Most common Finnish adjectives ending in NEN
This article contains a list of the 559 most common Finnish adjectives ending in nen. This list hasn’t been pulled out of thin air: it’s based on this list of the 9996 most common Finnish lemmas (words) in newspapers. That list was compiled in 2004 from a source material containing 43,999,826 words.
The top 10 most common adjectives in newspaper articles
In this article, you can only find the most common Finnish adjectives ending in nen. It’s important to note, however, that the source of this list is specifically newspaper articles. This has implications for what adjectives are included and how common they are. Take a look at the top 10 most common adjectives ending in nen below and compare them to how often you are likely to use these words in everyday life.
For example, it’s highly unlikely that in everyday speech the word poliittinen “political” would make it into the top 10 of most-used adjectives for an average family consisting of a wife, husband and two kids. In addition, this list of 599 words doesn’t contain the words rasvainen “greasy, oily”, kuumeinen “feverish” or luminen “snowy”, which are probably common enough in everyday life to make it into the list of 600 most common adjectives for the same family.
# | Finnish | English |
1 | entinen | previous, past, ex |
2 | suomalainen | Finnish |
3 | viimeinen | last, final |
4 | nykyinen | current, present |
5 | sellainen (link) | that kind of, such a |
6 | kansainvälinen | international |
7 | mahdollinen | possible, potential |
8 | erilainen | different |
9 | yhteinen | shared, common, mutual |
10 | poliittinen | political |
Still, regardless of its limitations, this word list still gives valuable information about how common certain adjectives are. You could use this list to design a wordlist for yourself with the words you think are important enough to study for you personally.
Compound adjectives
As you go through this list, you will notice many adjectives that are marked with an asterisk and link to a different page. These words are compound adjectives.
Compound adjectives never appear on their own: they need a word in front of them to make them complete. The word välinen (number 14 in the list below) means “between, inter-“. It isn’t complete until you create, for example, the compound phrase joukkueiden välinen “between teams”.
The links provided will lead you to an article with examples of compound adjectives and compound adjective phrases.
Most common Finnish adjectives ending in NEN
# | Finnish | English |
1 | entinen | previous, past, ex |
2 | suomalainen | Finnish |
3 | viimeinen | last, final |
4 | nykyinen | current, present |
5 | sellainen (link) | that kind of, such a |
6 | kansainvälinen | international |
7 | mahdollinen | possible, potential |
8 | erilainen | different |
9 | yhteinen | shared, common, mutual |
10 | poliittinen | political |
11 | tällainen (link) | this kind of, such as this |
12 | yleinen | general, common, usual |
13 | edellinen | previous, former |
14 | *välinen | inter- |
15 | tavallinen | regular, normal, usual, ordinary |
16 | perinteinen | traditional, conventional, customary |
17 | taloudellinen | financial, economical |
18 | tyytyväinen | satisfied, content, pleased |
19 | paikallinen | local |
20 | varsinainen | actual, proper, outright |
21 | julkinen | public, open |
22 | keskeinen | central, pivotal |
23 | kotimainen | domestic, national, Finnish |
24 | kansallinen | national |
25 | todellinen | real, actual, true |
26 | tekninen | technical, technological |
27 | virallinen | official, formal |
28 | yksityinen | private; personal |
29 | eurooppalainen | European |
30 | amerikkalainen | American |
31 | ulkomainen | foreign |
32 | *aikainen | early, premature |
33 | venäläinen | Russian |
34 | myönteinen | positive, favorable, approving |
35 | samanlainen | similar, alike |
36 | lopullinen | final, definitive |
37 | *vastainen | contrary |
38 | millainen (link) | what kind of |
39 | valtakunnallinen | nationwide, national |
40 | mielenkiintoinen | interesting, fascinating |
41 | ruotsalainen | Swedish |
42 | henkilökohtainen | personal, private (information) |
43 | *sisäinen | inner, internal |
44 | ylimääräinen | extra, spare, surplus |
45 | vähäinen | minor, slight, small |
46 | saksalainen | German |
47 | tamperelainen | from Tampere |
48 | henkinen | mental, spiritual (need) |
49 | harvinainen | rare, uncommon |
50 | yksittäinen | single, singular |
51 | *mukainen | according to, consistent with |
52 | sosiaalinen | social |
53 | turkulainen | from Turku |
54 | vaarallinen | dangerous |
55 | alueellinen | regional |
56 | turvallinen | safe, secure |
57 | pohjoinen | north, northern |
58 | erityinen | special; particular, specific |
59 | melkoinen | substantial, sizeable, “quite a” |
60 | ranskalainen | French |
61 | itsenäinen | independent, sovereign, autonomous |
62 | alkuperäinen | original, native, indigenous |
63 | tasainen | even, flat, level (road) |
64 | historiallinen | historical, historic |
65 | aktiivinen | active |
66 | valkoinen | white |
67 | yhteiskunnallinen | societal, civic |
68 | ulkopuolinen | external, outside |
69 | *kaltainen | similar to, like |
70 | iloinen | happy |
71 | kyseinen | in question, respective |
72 | täydellinen | perfect, complete |
73 | punainen | red |
74 | erinomainen | excellent, outstanding |
75 | positiivinen | positive, affirmative |
76 | monipuolinen | versatile, diverse |
77 | jonkinlainen | some kind of |
78 | alhainen | low; cheap; humble |
79 | yksinkertainen | simple, basic, plain |
80 | edullinen | inexpensive, affordable, cheap |
81 | *mittainen | long |
82 | rauhallinen | peaceful, calm, tranquil |
83 | hiljainen | silent, quiet |
84 | ilmainen | free, gratis, costless |
85 | kristillinen | Christian |
86 | helsinkiläinen | from Helsinki |
87 | erillinen | separate |
88 | sotilaallinen | military, warlike, soldierlike |
89 | *takainen | across, beyond, over |
90 | *arvoinen | worth, worthy, deserving |
91 | todennäköinen | probable, likely, potential |
92 | pohjoismainen | Nordic |
93 | pitkäaikainen | long-term |
94 | tyypillinen | typical |
95 | monenlainen | various, diverse, miscellaneous |
96 | olennainen | relevant, essential, inherent |
97 | *jälkeinen | subsequent, post- |
98 | kunnallinen | municipal, communal |
99 | keskinäinen | reciprocal, mutual |
100 | onnellinen | happy, glad, lucky |
101 | keskimääräinen | average, mean |
102 | italialainen | Italian |
103 | *omainen | -like |
104 | erikoinen | special, peculiar, extraordinary |
105 | tarpeellinen | necessary, essential |
106 | ajankohtainen | current, topical, contemporary |
107 | ammatillinen | occupational, vocational, professional |
108 | luonnollinen | natural |
109 | läntinen | western, west |
110 | kirjallinen | written, in writing |
111 | *näköinen | -looking, in appearance |
112 | läheinen | close, near, loved |
113 | fyysinen | physical |
114 | kohtuullinen | moderate, reasonable, fair |
115 | minkäänlainen | whatsoever, of any kind |
116 | eteläinen | southern, south |
117 | ylivoimainen | overpowering, superior |
118 | taiteellinen | artistic |
119 | yhtenäinen | uniform, consistent, undivided |
120 | englantilainen | English |
121 | palestiinalainen | Palestinian |
122 | salainen | secret, restricted, hidden |
123 | silloinen | of that time, then |
124 | klassinen | classic, conventional |
125 | sähköinen | electrical, electric |
126 | demokraattinen | democratic |
127 | tavanomainen | conventional, commonplace |
128 | kielteinen | negative, bad |
129 | kaupallinen | commercial, mercantile |
130 | *kokoinen | -sized |
131 | maltillinen | moderate; level-headed |
132 | inhimillinen | humane, human |
133 | ilmeinen | apparent, evident, obvious |
134 | *niminen | -named |
135 | eräänlainen | a kind of |
136 | kaikenlainen | various, all kinds of |
137 | kriittinen | critical; acute, vital |
138 | *suuruinen | the size of |
139 | konkreettinen | concrete |
140 | kokonainen | entire, whole, total |
141 | *ikäinen | -aged |
142 | uudenlainen | unprecedented, novel |
143 | brittiläinen | Brittish |
144 | toisenlainen | different, unlike |
145 | ainutlaatuinen | unique, remarkable |
146 | itäinen | eastern, east |
147 | jyväskyläläinen | from Jyväskylä |
148 | ehdollinen | conditional, provisory |
149 | pakollinen | compulsory, mandatory, obligatory |
150 | uskonnollinen | religious |
151 | vapaaehtoinen | voluntary; optional |
152 | *vuotinen | -year |
153 | japanilainen | Japanese |
154 | vakituinen | permanent, steady, regular |
155 | väliaikainen | temporary, provisional |
156 | syyllinen | guilty, responsible |
157 | jälkimmäinen | latter |
158 | varovainen | careful |
159 | kiinalainen | Chinese |
160 | yksimielinen | unanimous, of one mind |
161 | tieteellinen | scientific |
162 | minkälainen | what kind of |
163 | kapinallinen | rebellious, insurgent |
164 | maakunnallinen | provincial |
165 | epävirallinen | unofficial, informal |
166 | norjalainen | Norwegian |
167 | länsimainen | western |
168 | määräaikainen | temporary |
169 | *alainen | under, subordinate |
170 | kaksinkertainen | double, twofold |
171 | poikkeuksellinen | exceptional |
172 | kummallinen | peculiar, strange, odd |
173 | oululainen | from Oulu |
174 | yksinäinen | lonely, solitary |
175 | varhainen | initial; early (diagnosis) |
176 | etninen | ethnical, ethnic |
177 | maailmanlaajuinen | worldwide, global |
178 | tietoinen | aware, conscious of |
179 | nykyaikainen | present-day, modern, contemporary |
180 | ulkoinen | external, outer, outward |
181 | eilinen | yesterday’s |
182 | sininen | blue |
183 | väkivaltainen | violent |
184 | yhdysvaltalainen | US American |
185 | joensuulainen | from Joensuu |
186 | kiireinen | busy; rushed, hasty; pressing |
187 | aikuinen | adult |
188 | viimevuotinen | last year’s |
189 | moinen | such, that kind of |
190 | ikuinen | eternal, everlasting |
191 | virolainen | Estonian |
192 | suomenkielinen | Finnish, Finnish-speaking |
193 | ongelmallinen | problematic |
194 | kultainen | golden |
195 | digitaalinen | digital |
196 | vuotuinen | annual, yearly |
197 | paras mahdollinen | optimal, best possible |
198 | *pituinen | with a length of |
199 | oleellinen | essential, substantive |
200 | espanjalainen | Spanish |
201 | eettinen | ethical, moral |
202 | monimutkainen | complicated, complex |
203 | hollantilainen | Dutch |
204 | realistinen | realistic |
205 | tämänvuotinen | this year’s |
206 | ruotsinkielinen | Swedish, Swedish-speaking |
207 | keltainen | yellow |
208 | keski-ikäinen | middle-aged |
209 | ristiriitainen | contradictory, conflicting |
210 | tanskalainen | Danish |
211 | ulkomaalainen | foreign |
212 | humanitaarinen | humanitarian |
213 | säännöllinen | regular |
214 | katolinen | Catholic |
215 | laillinen | legal, lawful, legitimate |
216 | yksilöllinen | individual, individualistic |
217 | islamilainen | Islamic, Muslim |
218 | ihmeellinen | miraculous, marvelous |
219 | päivittäinen | daily, day-by-day |
220 | yliopistollinen | academic, university |
221 | kyseenalainen | questionable, debatable, uncertain |
222 | kanadalainen | Canadian |
223 | sveitsiläinen | Swiss |
224 | perusteellinen | thorough, radical |
225 | hyvinkääläinen | from Hyvinkää |
226 | strateginen | strategical, strategic |
227 | rehellinen | honest, truthful |
228 | arkinen | everyday, mundane, ordinary |
229 | valtiollinen | governmental, statal |
230 | peräkkäinen | consecutive, successive, sequential |
231 | kaukainen | distant, remote, far |
232 | korkeatasoinen | high-class, well-developed |
233 | jokapäiväinen | everyday, recurring daily |
234 | kohtalainen | moderate, passable, reasonable |
235 | ortodoksinen | Orthodox |
236 | kunnollinen | decent, proper |
237 | asiallinen | matter-of-fact; appropriate |
238 | dramaattinen | dramatic, spectacular |
239 | vuosittainen | annual, yearly |
240 | tuollainen (link) | that kind of |
241 | moraalinen | moral, ethical |
242 | ulkopoliittinen | foreign-policy |
243 | rakenteellinen | constructive, structural |
244 | luterilainen | Lutheran |
245 | seksuaalinen | sexual |
246 | *kiloinen | of x kilos |
247 | teollinen | industrial |
248 | *senttinen | of x centimeters |
249 | kommunistinen | communist |
250 | pikainen | quick, speedy, rapid |
251 | *viereinen | adjacent, contiguous |
252 | tilapäinen | temporary |
253 | surullinen | sad, sorrowful, unhappy |
254 | itävaltalainen | Austrian |
255 | australialainen | Australian |
256 | legendaarinen | legendary |
257 | tulopoliittinen | income policy |
258 | riippuvainen | dependent; addicted |
259 | uskollinen | loyal, faithful |
260 | negatiivinen | negative |
261 | perättäinen | successive, consecutive |
262 | oikeudenmukainen | rightful, fair, just |
263 | kiusallinen | awkward, embarrassing |
264 | etäinen | distant, remote; aloof |
265 | hengellinen | spiritual, devotional, religious |
266 | ammattitaitoinen | skilled, competent |
267 | virheellinen | incorrect, false |
268 | romanttinen | romantic |
269 | kilpailukykyinen | competitive |
270 | israelilainen | Israeli, Israelian |
271 | musiikillinen | musical |
272 | tähänastinen | so far, this far |
273 | puutteellinen | deficient, insufficient, inadequate |
274 | aseellinen | armed |
275 | vakinainen | permanent, regular |
276 | akateeminen | academic, academical |
277 | vastaavanlainen | similar, comparable |
278 | jollainen | as, such as |
279 | satunnainen | occasional, sporadic, random |
280 | hyödyllinen | useful, beneficial |
281 | myöhäinen | late, tardy, belated |
282 | semmoinen (link) | that kind of, such a |
283 | päinvastainen | contrary, opposite, backward |
284 | haitallinen | detrimental, harmful |
285 | belgialainen | Belgian |
286 | vastuullinen | responsible, liable |
287 | persoonallinen | personal, distinctive |
288 | pikkuinen | tiny, little |
289 | suoranainen | downright, absolute, sheer |
290 | aurinkoinen | sunny |
291 | kokoomuslainen | of the Coalition Party |
292 | sosiaalidemokraattinen | social democratic |
293 | ennenaikainen | premature |
294 | terveellinen | healthy, good for health |
295 | ekologinen | ecological |
296 | kesäinen | summery, summerlike |
297 | turkkilainen | Turkish |
298 | biologinen | biological |
299 | kuninkaallinen | royal, regal |
300 | ensisijainen | primary; overriding |
301 | tasapainoinen | well-balanced |
302 | verinen | bloody |
303 | ystävällinen | friendly |
304 | tämänhetkinen | current, present |
305 | vaihtoehtoinen | alternative, alternate |
306 | lääketieteellinen | medical |
307 | likainen | dirty, filthy, unclean |
308 | äärimmäinen | extreme, intense, ultimate |
309 | intialainen | Indian |
310 | *tyyppinen | of a type |
311 | eksoottinen | exotic |
312 | päällimmäinen | topmost |
313 | keskustalainen | centrist |
314 | *tapainen | -style, -like |
315 | sunnuntainen | Sunday’s, of Sunday |
316 | yksityiskohtainen | detailed, elaborate |
317 | viimeaikainen | recent |
318 | kemiallinen | chemical |
319 | suhteellinen | relative to, proportionate |
320 | epämääräinen | unclear, undefined, vague |
321 | massiivinen | massive, solid |
322 | kulttuurinen | cultural |
323 | puolisotilaallinen | paramilitary |
324 | vanhanaikainen | old-fashioned, outdated |
325 | liiallinen | excessive |
326 | pohjoiskarjalainen | Nother Karelian |
327 | aikamoinen | considerable, sizable |
328 | ennätyksellinen | record, all-time |
329 | englanninkielinen | English, anglophone |
330 | puolalainen | Polish |
331 | sosialidemokraattinen | Social Democratic Party |
332 | otollinen | favorable, suitable, opportune |
333 | *puoleinen | -sided, on the side of |
334 | kaksivuotinen | two-year, biennial |
335 | omituinen | odd, bizarre, strange |
336 | hallinnollinen | administrative |
337 | ominainen | characteristic, typical |
338 | maksullinen | subject to a charge, requiring payment |
339 | psykiatrinen | psychiatric, psychiatrical |
340 | keskisuomalainen | Central Finn (likely the newspaper) |
341 | psyykkinen | mental, psychological (illness) |
342 | lakisääteinen | legal, statutory, prescribed by law |
343 | sikäläinen | of that place, local |
344 | rikollinen | criminal |
345 | moninkertainen | manifold, multiple |
346 | rahallinen | monetary, fiscal, financial |
347 | kaksipäiväinen | two-day |
348 | herkullinen | delicious, tasty |
349 | traaginen | tragic |
350 | *puolinen | -sided, on the side of |
351 | elektroninen | electronic, electrical |
352 | *paikkainen | having a certain number of seats |
353 | talouspoliittinen | of economic policy |
354 | lauantainen | Saturday’s, of Saturday |
355 | uhanalainen | endangered, threatened |
356 | vaikutusvaltainen | influential, powerful |
357 | unkarilainen | Hungarian |
358 | arktinen | arctic |
359 | samainen | the same, the very, selfsame |
360 | toiminnallinen | functional, dynamic |
361 | irlantilainen | Irish |
362 | turvallisuuspoliittinen | of security policy |
363 | huominen | tomorrow’s, of tomorrow |
364 | visuaalinen | visual |
365 | luontainen | innate, intrinsic, inherent |
366 | pienimuotoinen | small-scale, minor |
367 | kunnianhimoinen | ambitious, competitive |
368 | maanantainen | Monday’s, of Monday |
369 | oivallinen | capital, excellent |
370 | osallinen | concerned, involved |
371 | kiireellinen | urgent, pressing |
372 | *metrinen | of x meters |
373 | ensikertalainen | first-timer |
374 | tiistainen | Tuesday’s, of Tuesday |
375 | aineellinen | substantial, material, tangible |
376 | ammattimainen | workmanlike, professional |
377 | torstainen | Thursday’s, of Thursday |
378 | tämänkertainen | of this time, of this occasion |
379 | asianmukainen | appropriate, adequate, proper |
380 | suullinen | oral, verbal, spoken |
381 | kreikkalainen | Greek |
382 | vihainen | angry |
383 | merkillinen | curious, peculiar |
384 | perimmäinen | hindmost, farthest |
385 | syvällinen | profound, deep |
386 | karjalainen | Karelian |
387 | puinen | wooden |
388 | huonokuntoinen | in poor condition, bad |
389 | lyhytaikainen | short-term, brief |
390 | teknillinen | (poly)technical |
391 | perjantainen | Friday’s, of Friday |
392 | miehinen | manly, masculine |
393 | optimistinen | optimistic |
394 | muinainen | ancient, immemorial |
395 | *oloinen | appearing, similar to, -like |
396 | teoreettinen | theoretical, theoretic |
397 | sak:lainen | a member of SAK |
398 | samankaltainen | similar, alike, reminiscent |
399 | liittokohtainen | union-specific |
400 | kiitollinen | grateful, thankful |
401 | tappiollinen | unprofitable |
402 | *jäseninen | with x number of members |
403 | oikeistolainen | right-wing, rightist |
404 | keinotekoinen | artificial |
405 | oikeudellinen | juridical, legal, forensic |
406 | porvarillinen | bourgeois, capitalist |
407 | syrjäinen | distant, secluded, remote |
408 | keskiaikainen | medieval |
409 | päätoiminen | full-time |
410 | tämmöinen (link) | this kind of, such as this |
411 | rauhanomainen | peaceable, peaceful |
412 | psykologinen | psychological |
413 | kolmivuotinen | three-year, triennial |
414 | ihanteellinen | ideal, optimal |
415 | luottavainen | trusting, unquestioning |
416 | diplomaattinen | diplomatic |
417 | kuopiolainen | from Kuopio |
418 | pitkäjänteinen | long-span, long-term, patient |
419 | sinivalkoinen | blue-white |
420 | keskiviikkoinen | Wednesday’s, of Wednesday |
421 | brasilialainen | Brasilian |
422 | mekaaninen | mechanical |
423 | kolminkertainen | threefold, triple |
424 | aggressiivinen | aggressive |
425 | vastakkainen | opposite, adverse |
426 | elinikäinen | life-long |
427 | kokonaisvaltainen | comprehensive, overall, whole |
428 | rajallinen | limited, finite |
429 | tasavertainen | equal, matched |
430 | keskeneräinen | incomplete, unfinished |
431 | alakohtainen | sectoral, specific for one sector |
432 | myrkyllinen | poisonous, venomous, toxic |
433 | omaperäinen | original, fresh, different |
434 | äkillinen | sudden, abrupt |
435 | sosialistinen | socialist, socialistic |
436 | sympaattinen | sympathetic |
437 | automaattinen | automatic, automated |
438 | täkäläinen | local, from around here |
439 | epätodennäköinen | improbably, unlikely, implausible |
440 | yksipuolinen | one-sided, unilateral |
441 | talvinen | wintery, wintry |
442 | aiheellinen | justified, justifiable |
443 | taannoinen | recent; previous |
444 | epätoivoinen | desperate, hopeless, frantic |
445 | käyttökelpoinen | useable, workable, serviceable |
446 | afrikkalainen | African |
447 | kirkollinen | ecclesiastical |
448 | konservatiivinen | conservative |
449 | yksiselitteinen | unequivocal, unambiguous, clear |
450 | monikansallinen | multinational, transnational |
451 | sateinen | rainy |
452 | maallinen | worldly, secular |
453 | muodollinen | formal |
454 | harkinnanvarainen | discretional, discretionary |
455 | savolainen | Savonian |
456 | hienoinen | subte, slight |
457 | potentiaalinen | potential |
458 | porilainen | from Pori |
459 | rasistinen | racist |
460 | asianomainen | interested, concerned, relevant |
461 | maanalainen | underground, subterranean |
462 | vammainen | disabled, handicapped |
463 | osittainen | partial |
464 | osa-aikainen | part-time |
465 | graafinen | graphical, graphic |
466 | periaatteellinen | principled |
467 | hyväkuntoinen | fit, sound, in good shape |
468 | määrätietoinen | determined, set, single-minded |
469 | mustavalkoinen | black-and-white |
470 | keväinen | vernal, springlike |
471 | ennen kokematon | unprecedented |
472 | tietynlainen | a certain kind |
473 | mystinen | mystical, mysterious |
474 | *sivuinen | -paged, of x number of pages |
475 | mieleinen | desirable, pleasing, agreeable |
476 | parlamentaarinen | parliamentary |
477 | kelvollinen | eligible, suitable, fit to |
478 | urheilullinen | sporty, athletic |
479 | salaperäinen | secretive, mysterious |
480 | kouluikäinen | school-age |
481 | isänmaallinen | patriotic, nationalistic |
482 | tämänkaltainen | this kind of, like this |
483 | espoolainen | from Espoo |
484 | epätavallinen | unusual, uncommon |
485 | totinen | solemn, grave, earnest |
486 | ylikansallinen | supranational |
487 | tarkoituksenmukainen | appropriate, suitable for purpose |
488 | lukuinen | numerous |
489 | samantyyppinen | similar, of the same type |
490 | *tasoinen | -level |
491 | työikäinen | working-age |
492 | nälkäinen | hungry |
493 | kotoinen | homelike; domestic |
494 | hajanainen | scattered, not concentrated |
495 | samantapainen | similar to, much like |
496 | *kertainen | x times, -fold |
497 | laajamittainen | large-scale, widescale |
498 | naispuolinen | female |
499 | *veroinen | equal to, comparable to |
500 | täsmällinen | punctual, exact |
501 | vasemmistolainen | leftist, left-wing |
502 | moninainen | diverse, various, manifold |
503 | parikymppinen | in his twenties |
504 | passiivinen | passive |
505 | *kuutioinen | of x cubic meters |
506 | *muotoinen | -shaped |
507 | viisikymppinen | in his fifties |
508 | itämainen | oriental, eastern |
509 | jäinen | icy, frozen |
510 | hämeenlinnalainen | from Hämeenlinna |
511 | yleishyödyllinen | common-good, nonprofit |
512 | juridinen | judicial, juridical |
513 | juutalainen | Jewish |
514 | aluepoliittinen | of regional policy |
515 | huolellinen | thorough, meticulous, careful |
516 | tasapuolinen | fair, unbiased, balanced |
517 | käytännöllinen | practical, functional |
518 | kansalainen | citizen |
519 | taktinen | tactical |
520 | *värinen | -colored |
521 | ideologinen | ideological |
522 | latvialainen | Latvian |
523 | näennäinen | seemingly, apparent |
524 | ekaluokkalainen | first-grader |
525 | humalainen | drunk, drunken, intoxicated |
526 | johdonmukainen | consistent, coherent |
527 | maaginen | magical |
528 | sodanjälkeinen | postwar |
529 | omakohtainen | personal, first-hand, subjective |
530 | ukrainalainen | Ukranian |
531 | pietarilainen | Petersburgian, from St. Petersburg |
532 | kolmipäiväinen | three-day, triduan |
533 | irakilainen | Iraqi |
534 | jättimäinen | gigantic |
535 | argentiinalainen | Argentinian |
536 | laaja-alainen | wide-ranging, extensive, broad |
537 | arvovaltainen | prestigious, authoritative |
538 | filosofinen | philosophical |
539 | luonnonmukainen | natural, organic |
540 | monimuotoinen | diverse, multiform |
541 | radioaktiivinen | radioactive |
542 | *hintainen | -priced, having a certain price |
543 | samansuuntainen | parallel, in the same direction |
544 | *oppilainen | having a certain amount of pupils |
545 | saamelainen | Sami |
546 | syksyinen | autumnal, autumn |
547 | hikinen | sweaty |
548 | tuskallinen | painful; distressing |
549 | maantieteellinen | geographical, geographic |
550 | epäoikeudenmukainen | unjust, unfair |
551 | kenialainen | Kenyan |
552 | esteettinen | aesthetic, aesthetical |
553 | aatteellinen | ideological |
554 | haasteellinen | challenging |
555 | *tuntuinen | -feeling, -seeming |
556 | tämäntyyppinen | this type of, this kind of |
557 | muovinen | plastic |
558 | kollektiivinen | collective |
559 | ympärivuotinen | year-round |
And that concludes the list of the 559 most common Finnish adjectives ending in nen in newspaper articles! Check out the full list of the 9996 most common Finnish lemmas (words) in newspapers!
The actual number of the words in the list is 559, not 599. But a great list anyway! Very useful to expand one’s vocabulary. Also, it was quite surprising to find out that tamperelainen and turkulainen are more common than helsinkiläinen, and espoolainen is so far behind them on the list.
Hehe, oops! Language is my thing; not numbers!
It’s probably similar to the appearance of turkkilainen, intialainen and israelilainen. Important news things must have been going on in those specific locations.
Also, if a major source for this corpus was in fact Helsingin Sanomat (I haven’t fact-checked that), that would help explain why helsinkiläinen is less common. There’s less need to identify things or people as “from Helsinki” when the main focus of local stories is clearly Helsinki.
Still interesting to note these peculiarities though 🙂