suuri. | The need is great. |
– | Toleranssi on korkea. | The tolerance is high. |
3 | Työttömyysaste oli alhainen. | The unemployment rate was low. |
4 | Eläke on riittävä. | The pension is enough. |
4 | Palkka on sopiva. | The salary is appropriate. |
– | Asuntolainan korko oli korkea 1990-luvulla. | The mortgage rate was high in the 1990s. |
– | Sairauspäivärahan korotus oli pieni. | The increase in sickness allowance was small. |
– | Suomen joukkueen suoritus oli hyvä. | The Finnish team’s performance was good. |
– | Äidin mielenterveys oli epävakaa. | Mother’s mental health was unstable. |
– | Muuten terveys on ollut hyvä. | Apart from that, health has been good. |
– | Asuntoni kunto on loistava. | My apartment’s condition is excellent. |
– | Minun omatunto on puhdas. | My conscience is clean. |
10. Things there are only one of
I’m only including these because, in English, you could think they are abstract nouns. In the rule as I see it is that – if only one of them exists – it is (in a way) countable.
Finnish | English |
Taivas on sininen. | The sky is blue. |
Avaruus on ääretön. | Space is infinitive. |
Marsin ilmakehä on myrkyllinen. | The Martian atmosphere is toxic. |
Ihmisen mieli on hauras. | The human mind is fragile. |
11. Unexplained
The following words are ones that I gave up on. This article has been a major time drain and, at some point, it’s just time to publish. As such, I have no explanation for the following words and will not attempt to explain them at the current time. I will probably get back to them when I feel a need to get super frustrated with something again 😉
I’m providing you with the results of sifting through Google search results. In cases where both the basic form and the partitive case seem common, I am listing both options. If only one option seems prevalent, I only list that one option.
Finnish | English |
Rakkaus on sokea. | Love is blind. |
Kiire on kova. | The rush/hurry was strong. |
Ammatin arvostus on vahva. | The appreciation of the profession is strong. |
Hänen asemansa on horjumaton. | His position is unshakable. |
Mobiilipelien elinkaari on lyhyt. | The life cycle of mobile games is short. |
Minun hajuaistini on erityisen tarkka. | My sense of smell is particularly accurate. |
Temppelin loisto oli suunnaton. | The temple’s splendor was immense. |
Yleisön hälinä oli kova. | The commotion in the audience was loud. |
Haju on voimakas. | The smell is strong. |
Löyhkä oli sietämätön. | The stink was unbearable. |
Näky oli yllättävä / yllättävää. | The sight was surprising. |
Melu on kova / kovaa. | The noise is loud. |
Meteli oli sietämätön / sietämätöntä. | The noise was unbearable. |
Kutina oli sietämätön / sietämätöntä. | The itching was unbearable. |
Vaiva on yleinen / yleistä. | The ailment is common. |
Kipu on kova / kovaa. | The pain is severe. |
Liikenne oli ruuhkainen / vilkasta. | The traffic is congested/busy. |
Menestys on heikko/heikkoa. | The success is weak. |
Kuolema on lopullinen / lopullista. | Death is final. |
Luottamus on molemminpuolinen/-puolista. | The trust goes both ways. |
Luonto on kaunis / kaunista. | Nature is beautiful. |
Musiikki on kaunis / kaunista. | Music is beautiful. |
Valo oli kirkas / kirkasta. | The light was bright. |
Matematiikka on tärkeää mutta vaikeaa. | Math is important but difficult. |
12. A Strategy For if You’re Not Sure
Here’s one way to cheat your way out of making mistakes! This sentence type allows you to get around the complement system if you’re not sure.
X on YZ – Nominative
We can avoid the question “is this word abstract or not” by adding a noun at the end of our complement phrase. More often than not, nouns will appear in their basic form, so we can just match the adjective we want to use with it.
# | Finnish | English |
Lapsuus on arvokas / arvokasta? | ||
1 | Lapsuus on [arvokas aika]. | Childhood is [a precious time]. |
1 | Lapsuus on [arvokas asia]. | Childhood is [a precious thing]. |
1 | Lapsuus on [arvokas vaihe]. | Childhood is [a valuable stage]. |
Adoptio on epäitsekäs / epäitsekästä? | ||
2 | Adoptio oli [epäitsekäs teko]. | Adoption was [a selfless act]. |
2 | Adoptio oli [epäitsekäs päätös]. | Adoption was [a selfless decision]. |
2 | Adoptio oli [epäitsekäs vaihtoehto]. | Adoption was [a selfless alternative]. |
2 | Adoptio on [epäitsekäs prosessi]. | The adoption is [a selfless process]. |
Ahneus on inhimillinen / inhimillistä? | ||
3 | Ahneus on [inhimillinen ominaisuus]. | Greed is [a human quality]. |
3 | Ahneus on [inhimillinen piirre]. | Greed is [a human trait]. |
3 | Ahneus on [inhimillinen tunne]. | Greed is [a human feeling]. |
Avuttomuus oli karmea / karmeaa? | ||
4 | Avuttomuus on [karmea tunne]. | Helplessness is [a gruesome feeling]. |
4 | Avuttomuus oli [karmea asia]. | Helplessness was [a gruesome thing]. |
4 | Avuttomuus oli [karmea kokemus]. | Helplessness was [a gruesome experience]. |
Read more elsewhere
I haven’t been able to find any sources that give very detailed information about abstract nouns in complement sentences, but here are some useful links.
- Kielitoimisto: Predikatiivi: sää on tuulinen tai tuulosta, juhla oli menestys
- VISK: Jaollisuuden ja jaottomuuden tulkintaa: Elämä on ihanaa ~ lyhyt
- Virittäjä: Kvantiteetti ja aika II Nominaalinen aspekti ja suomen predikatiivin sijanvaihtelu
- Book: Äänteistä lauseisiin – Johdatus suomen kielioppiin
- Book: Jukka K. Korpela – Handbook of Finnish
And that’s all for now about abstract nouns in complement sentences. I hope this will help you on your journey towards mastering Finnish!
Yet another try, may I? When describing feelings, states or characteristics we may be referring either to the “quality” or to the “quantity” of such ones. Quality-reference triggers partitive, whereas quantity-reference nominative( as though it were an “annos” of an “ainesana”).
Revisiting this issue, I came across the insight that a partitive adjectival complement can regularly be paraphrased as “something + adjective”, whereas this does not seem to be the case with nominative ones, e.g. “his perseverance is high (nominative in Finnish)” vs. “His perseverance is exceptional (= something exceptional) (partitive in Finnish). This would apply to most other cases of partitive/nominative alternance in complements.
Hmmm, my grasp on English doesn’t seem to be good enough to reliably use this trick. However, it could potentially be a valuable addition to use to determine the case needed. Any trick is better than no trick!
Let us turn to German, then: etwas Ausserördentliches. Notice that the partitive object can be rephrased as “some + noun” in English; so it would be quite natural for the partitive complement to be rephrased as “something+ adjective” or at least “an+ adjective + thing”, in this case “an extraordinary thing”. Thanks for your attention.
I don’t speak any German! 🙂 Thank you though! Nice to hear that it’s a wider phenomenon in other languages too.
Muutos and Muutto are a bit different. Both represent 2 of the many meanings of muuttaa(to move, to change(modify). An easy way for me to remember is that when using muuttaa for ‘change(modification), the context will always be abstract(because vaihtaa is a physical change).
“Nuhtelu” as an action that implies an intention on the rebuker’s side: this intention is described with the partitive.
As for the actual performance of that intention with words and gestures, the nominative is used.
At least I gave it a shot, didn’t I ?
Hei! First of all thank you so much for making and keeping up this website!!
I have a question about one of the examples in 4.2
“kiukkuni oli aiheetonta” has a partitive complement here even though it’s about one person’s anger. Some other examples (like usko on vahvaa vs uskoni on vahva) put the personal one in basic form instead of partitive, so shouldn’t it be “kiukkuni oli aiheeton”? Or am I missing something?
You’re absolutely right! That’s why I have a question mark next to that sentence pair. It doesn’t make much sense. I would also have expected the opposite. Sometimes language “rules” just get broken 🙂