The Word AIKA – Aukioloajat – Finnish Vocabulary
This article contains lots of ways to use the word aika in Finnish. In its more basic meaning, aika means “time”, but this is a versatile word.
Learn more about how to tell the time in this article!
1. Verbs used with aika
In the table below,you can find some verbs that are commonly used with aika as their object.
Finnish | English |
varata aika lääkärille | to reserve a doctor’s appointment |
säästää aikaa (ja vaivaa) | to save time (and effort) |
yrittää voittaa aikaa | to try to gain some time |
pelata aikaa | to play for time |
tuhlata aikaa (ja rahaa) | to waste time (and money) |
hukata aikaa | to muck around |
uhrata aikaa johonkin | to sacrifice time for something |
tappaa aikaa (lukemalla) | to kill time (by reading) |
käyttää aikaa johonkin | to devote time to something |
käyttää aikaa opiskeluun | to devote time to studying |
sopia ajasta | to agree on a time to meet |
sopia uusi aika jollekin | to rearrange a meeting |
ottaa aikaa sekuntikellolla | to take time with a stopwatch |
antaa aika itselleen | to give oneself time |
antaa aikaa läheisille | to give time to loved ones |
seurata aikaansa | to go with the times |
pitää jonkun ajan tasalla | to keep someone up to date |
menettää aikaa | to lose time |
korvata menetetty aika | to make up for lost time |
saada aikaan jotain | to accomplish something |
2. Compound words
We can also find the word aika in many compound words. For these, the word generally refers to a time period.
Finnish | English |
vapaa-aika | free time, spare time |
loma-aika | vacation time |
työaika | working hours |
osa-aika | part-time |
virka-aika | office hours, working hours |
opiskeluaika | student days (e.g. college) |
armeija-aika | obligatory army time |
aukioloaika | opening hours (of stores) |
karenssiaika | temporary exclusion period |
odotusaika | waiting period |
valmistusaika | cooking time (e.g. in oven) |
miettimisaika | time for reconsideration |
harkinta-aika | period of reflection (divorce) |
takaisinmaksuaika | payback period (of loan) |
väliaika | interval (in sports) |
voittoaika | winning time (in sports) |
ennätysaika | record time (in sports) |
ruoka-aika | mealtime |
lounasaika | lunch time |
nukkumaanmenoaika | bedtime |
hautoma-aika | brooding time (birds) |
heinäaika | haymaking time (harvest) |
kiima-aika | rutting season (animals) |
kulta-aika | the golden age |
kesäaika | daylight saving time |
talviaika | winter time |
kellonaika | time of day |
vuodenaika | season (e.g. winter, spring) |
laina-aika | loan term (books) |
pula-aika | the Great Depression period |
valta-aika | reign (of e.g. a king, tzar) |
sota-aika | wartime (e.g. 1939-1945) |
ruuhka-aika | rush hour (traffic) |
toiminta-aika | operating time |
matka-aika | travel time |
lähtöaika | departure time |
saapumisaika | arrival time |
määräaika | deadline |
aikaväli | time frame, time span |
ajanjakso | period, term, era |
oikea aika | the right time |
tarkka aika | the exact time |
paikallinen aika | the local time |
mennyt aika | paste tense |
tuleva aika | future tense |
kukonlaulun aika | crockcrow, dawn |
laskettu aika | term (of pregnancy) |
varattu aika | appointment |
ilmoitettu aika | reported time |
3. Simple sentences with aika
I’m dividing sentences and phrases in two groups below. First, you can find simple everyday sentences with the word aika. Second, I’m listing more advanced phrases as well as some sayings.
Finnish | English |
Aika on rahaa. | Time is money. |
Aika on kallis. | Time is precious. |
Aika kuluu. | Time is passing, running out. |
Aika rientää. | Time flies. |
Aika loppui. | Time is up. |
Aika loppui kesken. | Time ran out halfway. |
Mihin aikaan bussi tulee? | At what time will the bus come? |
Minulla ei ole aikaa. | I don’t have any time. |
Minun on aika lähteä. | It’s time for me to leave. |
Mihin aikaan se alkaa? | At what time does it start? |
Minulla on aika lääkärille. | I have a doctor’s appointment. |
Tarvitsen aikaa miettiä. | I need time to think. |
Milloin sinulla on aikaa? | When do you have some time? |
Kuinka pitkäksi ajaksi lähdet? | For how long are you leaving? |
Hän laulaa koko ajan. | She sings all the time. |
Olin siellä ajoissa. | I was there in time. |
Olin siellä hyvin ajoissa. | I was there well in time. |
Olin siellä hyvissä ajoin. | I was there well in advance. |
Olin siellä etuajassa. | I was there ahead of time. |
Yön aikana tapahtui rikos. | A crime happened during the night. |
Aika näyttää. | Time will tell. |
Aika parantaa haavat. | Time heals wounds. |
Kello on ajassa. | The clock is accurate. |
Herranen aika! | Oh my goodness! |
Hyvänen aika! | Goodness gracious! |
Oli jo aikakin! | It’s about time! |
Matka kesti iät ja ajat. | The journey took forever. |
Matka kesti pitkän ajan. | The journey took a long time. |
Vanhaan hyvään aikaan. | In the good old days. |
4. Sayings and Phrases with Aika
There is also an abundance of phrases that contain the word aika.
Finnish | English |
Aika kului kuin siivillä. | Time passed as on wings (quickly). |
Aika käy vähiin. | Time is running out. |
Aika kävi niukaksi. | There was only a little time left. |
Aika umpeutuu. | Time is up. |
Aika ei vain millään riittänyt. | There just wasn’t enough time. |
Aika tuntuu pysähtyneen. | It feels like time came to a stand still. |
Aika kävi pitkäksi. | Time seemed to stretch (slow). |
Tulit kreivin aikaan. | You came just in time. |
Tottuminen vie aikaa. | It takes time to get used to. |
Odottavan aika on pitkä/hidas. | Time is slow when you’re waiting. |
Ihmeitten aika ei ole ohi. | The time for miracles it not over yet. |
Hän on ajastaan edellä. | She’s ahead of her time. |
Se on sen ajan murhe. | We’ll worry about that later. |
On korkea aika hoitaa asia kuntoon. | It’s high time to set things right. |
Nyt tuli kotiinlähdön aika. | It’s time to go home now. |
Hän tokenee kyllä, ajan kanssa. | She will definitely recover, over time. |
Ei kulunut aikaakaan, kun… | It wasn’t long before… |
Vanhat hyvät ajat ovat palanneet. | The good old days are back. |
Liberalismi on aikansa elänyt. | Liberalism has outlived its usefulness. |
Kun aika on oikea… | When the time is right… |
Kaikella on aikansa. | Everything has its time. |
Aikani koittaa vielä. | My time is yet to come. |
Hänen aikansa oli tullut. | Her time had come (she passed away). |
5. Historical Time Periods
Less useful, perhaps, but aika can also be used to mean a time period, age or era in history. You might also be interested in how to say AD and BC in Finnish. There are two ways. When reading these out loud (e.g. vuonna 460 eaa.) we will say the full phrase.
For BC:
- eaa. = ennen ajanlaskun alkua “before the beginning of time”
- eKr. = ennen Kristuksen syntymää “before the birth of Christ”
For AD:
- jaa. = jälkeen ajanlaskun alun “after the beginning of time”
- jKr. = jälkeen Kristuksen syntymän “after the birth of Christ”
Finnish | English |
vanha aika (vanhalla ajalla) | (during) Classical Antiquity |
uusi aika (uudella ajalla) | (during) the Modern Age |
keskiaika (keskiajalla) | (during) the Middle Ages |
Ruotsin vallan aika(na) | (during) Finland’s Swedish rule |
valistuksen aika | Age of Enlightenment |
kukoistuksen aika | time of prosperity |
Kustaa Vaasan aika | the time of Kustaa Vaasa |
6. Aika also means pretty, quite, rather
Finnish | English |
Suomen kieli on aika vaikea. | The Finnish language is pretty difficult. |
Tänään on aika kaunis päivä. | Today is a pretty nice day. |
Söin aika paljon. | I ate quite a lot. |
Se meni aika hyvin. | It went rather well. |
Se on aika yleistä. | It’s fairly common. |
Se tapahtuu aika usein. | It happens fairly often. |
Se maksoi aika tavalla. | It cost quite a bit. |
That’s it for the word aika and its many uses! I also have another article which goes over which cases the word aika is used in (e.g. ajassa, ajaksi, aikana, aikaa).
Typo : 6. Today is a pretty nice say(day).
Thank you <3
Kiitos Roya! 🙂