Words Ending in mUs – Sopimus Taipumus Rintamus
Finnish has a fairly small group of words ending in –mUs. These nouns are generally derived from a verb. This derivation type is no longer productive: no new words are created according to this pattern.
Below, I have marked the most commonly used words ending in -mUs in green. If you’re a beginner, those are the words to study first!
1. Formation of Words Ending in –mUs
Words ending in –mus/mys usually have been derived from a verb. The –mus gets added to the strong vowel stem of the verb. There is also a small group of words that are derived from nouns.
1.1. Derived from verbtype 1 verbs
The biggest group of words ending in –mus come from a two-syllable verb, most commonly a verb ending in –ua or -yä. The -mus will generally be added to the strong stem of the verb.
- ‑UA- > kysy-ä → kysymys; petty-ä → pettymys
- ‑OA- > kerto-a → kertomus, aiko-a → aikomus
- ‑AA- > elä-ä → elämys; luotta-a → luottamus
- ‑eA- > hake-a → hakemus; koke-a → kokemus
- ‑iA- > sopi-a → sopimus; vaati-a → vaatimus
- ‑UtUA- > kieltäytyä → kieltäymys (doesn’t follow the pattern perfectly)
# | Verb | English | Noun | English |
1 | katua | to regret | katumus | remorse |
1 | kysyä | to ask | kysymys | question |
1 | kutsua | to invite | kutsumus | calling, vocation |
1 | koostua | to consist of | koostumus | composition |
1 | suostua | to agree | suostumus | consent |
1 | taipua | to bend, to give in | taipumus | inclination, disposition |
1 | myöntyä | to consent, assent to | myöntymys | consent |
1 | täyttyä | to be filled up | täyttymys | fulfillment |
1 | ärtyä | to get irritated | ärtymys | irritation |
1 | pettyä | to be disappointed | pettymys | disappointment |
1 | nöyrtyä | to be humble | nöyrtymys | humility |
1 | juopua | to get drunk | juopumus | drunkenness |
1 | kiihtyä | to get excited | kiihtymys | excitement, arousal |
1 | mieltyä | to fancy | mieltymys | fondness |
1 | viehtyä | to be charmed | viehtymys | interest, urge |
1 | suuttua | to get angry | suuttumus | indignation, anger |
1 | taantua | to regress | taantumus | regression |
1 | väsyä | to get tired | väsymys | fatigue |
1 | uupua | to get exhausted | uupumus | exhaustion |
1 | nääntyä | to languish | nääntymys | prostration |
1 | kiintyä | to become attached | kiintymys | devotion, attachment |
1 | kääntyä | to convert | kääntymys | conversion (faith) |
1 | turtua | to go dead | turtumus | numbness |
2 | anoa | to pleade, apply | anomus | petition, application |
2 | latoa | to pile | latomus | pile (e.g. ancient wall stones) |
2 | leipoa | to bake | leipomus | batch of baked goods |
2 | kertoa | to tell | kertomus | report, story |
2 | aikoa | to intend | aikomus | intention |
2 | rikkoa | to break | rikkomus | violation, offence |
2 | toivoa | to hope, wish | toivomus | wish, request |
2 | uskoa | to believe | uskomus | belief, notion |
3 | elää | to live | elämys | experience, thrill |
3 | tietää | to know | tietämys | know-how |
3 | kantaa | to carry, to bear | kantamus | load, burden |
3 | ääntää | to pronounce | ääntämys | pronunciation |
3 | luottaa | to trust | luottamus | trust |
3 | tuottaa | to produce | tuottamus | negligence |
3 | olettaa | to assume | olettamus | hypothesis, assumption |
3 | ymmärtää | to understand | ymmärtämys | sympathy, understanding |
4 | hakea | to apply | hakemus | application |
4 | kokea | to experience | kokemus | experience |
4 | tuntea | to feel, sense | tuntemus | sensation |
5 | aistia | to sense | aistimus | sensation |
5 | periä | to inherit, come into | perimys | succession |
5 | sopia | to agree | sopimus | agreement |
5 | vaatia | to demand | vaatimus | requirement, demand |
5 | kärsiä | to suffer | kärsimys | suffering |
5 | vihkiä | to inaugurate, wed | vihkimys | initiation |
5 | pyrkiä | to attempt to | pyrkimys | attempt |
5 | parsia | to darn | parsimus | darning |
5 | tutkia | to investigate | tutkimus | investigation, research |
6 | sitoutua | to commit | sitoumus | commitment, obligation |
6 | kieltäytyä | to forbid | kieltäymys | abnegation, renunciation |
1.2. Derived from other verbtypes
There are also some -mus nouns that are derived from other verbtypes. Please note that –mus is a “dead” derivation type: no new words are being created following this pattern.
- Verbtype 2: added to the third person verb stem
- Verbtype 3: the stem used is either the vowel stem (koettele-mus) or the consonant stem (katsel-mus)
- Verbtype 4: most of these have a long vowel (vedota → vetoomus; seurata → seuraamus)
- Verbtype 5: ravita → ravitsen → ravitsemus
VT | Verb | English | Noun | English |
2 | luoda | to create | luomus | creation |
2 | nähdä | to see, view | näkemys | point of view |
3 | olla | to be | olemus | appearance, presence |
3 | koetella | to try, to test | koettelemus | ordeal |
3 | katsella | to watch | katselmus | audit, review |
3 | ylösnousta | to ascend | ylösnousemus | recurrection |
4 | seurata | to follow | seuraamus | ramification |
4 | vedota | to appeal to | vetoomus | appeal, petition |
4 | langeta | to fall, indulge | lankeemus | fall (from grace) |
4 | todeta | to note, to state | toteamus | statement |
5 | ravita | to nourish | ravitsemus | nutrition |
1.3. Derived from a noun, adjective or affix
Words ending in -mUs that are derived from a noun generally have one of two meanings. First, they can be words that refer to people, generally in a pretty derogative way. Second, they are often words that refer to a part of clothing.
- Words derived from a noun generally describe part of clothing
- Words derived from an affix, often similar to a postposition (e.g. taka- and takana)
- Words derived from an adjective are generally either be a negative (a) or a neutral (b) term for a person.
# | Base | English | Noun | English |
1 | selkä | back | selkämys | back side of shirt |
1 | rinta | chest | rintamus | front side of shirt or pants |
1 | helma | hem of cloth | helmus | hem of cloth (rarer) |
1 | silmä | eye | silmus | ring in cloth, loop |
2 | etu- | front | etumus | front side of shirt or pants |
2 | taka- | behind | takamus | butt, or butt area of pants |
2 | sisä- | inside | sisälmykset | entrails, innards (always plural) |
3a | ilkeä | mean | ilkimys | mean person |
3a | laiska | lazy | laiskimus | lazy person |
3a | raaka | crude, harsh | raakimus | brute, cruel person |
3a | surkea | pitiful, pathetic | surkimus | loser, pathetic person |
3a | tylsä | boring | tylsimys | boring person |
3b | pyhä | holy | pyhimys | saint |
3b | yli- | over, superior | ylimys | aristocrat |
2. Example Sentences
I’ve tried to keep these example sentences as simple as possible. I hope these will help you to understand these words better than the lists above and give you an idea of which verbs work with these nouns!
Noun | Explanation |
Esitän kysymyksen. | I ask a question. |
Esitän vaatimuksen. | I make a claim. |
Esitän näkemykseni. | I present my point of view. |
Esitän toivomuksen. | I present a request, a wish. |
Esitin vain toteamuksen. | I just made a statement. |
Kirjoitan kertomuksen. | I write a report. |
Kirjoitan anomuksen. | I write an application. |
Allekirjoitan vetoomuksen. | I sign the petition. |
Allekirjoitan sopimuksen. | I sign the agreement. |
Täytän hakemuksen. | I fill an application. |
Annan suostumuksen. | I give my consent. |
Annan sitoumuksen. | I make a commitment. |
Saan kokemusta. | I get experience. |
Toimitan katselmuksen. | I provide a review/audit. |
Kumoan olettamuksen. | I refure the presumption. |
Havaitsen rikkomuksen. | I notice a violation, an offense. |
Toivon ymmärtämystä. | I hope for sympathy, understanding. |
Suoritin tutkimuksen. | I did a research project. |
Aiheutan pettymyksen. | I cause disappointment. |
Aiheutan kärsimystä. | I cause suffering. |
Tunnen katumusta. | I feel regret. |
Tunnen mieltymystä symmetriaan. | Symmetry pleases me. |
Tunnen suuttumusta ja vihaa. | I feel anger and hate. |
Koen täyttymystä työstäni. | I get fulfillment from my work. |
Koen elämyksen. | I’m having an experience. |
Koen voimakasta väsymystä. | I experience severe fatigue. |
Koen uuvuttavaa turtumusta. | I experience exhausting numbness. |
Raahaan kantamuksen mukaani. | I drag the burden with me. |
Puran parsimuksen. | I undo the parsing. |
Poistan kalasta sisälmykset. | I remove the entrails of the fish. |
Työni aiheuttaa uupumusta. | My job causes exhaustion. |
Se herättää ärtymystä ja vihaa. | It arouses irritation and anger. |
Se herätti kiihtymystä. | It aroused excitement/agitation. |
Se aiheuttaa aistimuksen. | It causes a sensation. |
Viini aiheuttaa juopumusta. | Wine causes drunkenness. |
Liikunta tukee ravitsemusta. | Exercise supports nutrition. |
Se vaatii historian tuntemusta. | It requires knowledge of history. |
Taantumuksen ajanjakso on ohi. | The period of recession is over. |
Luottamusta pitää ansaita. | Trust must be earned. |
Työni on minulle kutsumus. | My job is my calling. |
Ihmisillä on taipumus lihoa. | People tend to gain weight. |
Ylpeys käy lankeemuksen edellä. | Pride precedes the fall. |
Pohdin ajan olemusta. | I reflected on the essence of time. |
Perimys on määritelty laissa. | Inheritance is defined by law. |
Poliisi määrää seuraamuksen | The police imposes the saction. |
Kaskin parsimuksen syliini. | I loweredd the parsing onto my lap. |
Aikomukseni olivat hyvät. | My intentions were good. |
Onko ääntämykseni oikea? | Is my pronunciation correct? |
Tietämyksen jako on perusehto. | Sharing know-how is essential. |
Jeesuksen ylösnousemusta juhlitaan. | The resurrection of Jesus is celebrated. |
Löysin ikivanhan kivilatomuksen. | I found an ancient stone lath. |
Lasten leipomukset ovat hellyttäviä. | The kids’ baked goods are endeaing. |
Frankensteinin luomus oli hirviö. | Frankenstein’s creation was a monster. |
Uskoni kesti koettelemuksen. | My faith made it through the ordeal. |
Uskomus osoittautui vääräksi. | The belief turned out to be wrong. |
Arvostan pyrkimystä kohti parempaa. | I appreciate the effort to be better. |
Selkämys oli irronnut kirjasta. | The back of the book had come off. |
Paidan rintamuksessa on logo. | The shirt has a logo on the chest. |
Paidan etumuksessa on logo. | The shirt has a logo on the front. |
Hameen takamus oli läpimärkä. | The back of the skirt was soaking wet. |
Joku ilkimys päästi koiran vapaaksi. | Some mean person set the dog free. |
Laiskimus ei siivonnut huonetta. | The lazy person didn’t clean the room. |
Isäpuoleni on oikea raakimus. | My stepfather is a real brute. |
Olen yksinäinen surkimus. | I’m a lonely loser. |
Olen mielikuvitukseton tylsimys. | I’m an unimaginative bore. |
Äiti Teresan on pyhimys. | Mother Teresa is a saint. |
Ylimykset olivat maanomistajia. | The nobles were landowners. |