Finnish for busy people

Finnish Adverbs Ending in STI

Finnish has many adverbs ending in -sti. This is often comparable to the English suffix -ly as in “easily” and “quickly”. In this article, you can find 473 such adverbs, divided into many subgroups.

What are adverbs? They are words that express how something is done. The term “adjective” is used to express what something is like. Thus, we can create the sentences “Minä olen hidas” (“I am slow”, where hidas is an adjective) and “Minä juoksen hitaasti” (“I run slowly”, where hitaasti is an adverb. In general, you will use adjectives with the verb olla, and adverbs with tany other verb.

Table of Contents
  1. The challenges of this article
    1. Google is even less reliable than I thought
    2. How am I supposed to display these?
    3. Motivation problems
  2. Adjectives ending in -o/ö/u/y
    1. Adjectives ending in -o/ö 
    2. Adjectives ending in -o/ö (consonant gradation)
    3. Adjectives ending in -u/y
  3. Adjectives ending in -i
    1. New adjectives ending in -i
    2. Old adjectives ending in -i
  4. Adjectives ending in -a/ä
    1. Adjectives ending in -a (two syllables)
    2. Adjectives ending in -ma (two syllables)
    3. Adjectives ending in -a (consonant gradation)
    4. Adjectives ending in -va (two syllables)
    5. Adjectives ending in -va (three syllables)
    6. Adjectives ending in -a (three or more syllables)
    7. Adjectives ending in (two syllables)
    8. Adjectives ending in (three or more syllables)
  5. Adjectives ending in -ea/eä 
    1. Adjectives ending in -ea
    2. Adjectives ending in -kea
    3. Adjectives ending in -eä
    4. Adjectives ending in -keä
  6. Adjectives ending in -e
  7. Adjectives ending in –is
  8. Adjectives ending in -as/äs
    1. Adjectives ending in -as/äs
    2. Adjectives ending in -as (consonant gradation)
    3. Adjectives ending in -kas/käs
    4. Adjectives ending in -lias/liäs
  9. Adjectives ending in -ton/tön
    1. Adjectives ending in -ton
    2. Adjectives ending in -ton (based on nouns with consonant gradation)
    3. Adjectives ending in -eeton
    4. Adjectives ending in -tön
    5. Adjectives ending in -maton
    6. Adjectives ending in -mätön
  10. Adjectives ending in -nen
    1. Adjectives ending in -ainen (three syllables)
    2. Adjectives ending in -ainen (four or more syllables)
    3. Adjectives ending in -äinen (three or four syllables)
    4. Adjectives ending in -äinen (four or more syllables)
    5. Adjectives ending in -aikainen
    6. Adjectives ending in -mukainen
    7. Adjectives ending in -mainen
    8. Adjectives ending in -vainen
    9. Compound adjectives ending in -ainen
    10. Adjectives ending in -einen
    11. Adjectives ending in -ginen
    12. Adjectives ending in -aalinen
    13. Adjectives ending in -allinen (four syllables)
    14. Adjectives ending in -allinen (consonant gradation)
    15. Adjectives ending in -allinen (longer words)
    16. Adjectives ending in -illinen which are based on nouns ending in -i (new words)
    17. Adjectives ending in -ellinen which are based on nouns ending in -i (old words)
    18. Adjectives ending in -ellinen which are based on nouns ending in -us/ys
    19. Adjectives ending in -eellinen which are based on nouns ending in -e
    20. Adjectives ending in -ollinen
    21. Adjectives ending in -ullinen
    22. Adjectives ending in -ttinen
    23. Adjectives ending in -siivinen and -tiivinen
    24. Adjectives ending in -uinen
    25. More adjectives ending in -nen
  11. Adjectives based on the VA-participle
    1. VA-participle adjectives ending in -va
    2. VA-participle adjectives ending in -vä
    3. VA-participle adjectives ending in -ttava/ttävä (verbtype 1)
    4. VA-participle adjectives based on verbtype 4 verbs
  12. Adjectives based on the TAVA-participle
  13. Adjectives based on the NUT-participle
  14. Adjectives based on the TU-participle
  15. Adjectives belonging to uncommon word types
  16. Adverbs based on numbers

1. The challenges of this article

I haven’t kept track of the amount of time I’ve spent on this article, but I think I can safely say that we’re talking about more than a hundred hours. Multiple challenges presented themselves, which slowed my progress significantly.

1.1. Google is even less reliable than I thought

The full list of words ending in -sti, which I started this article with, had more than 3000 words, simply taken from käänteissanakirja. After getting rid of anything that wasn’t an adverb, I fed all the adverbs into Google to find out how common each of these adverbs were. The idea was that I would be able to rely on Google to tell me which adverbs were most used.

I did not expect Google to be accurate – I was just using it as a tool to get an approximate idea of whether the search results were in the thousands, the hundreds of thousands, or the millions. However, Google turned out even more unreliable than I expected. Depending on the day I looked them up, there was often a very large difference in the number of search results. To show you what I was working with, here are some of the progressions I recorded over the many months I spent on this article:

Word Search result progression Explanation
huonosti 10.6 m > 3.9 m > 10.3 m The search results took an unexpected dive of many millions, only to rise back up later.
tarkasti 5 m > 11.7 m > 10.4 m The search results doubled, after which they maintained their number more or less.
erinomaisesti 5 m > 3.8 m > 3 m > 6 m The search results took a dip, then remained stable, only to double again later.
aiheettomasti 44 k > 77 k > 90 k > 83 k The search results steadily climbed then dipped a little at a later search.
intuitiivisesti 171 k > 74 k > 61 k > 198 k The search results took a deep dive only to come back up later.
karmeasti 174 k > 11 k > 12 k The search results suddenly became 15 times less common than initially.
viileästi 132 k > 119 k > 124 k The search results stayed pretty stable through all of my searches.

As you can see, the differences can be very stark. While I never intended to trust Google, it became hard to use it to weed out the rare adverbs.

In order to be included into this article, I decided to set my limit at a minimum of 50 000 search results. For some words, like karmeasti in the list above, this meant they could be very well established as a candidate for this group during one search (174 k is well over 50 k), only to fall short significantly later (11 k isn’t nearly enough).

The final display of the count of each adverb is based on the final Google search I did for each and every one on the 16th of October 2022.

1.2. How am I supposed to display these?

Like for many articles I write, figuring out how I wanted to present these adverbs was a process. I needed to decide if I wanted to add how common these adverbs were, how to order them, whether to add examples or just stick with the list.

I decided I wanted to display a translation for both the base word and the adverb, with an approximation of how common the adverb is. I also really wanted to add example sentences. Originally, I was going to make two giant tables: one which would list all the adjectives and adverbs, and another to list all the examples. Eventually, I decided against these two giant lists and started dividing the adverbs into small groups followed by a small table of example sentences for each group.

However, to keep each list short, it turned out I had to start dividing the adverbs which technically belonged to the same group into subgroups. This was very challenging. You will see below that my divisions are quite arbitrary: randomly picked on a small quality the words in that group might have in common, such as listing adverbs based on adjectives ending in -ma in a different group than other adverbs based on adjectives ending in -a.

The immense amount of adverbs ending in -sesti (based on adjectives ending in -nen) was a major issue. When you scroll down, you will see I have 25 different groups of adverbs ending in -sesti. That’s a crazy number of subcategories, especially when you take into account that ALL of these adverbs are based on an adjective ending in -nen. ALL of them undergo the exact same change in each of the subcategories.

1.3. Motivation problems

Challenge #2 was more of a mental problem. Working for such a long time on one article is taxing. Progress is almost unnoticeable and it’s just word after word of Googling, translating, finding examples, translating the examples, etc.  I lost the motivation to finish this article many times.

The lack of motivation can also be noticeable in this article if you’d go through this systematically and see which adverbs are missing. I did not stick to the “minimum 50 k search results” rule I made up for myself. Oftentimes, I would remove adverbs that should definitely have made it into this article for reasons such as “I can’t think of an example”, “the examples I find for this word are all stupid” or “there is no good translation for this in English”.

The version of this article you’re seeing today is the result of months of work, many frustrated sighs and endless Googling and re-Googling. I hope you find it useful. Personally, I’m just glad it’s over.

2. Adjectives ending in -o/ö/u/y

For all adjectives ending in -o/ö/u/y, you just add -sti to the end of the corresponding adjective. The adjective will undergo consonant gradation and become weak when adding -sti. The 4 groups below are all the same type; they’re just divided up for easier reading.

2.1 Adjectives ending in -o/ö

For adjectives ending in -o/ö, you just add -sti to the end of the corresponding adjective.

Adjective English Adverb English #
hieno very good, fine hienosti very well, nicely 5.6 m
huono bad huonosti badly 3.4 m
iso big isosti big time, in a big way 389 k
nolo embarrassing nolosti embarrassingly 213 k
viisto slanted, oblique viistosti aslant, obliquely 105 k
kehno shoddy, poor kehnosti badly, poorly 93 k
vino oblique, askew vinosti obliquely, sideways 91 k
ujo shy, timid ujosti shyly, timidly 88 k
kömpelö clumsy, awkward kömpelösti clumsily, awkwardly 69 k
söpö cute söpösti cutely, in a cute way 54 k


Example sentence Translation
Hienosti tehty! Well done!
Nukuin tosi huonosti. I slept really badly.
Olet minulle isosti velkaa. You owe me big time.
Ari mokasi nolosti. Ari blundered embarrassingly.
Piirrä viiva viistosti ylöspäin! Draw the line slanting upwards!
Nainen oli kehnosti pukeutunut. The woman was poorly dressed.
Tämä viiva leikkaa toisen vinosti. This line intersects the other obliquely.
Ari koputti ujosti oveemme. Ari shyly knocked on our door.
Ari riisui takkinsa kömpelösti. Ari took off his coat awkwardly.
Tyttö hymyili söpösti. The girl smiled in a cute way.

2.2. Adjectives ending in -o/ö (consonant gradation)

Some adjectives ending in -o/ö will have consonant gradation. You will add -sti to the weak form of the adjective. You can find the weak form by, for example, inflecting the word in the genitive case or the comparative form (e.g. helppo : helpon : helpompi : helposti)

Adjective English Adverb English #
helppo easy helposti  easily 24.6 m
aito real, genuine aidosti really, genuinely 2.2 m
rento relaxed, laid-back rennosti loosely, casually 712 k
heikko weak, feeble heikosti weakly, poorly 526 k
outo strange, odd oudosti strangely, oddly 436 k
mieto mild, bland miedosti mildly, lightly 85 k


Example sentence Translation
Voitimme taistelun helposti. We won the battle easily.
Olen aidosti kiinnostunut asiasta. I am genuinely interested in this.
Ota rennosti, Ari. Take it easy, Ari.
Lamppu valaisi huonetta heikosti. The lamp illuminated the room poorly.
Ari käyttäytyi eilen oudosti. Ari was behaving strangely yesterday.
Ostin miedosti suolattua voita. I bought lightly salted butter.

2.3. Adjectives ending in -u/y

For adjectives ending in -u/y, you just add -sti to the end of the corresponding adjective.

Adjective English Adverb English #
reilu fair, just reilusti fairly, well 3.3 m
raju fierce, violent rajusti fiercely, furiously 3 m
visu tight visusti firmly, tightly 713 k
tyly harsh, rude tylysti harshly, rudely 601 k
hullu mad, crazy hullusti awry, madly 241 k
hassu funny, silly hassusti funnily, strangely 179 k
paksu thick paksusti thickly 81 k


Example sentence Translation
Olemme reilusti edellä aikataulua. We are well ahead of schedule.
Vene keikkui rajusti aallokossa. The boat rocked violently in the waves.
Ovet ovat visusti lukossa. The doors are firmly locked.
He kohtelevat toisia tylysti. They treat each other harshly.
Onko jokin hullusti? Is something wrong, gone awry?
Miksi katsot minua hassusti? Why are you looking at me funny?
Taiteilija siveli maalia paksusti. The artist applied the paint thickly.

3. Adjectives ending in -i

Words ending in -i can belong to two groups: they can be so-called “old” and “new” words (click the link to read more). In addition, old words can be divided in two subgroups depending on whether they end in -si or just in -i.

3.1. New adjectives ending in -i

For new words ending in -i, you will add -sti to the basic form of the adjective. No changes happen to the base adjective except for consonant gradation. Words ending in -i will have -sti added to their weak form. You can find the weak form by inflecting the adjective in, for example, the genitive case or the comparative form (e.g. kiltti : kiltin : kiltimpi : kiltisti)

Adjective English Adverb English #
normaali normal normaalisti normally, as usual 7.1 m
nätti nice, pretty nätisti nicely 783 k
radikaali radical, drastic radikaalisti radically 779 k
globaali global, worldwide globaalisti globally 580 k
spontaani spontaneous spontaanisti spontaneously 535 k
kiltti kind, nice kiltisti kindly, nicely 520 k
siisti neat, tidy siististi neatly, tidily 417 k
villi wild villisti wildly 265 k
epänormaali abnormal epänormaalisti abnormally, unusually 141 k
rehti honest, fair rehdisti honestly, fairly 105 k


Example sentence Translation
Myymälä on auki normaalisti tiistaista lähtien. The store is open normally from Tuesday.
Vain, jos pyydät nätisti. Only if you ask nicely.
Tämä ei muuta tilannetta radikaalisti. This doesn’t radically change the situation.
Virus on levinnyt globaalisti rajojen yli. The virus has spread globally across borders.
Ari vastasi spontaanisti. Ari answered spontaneously.
Ari kohtelee ihmisiä kiltisti. Ari treats people kindly.
Asettelin maljakot siististi. I arranged the vases neatly.
Yleisö hurrasi villisti. The audience cheered wildly.
Pinaatti kasvaa epänormaalisti keinovalossa. Spinach grows abnormally in artificial light.
Haluan toisten kohtelevan minua rehdisti. I want others to treat me fairly.

3.2. Old adjectives ending in -i

For old words ending in -i, you will change the final -i into an -e- before adding -sti. This is the same change these words undergo in, for example, the genitive case and the comparative form (e.g. suuri : suuren :suurempi : suuresti).

Adjective English Adverb English #
suuri large, great suuresti greatly, considerably 6.5 m
moni many, multiple monesti often, repeatedly 6.1 m
tyyni calm, tranquil tyynesti calmly, stoically 156 k


Example sentence Translation
Se vaikuttaa suuresti tulevaisuuteesi. It will greatly affect your future.
Jouduin monesti vaikeuksiin. I often got into trouble.
Ari otti uutiset tyynesti. Ari took the news calmly.

4. Adjectives ending in -a/ä

Finnish has a massive amount of words ending in -a or . In order to keep this article readable, I’ve made some very odd choices when dividing the words in smaller groups. You won’t find any other source that lists adjectives ending in -ma in a separate group. They don’t differ in any way. However, there are enough of them to list them separately and keep these lists fairly short.

4.1. Adjectives ending in -a (two syllables)

For adjectives ending in -a, you just add -sti to the end of the corresponding adjective. This section only contains adjectives without consonant gradation.

Adjective English Adverb English #
vapaa free vapaasti freely 10.1 m
laaja wide, extensive laajasti widely, extensively 3.3 m
paha bad pahasti badly, severely 2.6 m
hurja wild, fierce hurjasti wildly, fiercely 823 k
epäsuora indirect epäsuorasti indirectly 610 k
hauska fun, funny hauskasti funnily 521 k
luja firm lujasti firmly, tightly 304 k
vakaa steady, stable vakaasti steadily, steadfastly 244 k
laiska lazy laiskasti lazily, sluggishly 150 k


Example sentence Translation
Näitä kuvia saa vapaasti käyttää. These images may be used freely.
Etanolia käytetään laajasti päihteenä. Ethanol is widely used as an intoxicant.
Rakennus vaurioitui pahasti. The building was badly damaged.
Kilpailijat taistelivat hurjasti. The competitors fought fiercely.
Se voi vaikuttaa epäsuorasti terveyteesi. It can indirectly affect your health.
Hauskasti sanottu! That’s fun! (“Funnily said”)
Pidä lujasti kiinni! Hold on firmly!
Katsoin Aria vakaasti silmiin. I looked Ari steadily in the eyes.
Kone tottelee laiskasti. The machine obeys sluggishly.

4.2. Adjectives ending in -ma (two syllables)

As said above, there is nothing special about adjectives ending in -ma compared to other adjectives ending in -a. For adjectives ending in -a (and, thus, in -ma), you just add -sti to the end of the corresponding adjective.

Adjective English Adverb English #
varma certain, sure varmasti certainly, surely 14.9 m
kumma weird, peculiar kummasti oddly enough 761 k
huima incredible, wild huimasti wildly, dramatically 575 k
julma cruel, brutal julmasti cruelly, brutally 568 k
roima hefty, considerable roimasti heftily, considerably 438 k
itsevarma confident itsevarmasti confidently 163 k
kuuma hot kuumasti hotly 123 k


Example sentence Translation
Löydämme heidät varmasti. We will find them for sure.
Se auttoi kummasti. It helped, strangly enough.
Hinta on noussut huimasti. The price has risen dramatically.
Isä kohteli poikaansa julmasti. The father treated his son cruelly.
Hinnat ovat nousseet roimasti. Prices have risen heftily.
Ari puhui itsevarmasti yleisölle. Ari spoke confidently to the audience.
Aurinko paistaa kuumasti. The sun is shining hot (hotly).

4.3. Adjectives ending in -a (consonant gradation)

Some adjectives ending in -a will have consonant gradation. You will add -sti to the weak form of the adjective. You can find the weak form by, for example, inflecting the word in the genitive or the T-plural case (e.g. tarkka : tarkan : tarkat : tarkasti). Especially interesting in this group are the words raaka (raa’asti) and arka (arasti).

Adjective English Adverb English #
tarkka exact, precise tarkasti exactly, precisely, closely 11.7 m
tiukka tight tiukasti tightly, firmly 4.4 m
niukka scarce, scant niukasti scarcely, scantily 1.1 m
sanatarkka verbatim, literal sanatarkasti word for word 891 k
raaka raw, brutal raa’asti cruelly, brutally 519 k
rankka intense, tough rankasti intensely, severely 344 k
arka timid, shy arasti timidly, shyly 287 k
rivakka brisk rivakasti briskly 178 k
vankka robust, sturdy, strong vankasti robustly, firmly 135 k
hanakka eager hanakasti eagerly 133 k


Example sentence Translation
Tilannetta seurataan tarkasti. The situation is being closely monitored.
Pidä tiukasti kiinni käsivarrestani. Hold on tightly to my arm.
Lapsi on pukeutunut niukasti. The child is scantily clad.
Noudata näitä ohjeita sanatarkasti. Follow these instructions to the letter.
Tappaja surmasi naisen raa’asti. The killer brutally murdered the woman.
Äkkiä alkoi sataa rankasti. Suddenly it started to rain intensely.
Poika katseli arasti ympärilleen. The boy timidly looked around him.
Me kävelimme rivakasti lähimetsään. We walked briskly to the nearby forest.
Ari uskoi vankasti omaan teoriaansa. Ari firmly believed his own theory
Miksi vainoat häntä niin hanakasti? Why do you so eagerly persecute him?

4.4. Adjectives ending in -va (two syllables)

There is nothing special about these adjectives ending in -va compared to other adjectives ending in -a: just add -sti to the end of the word.

Adjective English Adverb English #
kova hard, tough kovasti hard, badly 8 m
vahva strong vahvasti strongly, heavily 6.2 m
kiva nice kivasti nicely 889 k
luova creative luovasti creatively 172 k
loiva gentle, gradual loivasti gently, gradually 117 k


Example sentence Translation
Yritin todella kovasti. I tried really hard.
Epäilen sitä vahvasti. I strongly doubt that.
Se alkoi kivasti. It started out nicely.
Sinun täytyy ajatella luovasti. You must think creatively.
Maa nousee loivasti. The land slopes gently upwards.

4.5. Adjectives ending in -va (three syllables)

Whether they’re short or long words, all adjectives ending in -a will have -sti added to the basic form. Again, I’m just dividing these adjectives up so this article is easier to read.

Adjective English Adverb English #
vakava serious, severe vakavasti seriously, severely 6.2 m
mukava comfortable, pleasant mukavasti comfortably 3.6 m
valtava immense, huge valtavasti immensely, hugely 2.9 m
sulava fluid, supple, graceful sulavasti fluidly, gracefully 319 k
mahtava mighty, imposing mahtavasti mightily, imposingly, great 238 k
sekava confused, complicated sekavasti confusedly, incoherently 125 k


Example sentence Translation
Mieheni ei ota minua vakavasti. My husband doesn’t take me seriously.
Istuin mukavasti sohvalla. I sat comfortably on the couch.
Tutkimus on edistynyt valtavasti. Research has progressed tremendously.
Se liikkuu sulavasti vedessä. It moves gracefully in the water.
Pelasimme tänään mahtavasti. We played great today.
Rikollinen puhui sekavasti. The criminal spoke confusedly.

4.6. Adjectives ending in -a (three or more syllables)

Whether they’re short or long words, all adjectives ending in -a will have -sti added to the basic form. Again, I’m just dividing these adjectives up so this article is easier to read.

Adjective English Adverb English #
ankara strict, harsh ankarasti strictly, harshly 4.2 m
ahkera hardworking, diligent ahkerasti diligently, industriously 1.5 m
ihana wonderful, sweet ihanasti wonderfully, beautifully 355 k
kamala awful, terrible kamalasti awfully, terribly 307 k
hankala difficult hankalasti difficultly, problematically 276 k
salakavala insidious, treacherous salakavalasti insidiously, treacherously 262 k
sukkela quick, swift sukkelasti quickly, swiftly 218 k
katkera bitter katkerasti bitterly 145 k
ovela cunning, sly ovelasti cunningly, shrewdly 141 k


Example sentence Translation
Poliitikko arvosteli Saksaa ankarasti. The politician harshly criticized Germany.
Ari tekee kotitehtävänsä ahkerasti. Ari does his homework diligently.
Aurinko paistaa ihanasti. The sun is shining wonderfully.
Opettaja suuttui kamalasti. The teacher got terribly angry.
Lapsi käyttäytyy hankalasti. The child behaves in a difficult manner.
Sairaus etenee salakavalasti. The disease progresses insidiously.
Lapsi kiipesi ylös sukkelasti kuin orava. The child climbed up swiftly like a squirrel.
Ari katui katkerasti sanojaan. Ari bitterly regretted his words.
Mies huijasi ovelasti työntekijää. The man cunningly deceived the employee.

4.7. Adjectives ending in (two syllables)

Adjectives ending in  don’t differ in any way from adjectives ending in -a. Note that the following table has both adjectives with and without consonant gradation. For words that undergo consonant gradation, you use the same weak stem you get in the genitive and T-plural form. For example, herkkä will be herkän in the genitive and herkät in the T-plural, so it will become herkästi.

Adjective English Adverb English #
selvä clear selvästi clearly 16 m
herkkä sensitive, delicate herkästi delicately, easily 1.6 m
lievä slight, mild lievästi slightly, mildly 1.3 m
jyrkkä steep, abrupt jyrkästi steeply, sharply 1 m
löyhä loose, lax löyhästi loosely 291 k
löysä slack, loose, lax löysästi loosely, slackly 273 k
nöyrä humble, meek, timid nöyrästi humbly, meekly 269 k
neljä four neljästi four times 237 k
jäykkä stiff, rigid jäykästi stiffly, rigidly 226 k


Example sentence Translation
Sinä selvästi valehtelit. You clearly lied.
Vety on herkästi syttyvää. Hydrogen is highly flammable.
Aine on lievästi myrkyllistä. The substance is slightly toxic.
Auto kääntyi jyrkästi vasemmalle. The car turned sharply to the left.
Sidoin kukkien ympärille löyhästi nauhan. I loosely tied a ribbon around the flowers.
Tartu siihen löysästi! Grab it loosely!
Ari pyysi nöyrästi anteeksi. Ari humbly apologized.
He ovat soittaneet neljästi. They have called four times.
Asiaan ei saa suhtautua jäykästi. The matter must not be treated rigidly.

4.8. Adjectives ending in (three or more syllables)

There is no difference between this group and the previous: all adjectives ending in  will get -sti added to their basic form.

Adjective English Adverb English #
kätevä handy, convenient kätevästi conveniently 4.2 m
järkevä sensible, rational järkevästi sensibly, reasonably 778 k
ikävä miserable, dreary ikävästi miserably 633 k
näppärä deft, handy näppärästi deftly 631 k
typerä stupid, dumb typerästi stupidly, foolishly 358 k
täpärä close, touch-and-go täpärästi barely, narrowly 289 k
ilmiselvä plain, obvious ilmiselvästi plainly, obviously 225 k
epäselvä unclear epäselvästi unclearly 160 k
ketterä agile, nimble ketterästi agilely, nimbly 159 k
hämärä dim, vague, obscure hämärästi dimly, vaguely 128 k


Example sentence Translation
Tiedot voi kätevästi muuttaa verkossa. The information can conveniently be changed online.
Ajattele nyt järkevästi! Think rationally now!
Yritys epäonnistui ikävästi. The attempt failed miserably.
Vene kulkee näppärästi vettä pitkin. The boat moves deftly along the water.
Älä käyttäydy typerästi! Don’t act foolishly!
Onnettomuuksilta on vältytty täpärästi. Accidents have been narrowly avoided.
Arilla on ilmiselvästi kipuja. Ari is obviously in pain.
Ari puhuu hirveän epäselvästi. Ari speaks really unclearly.
Vaari kiipesi portaat ketterästi. Grandpa nimbly climbed the stairs.
Se kuulostaa hämärästi tutulta. It sounds vaguely familiar.

5. Adjectives ending in -ea/eä

Just like the previous section, I’ve created some arbitrary subgroups for adjectives ending in -ea/eä. In order to keep each table a manageable size. For all adjectives ending in -ea or -eä, you will add -sti straight to the end of the word.

5.1. Adjectives ending in -ea

Just add -sti to the end of the word’s basic form!

Adjective English Adverb English #
nopea fact, quick nopeasti quickly 22.9 m
usea several, multiple useasti repeatedly, several times 1.6 m
upea magnificent upeasti magnificently, wonderfully 717 k
kapea narrow kapeasti narrowly 115 k
urhea brave, valiant urheasti bravely, valiantly 102 k
suopea favorable, indulgent suopeasti favorably, benevolently 64 k


Example sentence Translation
Ongelma täytyy nopeasti ratkaista. The problem must be solved quickly.
Miestä oli ammuttu useasti. The man had been shot several times.
Olet hoitanut tämän upeasti. You’ve taken care of this wonderfully.
Emme voi tulkita ihmisoikeuksia kapeasti. We cannot interpret human rights narrowly.
He taistelivat urheasti. They fought bravely.
Jumalat katsoivat meitä tänään suopeasti. The gods looked at us favorably today.

5.2. Adjectives ending in -kea

Adjective ending in -kea behave exactly the same as adjectives ending in -ea: add -sti to the end of the word.

Adjective English Adverb English #
oikea right, real oikeasti really, truly 10.2 m
rohkea brave, bold rohkeasti bravely, boldly 4.7 m
vaikea difficult, hard vaikeasti hard / seriously 1.7 m
karkea rough, coarse karkeasti roughly, coarsely  933 k
sokea blind sokeasti blindly 295 k
surkea wretched, miserable surkeasti miserably 240 k
korkea high korkeasti highly 206 k
huikea huge, tremendous huikeasti hugely, spectacularly 153 k


Example sentence Translation
Ari rakastaa sinua oikeasti. Ari truly loves you.
Ari puhui rohkeasti ongelmistaan. Ari bravely spoke about his problems.
Muutos on vaikeasti ennustettavissa. The change is difficult to predict.
Se johtuu karkeasti ottaen kolmesta tekijästä. It’s roughly speaking caused by three factors.
Mies noudattaa käskyjä sokeasti. The man obeys orders blindly.
Epäonnistuit surkeasti. You failed miserably.
Naiset ovat korkeasti koulutettuja. The women are highly educated.
Myynti on kasvanut huikeasti Sales have grown tremendously.

5.3. Adjective ending in -eä

Just add -sti to the end of the word’s basic form!

Adjective English Adverb English #
hirveä terrible, horrible hirveästi terribly, a lot 1.8 m
kipeä sick, sore kipeästi urgently, badly 854 k
kiinteä solid, fixed kiinteästi closely, fixedly 682 k
ripeä prompt, rapid ripeästi promptly, quickly 591 k
leveä wide, broad leveästi widely, broadly 490 k
tiheä dense, concentrated tiheästi densely / frequently 344 k
lempeä gentle, soft, tender lempeästi gently, softly, tenderly 174 k
ylpeä proud ylpeästi proudly 155 k
viileä cool viileästi coolly 124 k


Example sentence Translation
Kaipaan sinua hirveästi. I miss you terribly.
Tarvitsen kipeästi apua. I badly need help.
Asiat liittyvät kiinteästi toisiinsa. The things are closely related.
Katto on korjattava ripeästi! The roof must be repaired quickly!
Voittaja hymyili leveästi. The winner smiled widely.
Karjala oli tiheästi asuttu alue. Karelia was a densely populated area.
Olen iloinen, että kerroit sen lempeästi. I’m glad you said it gently.
Opettaja katsoi oppilasta ylpeästi. The teacher looked proudly at the pupil.
Nainen reagoi viileästi ehdotukseen. The woman reacted coolly to the proposal.

5.4. Adjective ending in -keä

Another arbitrary group which doesn’t differ from the previous groups in any fashion: just add -sti to the end of the word’s basic form!

Adjective English Adverb English #
selkeä clear selkeästi clearly 9.2 m
kiihkeä fervent, passionate kiihkeästi fervently 555 k
sitkeä tenacious, persistent sitkeästi tenaciously, persistently 361 k
törkeä gross, extreme törkeästi grossly, gravely 356 k
röyhkeä insolent, rude röyhkeästi insolently, rudely 254 k
ilkeä mean, wicked ilkeästi in a mean way, maliciously 251 k
räikeä flagrant, blatant räikeästi flagrantly, blatantly 177 k


Example sentence Translation
Olet selkeästi eri mieltä. You clearly disagree.
Mikä saa ihmiset reagoimaan niin kiihkeästi? What makes people react so fervently?
Ari jatkoi sitkeästi eteenpäin. Ari continued forward persistently.
Tämä rikkoo törkeästi oikeuksiamme. This gravely violates our rights.
Ari käyttäytyi röyhkeästi. Ari behaved insolently.
Älä puhu minulle noin ilkeästi. Don’t talk so meanly to me.
He käyttävät valtaansa räikeästi väärin. They blatantly abuse their power.

6. Adjectives ending in -e

For adjectives ending in -e, you will add another -e- before adding -sti. This is the same change words ending in -e undergo in, for example, the genitive and the T-plural cases (e.g. ahne : ahneen : ahneet : ahneesti)

Adjective English Adverb English #
kiire rush, hurry kiireesti hastily, urgently 496 k
ahne greedy, avaricious ahneesti greedily, avariciously 79 k
terve healthy, sane terveesti healthily, sanely 61 k


Example sentence Translation
Kutsuin hänet kiireesti takaisin. I hurriedly called her back.
Koira joi ahneesti. The dog drank greedily.
Yritä ajatella terveesti! Try to think sanely!

7. Adjectives ending in -is

For adjectives ending in -is, the genitive and T-plural cases will once again guide you to change -is to -ii- before adding -sti (e.g. aulis : auliin : auliit : auliisti). Note how, if your adjective would have consonant gradation, you would need the strong form of the word (e.g. altis would become alttiisti but this word didn’t make it onto the list because it’s too rarely used).

Adjective English Adverb English #
tiivis compact, dense tiiviisti tightly, densely 3 m
kaunis beautiful kauniisti beautifully 2.5 m
aulis willing, happy auliisti readily, freely 158 k
ilmatiivis airtight ilmatiiviisti hermetically 93 k


Example sentence Translation
Laukku on tiiviisti pakattu. The bag is tightly packed.
Olipa kauniisti sanottu! That was beautifully said!
Väkijoukko antoi auliisti tietä. The crowd gave passage readily.
Elektrodit on ilmatiiviisti suljettu säiliöön. The electrodes were hermetically sealed into the container.

8. Adjectives ending in -as/-äs

Note that I have divided adjectives ending in -as in several subgroups. This only serves the purpose of dividing quite a long list into several smaller groups. It doesn’t mean these groups are somehow different from one another!

8.1. Adjectives ending in -as/äs

Just like if you would be putting these adjectives in the genitive case, you will replace the -as at the end of the adjective with -aa-, after which you add -sti (e.g. runsas : runsaan : runsaasti).

Adjective English Adverb English #
runsas plentiful, abundant runsaasti abundantly, plenty 10.4 m
kiivas heated, vehement kiivaasti hotly, fiercely 409 k
viisas wise, prudent viisaasti wisely 254 k
ahnas voracious ahnaasti voraciously, greedily 122 k
kernas willing, eager kernaasti willingly, gladly 86 k
karvas bitter karvaasti bitterly 52 k


Example sentence Translation
Kasvia kasvaa runsaasti metsässä. The plant grows abundantly in the forest.
Miehet väittelivät kiivaasti politiikasta. The men argued hotly about politics.
Käytä jäljellä oleva aika viisaasti! Use the remaining time wisely!
Mies söi riisiä ahnaasti. The man voraciously ate the rice.
Ottaisin sinut kernaasti mukaani. I’d gladly take you with me.
Olen karvaasti pettynyt sinuun. I am bitterly disappointed with you.

8.2. Adjectives ending in -as (consonant gradation)

Words ending in -as belong to wordtype B, which means they will undergo consonant gradation. The basic form of words ending in -as will have a weak consonant, while the -sti adverb will have the corresponding strong consonant.

The -as at the end of the word will be replaced by -aa- before the -sti. You can compare the adverb to the genitive or T-plural cases (e.g. hidas : hitaan : hitaat : hitaasti).

Adjective English Adverb English #
hidas slow hitaasti slowly 2.5 m
reipas brisk, vigorous reippaasti briskly, vigorously 1.6 m
puhdas clean, pure puhtaasti cleanly, purely 1.1 m
harras dedicated, fervent hartaasti dearly, fervently 454 k
valpas vigilant, alert valppaasti vigilantly, alertly 53 k


Example sentence Translation
Opimme hitaasti mutta varmasti. We’re learning slowly but surely.
Yrityksen liikevaihto kasvoi reippaasti. The firm’s turnover grew briskly.
Riski on puhtaasti hypoteettinen. The risk is purely hypothetical.
Toivon hartaasti, että minut hyväksytään. I sincerely hope that I will be accepted.
Seuraan tilannetta valppaasti. I follow the situation vigilantly.

8.3. Adjectives ending in -kas/käs

Just like the previous group, adjectives ending in -kas/käs will undergo consonant gradation: the -k- gets replaced with -kk-, followed by -aa- and then the stuffix -sti.

Adjective English Adverb English #
menestyksekäs successful menestyksekkäästi successfully 869 k
äänekäs loud, vocal äänekkäästi loudly 723 k
tyylikäs stylish, classy tyylikkäästi stylishly, elegantly 463 k
sinnikäs tenacious, dogged sinnikkäästi persistently, doggedly 260 k
seksikäs sexy seksikkäästi sexily 196 k
ytimekäs concise, succinct ytimekkäästi concisely, succinctly 181 k
itsekäs selfish itsekkäästi selfishly 110 k
rytmikäs rhythmic rytmikkäästi rhythmically 93 k
miehekäs manly, masculine miehekkäästi manly, manfully 50 k


Example sentence Translation
Tuote lanseerattiin menestyksekkäästi. The product was successfully launched.
Naiset nauroivat äänekkäästi. The women laughed loudly.
Sinä pukeudut aina tyylikkäästi. You always dress stylishly.
Jatkoimme sinnikkäästi eteenpäin. We persistently continued ahead.
Tyttö tykkää pukeutua seksikkäästi. The girl likes to dress sexily.
Kuvailin tilannetta hyvin ytimekkäästi. I described the situation very succinctly.
Älä ajattele noin itsekkäästi! Don’t think so selfishly!
Joukkue marssi rytmikkäästi. The team marched rhythmically.
Ari pukeutuu aina erittäin miehekkäästi. Ari always dresses extremely masculine.

8.4. Adjectives ending in -lias/liäs

Just like if you would be putting these adjectives in the genitive case, you will replace the -as at the end of the adjective with -aa-, after which you add -sti (e.g. kohtelias : kohteliaan : kohteliaasti).

Adjective English Adverb English #
kohtelias polite kohteliaasti politely 452 k
säästeliäs sparing, frugal säästeliäästi sparingly 140 k
antelias generous, giving anteliaasti generously 97 k
utelias curious, inquisitive uteliaasti curiously, inquisitively 87 k
kivulias painful kivuliaasti painfully 64 k


Example sentence Translation
Vastasin kysymykseen kohteliaasti. I answered the question politely.
Käytäthän vettä säästeliäästi. Please use the water sparingly.
Sini lahjoittaa aina anteliaasti. Sini always donates generously.
Lapsi katsoo uteliaasti ympärilleen. The child looks around curiously.
Tauti tappoi Arin hitaasti ja kivuliaasti. The disease killed Ari slowly and painfully.

9. Adjectives ending in -ton/tön

Finnish has a large amount of adjectives ending in -ton/tön, which means I’ve opted once again for creating subgroups which don’t especially differ from one another but help break up the long tables into several smaller ones.

The suffix -ton creates an adjective that expresses a lack of something out of a noun. These words undergo quite a drastic change when they’re turned into adverbs, which can be compared to, for example, the genitive case. For example, the adjective loputon will become loputtoman in the genitive case, so you get loputtomasti through that model.

9.1. Adjectives ending in -ton

When your adjective ends in -ton, you will replace this element with -ttoma- followed by the adverb’s -sti.

Adjective English Adverb English #
vaivaton effortless, easy vaivattomasti effortlessly 3.6 m
rajaton limitless rajattomasti unlimitedly 1.5 m
saumaton seamless saumattomasti seamlessly 600 k
tahaton unintentional tahattomasti unintentionally 497 k
armoton merciless, ruthless armottomasti mercilessly, ruthlessly 459 k
huoleton carefree huolettomasti in a carefree manner 296 k
kohtuuton excessive kohtuuttomasti excessively 259 k
ennakkoluuloton open-minded ennakkoluulottomasti without prejudice 271 k
onneton unhappy onnettomasti unhappily, hopelessly 166 k
kiistaton indisputable kiistattomasti undisputedly 114 k


Example sentence Translation
Ari voitti kilpailun vaivattomasti. Ari won the competition effortlessly.
Kaupunki ei voi laajentua rajattomasti. The city cannot expand indefinitely.
Neuletakki neulotaan saumattomasti. The cardigan is knitted seamlessly.
Ari aiheutti vahingon tahattomasti. Ari caused the damage unintentionally.
Lasta kiusataan armottomasti. The child is being ruthlessly bullied.
Teini käyttelee rahaa huolettomasti. The teenager spends money carelessly.
He ryyppäävät kohtuuttomasti. They drink alcohol excessively.
Kuuntele ennakkoluulottomasti! Listen without prejudice!
Tarina päättyi onnettomasti. The story ended unhappily/badly.
Aseet ovat kiistattomasti tehokkaita The weapons are undeniably effective.

9.2. Adjectives ending in -ton (based on nouns with consonant gradation)

From the perspective of the adverb, this group doesn’t differ in any way to the previous group of words ending in -ton. However, it can be interesting to look at the noun which the adjective is based on. The follow adjectives are based on a noun which has consonant gradation (e.g. ehto > ehdoton > ehdottomasti; loppu > loputon > loputtomasti).

Adding -sti to the end of the adjectives doesn’t have any effect on the first part of the word; it only requires us to change -ton into -ttoma- before adding -sti.

Adjective English Adverb English #
ehdoton unconditional ehdottomasti absolutely 13.5 m
loputon endless loputtomasti endlessly, indefinitely 893 k
laiton illegal, unlawful laittomasti illegally 724 k
suunnaton immense, tremendous suunnattomasti immensely 388 k
kivuton painless kivuttomasti painlessly 302 k
avuton helpless avuttomasti helplessly 147 k
viaton innocent viattomasti innocently 139 k
luvaton unauthorized, illicit luvattomasti without permission, illicitly 109 k
levoton restless, anxious levottomasti unrestfully, apprehensively 103 k
peloton fearless, dauntless pelottomasti fearlessly, intrepidly 67 k


Example sentence Translation
Meidän täytyy ehdottomasti tehdä yhteistyötä. We definitely need to work together
Näin ei voi jatkua loputtomasti. This cannot go on indefinitely.
Ari oleskeli laittomasti maassa. Ari was staying in the country illegally.
Minua hävetti suunnattomasti. I felt immensely embarrassed.
Se sujui yllättävän kivuttomasti. It went surprisingly painlessly.
Uhri yritti avuttomasti nousta ylös. The victim helplessly tried to get up.
Tyttö esitti viattomasti kysymyksensä. The girl asked her question innocently.
Ari ylitti rajan luvattomasti. Ari crossed the border without permission.
Nukuin erittäin levottomasti. I slept very restlessly.
Ari ryntäsi pelottomasti kohti liekkejä. Ari rushed fearlessly towards the flames

9.3. Adjectives ending in -eeton

These adjectives have -ee- in front of the suffix -ton. This is due to the noun these words are based on: each has a noun ending in -e in its core. This -e which turns into -ee- when you add -ton (e.g. moite > moitteeton > moitteettomasti; tarve > tarpeeton > tarpeettomasti).

Adjective English Adverb English #
moitteeton impeccable moitteettomasti impeccably, immaculately 657 k
tarpeeton unnecessary, needless tarpeettomasti needlessly, unnecessarily 357 k
puolueeton impartial, neutral, fair puolueettomasti impartially, fairly 212 k
perusteeton unfounded, groundless perusteettomasti unjustifiably, unduly 118 k
aiheeton unfounded, gratuitous aiheettomasti unduly, gratuitously 90 k


Example sentence Translation
Ari oli pukeutunut moitteettomasti. Ari was impeccably dressed.
Monet ihmiset kärsivät tarpeettomasti. Many people suffer needlessly.
Päätökset on tehtävä puolueettomasti. Decisions must be made impartially.
Ari irtisanottiin perusteettomasti. Ari was fired without cause.
Aria syytettiin aiheettomasti. Ari was unduly accused.

9.4. Adjectives ending in -tön

There is zero difference between adjectives ending in -ton vs. -tön, but it allows me to break up these tables into smaller subsections. When your adjective ends in -tön, you will replace this element with -ttömä- followed by the adverb’s -sti.

Adjective English Adverb English #
välitön instant, immediate välittömästi instantly, immediately 17.4 m
vilpitön sincere, candid vilpittömästi sincerely, genuinely 724 k
älytön ludicrous, witless älyttömästi incredibly, a ludicrous amount 300 k
mieletön mad, absurd mielettömästi madly, insanely, like crazy 163 k
äänetön soundless, mute äänettömästi soundlessly, noiselessly 141 k
järjetön senseless, crazy järjettömästi senselessly, like crazy 81 k


Example sentence Translation
Lopetimme keskustelun välittömästi. We immediately ended the conversation.
Olen vilpittömästi iloinen puolestasi. I am genuinely happy for you.
Minua harmittaa älyttömästi Arin puolesta. I feel incredibly sad for Ari.
Jalkojani alkoi särkeä aivan mielettömästi My legs started to hurt like crazy.
Karhu liikkuu metsässä äänettömästi. The bear moves silently in the forest.
Suomen kieli kiinnostaa minua järjettömästi I’m insanely interested in the Finnish language.

9.5. Adjectives ending in -maton

Adjectives ending in -maton are based on a verb rather than an adjective. For example, huomaamaton is based on the verb huomata and arvaamaton is based on arvata.

Other than the difference in the base word, we change adjectives ending in -maton in exactly the same way as all adjectives ending in -ton: replace the -ton with –ttomasti. It is interesting to see, however, that this causes these adverbs to end in -mattomasti with a double -ma-. The first -ma- is part of the base word, while the second -ma- is part of the adverb.

Adjective English Adverb English #
huolimaton careless, sloppy huolimattomasti carelessly 507 k
huomaamaton unnoticed huomaamattomasti discreetly, imperceptibly 503 k
peruuttamaton irreversible, irrevocable peruuttamattomasti irreversibly, irrevocably 199 k
erottamaton inseparable, intrinsic erottamattomasti inseparably, inextricably 171 k
vastustamaton irresistible vastustamattomasti irresistibly 140 k
odottamaton unexpected, unforeseen odottamattomasti unexpectedly 114 k
sopimaton inappropriate, improper sopimattomasti inappropriately, improperly 103 k
auttamaton irredeemable auttamattomasti irrecoverably, irreparably 102 k
arvaamaton unpredictable, uncertain arvaamattomasti unpredictably 96 k


Example sentence Translation
Ari on toiminut huolimattomasti. Ari has acted carelessly.
Pumppu toimii huomaamattomasti. The pump works discreetly.
Asiat muuttuivat peruuttamattomasti. Things changed irreversibly.
Nämä liittyvät erottamattomasti yhteen. These are inextricably linked.
Malli hymyili vastustamattomasti. The model smiled irresistibly.
Tietokoneeni sammui odottamattomasti. My computer shut down unexpectedly.
Ari kohtelee naisia sopimattomasti. Ari treats women inappropriately.
Ari jäi auttamattomasti jälkeen. Ari fell irrecoverably behind.
Juoppo käyttäytyi arvaamattomasti. The drunk behaved unpredictably.

9.6. Adjectives ending in -mätön

Adjectives ending in -mätön have the same origin as adjectives ending in –maton: they’re based on a verb. The only difference is vowel harmony (e.g. auttaa > auttaamaton vs. kärsiä > kärsimätön). Replace the -tön with -ttomä- before adding -sti.

Adjective English Adverb English #
häpeämätön shameless, blatant häpeämättömästi shamelessly, blatantly 175 k
välinpitämätön indifferent, apathetic välinpitämättömästi indifferently, unconcernedly 144 k
riittämätön insufficient riittämättömästi insufficiently, inadequately 115 k
kärsimätön impatient kärsimättömästi impatiently 109 k
häikäilemätön unscrupulous, ruthless häikäilemättömästi unscrupulously, ruthlessly 102 k
vääjäämätön inevitable vääjäämättömästi inevitably 57 k


Example sentence Translation
Ihmiset tuijottivat meitä häpeämättömästi. The people shamelessly stare at us.
Koronaa levitettiin välinpitämättömästi. COVID was spread carelessly.
Suomi oli riittämättömästi varautunut tähän. Finland was insufficiently prepared for this.
Odotin Aria kärsimättömästi. I waited impatiently for Ari.
Tämä toteutettiin häikäilemättömästi. It was carried out ruthlessly.
Tulos on vääjäämättömästi sama. The result will inevitably be the same.

10. Adjectives ending in -nen

Finnish has a very large number of adjectives ending in -nen. Thus, this is another group of adverbs into -sti that gets divided into multiple arbitrary groups which in practice don’t differ from each other at all. Bear with me because there are quite a lot of tables below for words ending in -nen!

We could summarize this whole lower section by saying that adjectives ending in -nen will get -nen replaced with -se- before the suffix -sti.

10.1. Adjectives ending in -ainen (three syllables)

Our first group of -sti adverbs ending in -nen consists of words based on an adjective ending in -ainen. Replace the -nen at the end of the word by -se- when adding -sti. This is the same change these words undergo in, for example, the genitive case and the comparative form (e.g. tasainen : tasaisen : tasaisempi : tasaisesti).

Adjective English Adverb English #
tasainen even, steady tasaisesti steadily, constantly 2.7 m
pikainen quick, urgent pikaisesti quickly, urgently 1.8 m
luontainen natural, inherent luontaisesti naturally, inherently 632 k
salainen secret, classified salaisesti secretly, in secret 255 k
vihainen angry vihaisesti angrily, furiously 166 k
hiljainen quiet, silent, tacid hiljaisesti tacidly, quietly 109 k
verkkainen slow, leisurely verkkaisesti slowly, leisurely 84 k


Example sentence Translation
Ongelmien määrä kasvoi tasaisesti. The number of problems grew steadily.
Tarvitsen pikaisesti lainaa. I urgently need a loan.
Juomatiiviste on luontaisesti makeutettu. The drink concentrate is naturally sweetened.
Asia käsiteltiin salaisesti. The matter was dealt with in secret.
Koira murisi vihaisesti. The dog growled angrily.
Hyväksyntä voidaan antaa hiljaisesti. Approval can be given tacitly.
Ari eteni verkkaisesti. Ari proceeded slowly.

10.2. Adjectives ending in -ainen (four or more syllables)

This table has more adverbs ending in -ainen, which just happen to have more syllables than the previous group. For adverbs ending in -nen, you replace the -nen with -se- before adding -sti. This is the same change these words undergo in, for example, the genitive case and the comparative form (e.g. epätasainen : epätasaisen : epätasaisempi : epätasaisesti).

Adjective English Adverb English #
satunnainen random satunnaisesti randomly, at random 2.1 m
varsinainen actual, proper varsinaisesti actually, really 2.1 m
olennainen essential, intrinsic olennaisesti fundamentally, intrinsically 1.5 m
epätasainen irregular, uneven epätasaisesti irregularly, unevenly 348 k
suoranainen direct, downright suoranaisesti directly, explicitly 291k 541 k
vakinainen permanent vakinaisesti permanently 382 k
kohtalainen moderate, fair kohtalaisesti moderately 312 k
kuuliainen obedient, dutiful kuuliaisesti obediently, dutifully 99 k


Example sentence Translation
Ihmiset valittiin testiin satunnaisesti. People were randomly selected for the test.
Miten kaikki varsinaisesti tapahtui? How did everything actually happen?
Ne eivät eroa olennaisesti. They are not fundamentally different.
Uuni paistaa epätasaisesti. The oven bakes unevenly.
Glyfosaattia ei ole suoranaisesti kielletty. Glyphosate is not explicitly banned.
Ari asuu vakinaisesti Suomessa. Ari lives permanently in Finland.
Osaan puhua venäjää kohtalaisesti. I can speak Russian fairly well.
Ari työskenteli kuuliaisesti. Ari worked obediently.

10.3. Adjectives ending in -äinen (three or four syllables)

Adjectives ending in -äinen and -ainen both get their final -nen replaced by -se- when adding -sti to the end. This is the same change these words undergo in, for example, the genitive case and the comparative form (e.g. itsenäinen : itsenäisen : itsenäisempi : itsenäisesti).

Adjective English Adverb English #
tilapäinen temporary tilapäisesti temporarily 4.2 m
itsenäinen independent itsenäisesti independently 2.6 m
sisäinen internal sisäisesti internally 1.1 m
näennäinen apparent, ostensible näennäisesti seemingly, ostensibly 690 k
hätäinen hasty, rash hätäisesti hastily, hurriedly 258 k
itsepäinen stubborn itsepäisesti stubbornly 207 k
etäinen remote, distant etäisesti remotely, vaguely 175 k


Example sentence Translation
Ari asuu tilapäisesti äitinsä luona. Ari temporarily lives with his mother.
Vanhus asuu vielä itsenäisesti. The elderly person still lives independently.
Eteeristen öljyjen käyttö sisäisesti on turvallista. It’s safe to use essential oils internally.
Näennäisesti kaikki oli hyvin. Seemingly everything was fine.
Älä ratkaise asioita hätäisesti. Don’t settle things hastily.
Ari kieltäytyi itsepäisesti. Ari refused stubbornly.
Mies näytti etäisesti tutulta. The man looked vaguely familiar.

10.4. Adjectives ending in -äinen (four or more syllables)

These words as well get their final -nen replaced by -se- when adding -sti to the end. This is the same change these words undergo in, for example, the genitive case and the comparative form (e.g. salaperäinen : salaperäisen : salaperäisempi : salaperäisesti).

Adjective English Adverb English #
täysimääräinen full täysimääräisesti fully 696 k
silmämääräinen visual silmämääräisesti visually, by eye 304 k
epämääräinen indistinct, vague epämääräisesti indistinctly, vaguely 150 k
keskimääräinen average, mediocre keskimääräisesti on average 146 k
suonensisäinen intravenous suonensisäisesti intravenously 130 k
salaperäinen mysterious, secret salaperäisesti mysteriously 128 k


Example sentence Translation
Osallistu täysimääräisesti kaikkiin ohjelman toimiin!
Participate fully in all program activities!
Hitsaussaumat on tarkastettava silmämääräisesti. Welding seems must be inspected visually.
Ari vastasi kysymyksiini epämääräisesti. Ari answered my questions vaguely.
Heinäkuu on keskimääräisesti sateisin kuukausi. July is the rainiest month on average.
Näitä päihteitä käytetään suonensisäisesti These substances are used intravenously.
Äiti hymyili salaperäisesti. Mother smiled mysteriously.

10.5. Adjectives ending in -aikainen 

These are all compound adjectives ending in -aikainen, which is based on the noun aika (time). Replace the final -nen replaced by -se- when adding -sti to the end. This is the same change these words undergo in, for example, the genitive and the T-plural (e.g. samanaikainen : samanaikaisen : samanaikaiset : samanaikaisesti).

Adjective English Adverb English #
samanaikainen simultaneous samanaikaisesti simultaneously 7.6 m
väliaikainen temporary väliaikaisesti temporarily 2.1 m
reaaliaikainen real-time reaaliaikaisesti in real time 1.1 m
ennenaikainen premature ennenaikaisesti prematurely, untimely 566 k
yhtäaikainen simultaneous yhtäaikaisesti simultaneously 260 k
vanhanaikainen old-fashioned vanhanaikaisesti the old-fashioned way 71 k


Example sentence Translation
Pumput toimivat samanaikaisesti. The pumps work simultaneously.
Siirrä auto väliaikaisesti talliin! Move the car temporarily to the garage!
Tilaisuus striimattiin reaaliaikaisesti. The event was streamed in real time.
Lapsi syntyi ennenaikaisesti. The child was born prematurely.
Autot vaihtoivat yhtäaikaisesti kaistaa. The cars changed lanes at the same time.
Lähetä kortti vanhanaikaisesti postitse! Send a card the old-fashioned way by post!

10.6. Adjectives ending in -mukainen

These adverbs are all based on compound adjectives ending in -mukainen. Their base usage is to express that a thing conforms with something or is in accordance with something. Replace the final -nen by -se- when adding -sti to the end.

Adjective English Adverb English #
asianmukainen proper, adequate asianmukaisesti properly, duly 3.6 m
johdonmukainen consistent, coherent johdonmukaisesti consistently 688 k
luonnonmukainen organic, natural luonnonmukaisesti organically 305 k
oikeudenmukainen fair, just oikeudenmukaisesti fairly, equitably 268 k
tarkoituksenmukainen appropriate tarkoituksenmukaisesti appropriately 265 k
sananmukainen literal, verbatim sananmukaisesti literally, verbatim 160 k
totuudenmukainen truthful, accurate totuudenmukaisesti truthfully 139 k
epäoikeudenmukainen unjust, unfair epäoikeudenmukaisesti unjustly, unfairly 119 k
yhdenmukainen consistent, uniform yhdenmukaisesti consistently, uniformly 117 k
lainmukainen lawful, legal lainmukaisesti lawfully, legally 87 k


Example sentence Translation
Asiaa ei hoidettu asianmukaisesti. The matter wasn’t handled properly.
Puolue on johdonmukaisesti tukenut heitä. The party has consistently supported them.
Värjää hiukset luonnonmukaisesti! Dye your hair naturally!
Ari kohtelee alaisiaan oikeudenmukaisesti. Ari treats his subordinates fairly.
Käytä varusteita tarkoituksenmukaisesti! Use the equipment appropriately!
Noudatin käskyä sananmukaisesti. I followed the order to the letter.
Vastaa kysymykseen totuudenmukaisesti! Answer the question truthfully!
Minua kohdellaan epäoikeudenmukaisesti. I am being treated unfairly.
Lakia pitää tulkita yhdenmukaisesti. The law must be interpreted uniformly.
Sen tulee tapahtua lainmukaisesti. It must be done according to the law.

10.7. Adjectives ending in -mainen

Compound adjectives ending in -mainen often express that the thing they are describing is similar to the base word. As such, we could say that tavanomainen (based on the noun tapa “habit”) means “habit-like”, while räjähdysmäinen (based on the noun räjähdys “explosion”) means “explosion-like, similar to an explosion”. Replace -nen by -se- when turning this word into a -sti adverb.

Adjective English Adverb English #
erinomainen excellent erinomaisesti excellently 6 m
nimenomainen explicit, specific nimenomaisesti specifically, expressly 1 .8 m
ammattimainen professional ammattimaisesti professionally 914 k
tavanomainen habitual, conventional tavanomaisesti habitually, customarily 638 k
ylivoimainen superior ylivoimaisesti overwhelmingly, by far 611 k
räjähdysmäinen explosive räjähdysmäisesti explosively 377 k
vaistomainen instinctive vaistomaisesti instinctively 168 k
tapaturmainen accidental tapaturmaisesti accidentally 96 k


Example sentence Translation
Yhteistyö on sujunut erinomaisesti. The liaison work has gone excellently.
Se mainitaan nimenomaisesti säädännössä. It’s explicitly mentioned in the legislation.
Valvonta on suoritettava ammattimaisesti Supervision must be carried out professionally.
Juhannusta vietettiin tavanomaisesti. Midsummer was celebrated in the usual manner.
Ari on meistä ylivoimaisesti paras laulaja. Ari is by far the best singer among us.
Myynti on kasvanut räjähdysmäisesti. Sales have grown explosively.
Ihmiset vaistomaisesti pitävät minusta. People instinctively like me.
Ari menehtyi tapaturmaisesti sahalla. Ari died in an accidental manner at the sawmill.

10.8. Adjectives ending in -vainen

The following adverbs are based on adjectives ending in -vainen. In fact, we can analyze most of these words even further: they are all based on a verb (e.g. varoa, luottaa), which has been turned into a VA-participle (varova, luottava), which has been turned into an adjective (varovainen, luottavainen). Finnish has many more such adjectives (e.g. riippuvainen, auttavainen, taipuvainen), but most of these aren’t commonly turned into adverbs.

Replace -nen by se- when turning these words into a -sti adverb!

Adjective English Adverb English #
varovainen careful varovaisesti carefully 590 k
luottavainen trusting, confident luottavaisesti trustingly, confidently 378 k
päättäväinen decisive päättäväisesti decisively, firmly 288 k
tarkkaavainen attentive, observant tarkkaavaisesti attentively, intently 129 k


Example sentence Translation
Ari nosti laatikon varovaisesti. Ari carefully lifted the box.
Katson luottavaisesti tulevaisuuteen. I confidently look to the future.
Kulje päättäväisesti eteenpäin! Move forward with determination!
Kuuntelimme tarkkaavaisesti. We listened attentively.

10.9. Compound adjectives ending in -ainen

I have a very long article that goes into much detail concerning compound adjectives. The following table is long because I couldn’t see a neat way to divide these adverbs into two groups. Replace -nen by se- when turning these words into a -sti adverb!

Adjective English Adverb English #
yksinkertainen simple yksinkertaisesti simply, plainly 9 m
ensisijainen primary, main ensisijaisesti primarily, mainly 8.4 m
henkilökohtainen personal henkilökohtaisesti personally, in person 2.2 m
yksityiskohtainen detailed, elaborate yksityiskohtaisesti in detail, minutely 1.5 m
mielivaltainen arbitrary mielivaltaisesti arbitrarily 281 k
hellävarainen gentle, delicate hellävaraisesti gently 624 k
ylivoimainen overwhelming ylivoimaisesti overwhelmingly 611 k
kokonaisvaltainen holistic, comprehensive kokonaisvaltaisesti holistically, comprehensively 462 k
sattumanvarainen haphazard, random sattumanvaraisesti haphazardly, randomly 371 k
hienovarainen discreet, subtle hienovaraisesti discreetly, unobtrusively 348 k
omakohtainen subjective, personal omakohtaisesti subjectively, first-hand 248 k
väkivaltainen violent väkivaltaisesti violently 208 k
tasavertainen equal tasavertaisesti equally 190 k
samankaltainen similar, alike samankaltaisesti similarly 162 k
perinpohjainen thorough, exhaustive perinpohjaisesti thoroughly, exhaustively 149 k
itsepintainen insistent, persistent itsepintaisesti doggedly, persistently 124 k
lainvastainen illegitimate lainvastaisesti illegally, illicitly 113 k


Example sentence Translation
Teko on yksinkertaisesti moraalitonta. The act is simply immoral.
Vastuu kuuluu ensisijaisesti sinulle. The responsibility lies primarily with you.
En ole tavannut Aria henkilökohtaisesti. I have not met Ari in person.
Selitin tätä jo yksityiskohtaisesti. I explained this in detail already.
Määräyksiä sovelletaan usein mielivaltaisesti. Regulations are often applied arbitrarily.
Tomaatteja täytyy käsitellä hellävaraisesti. Tomatoes must be handled gently.
He voittivat ottelun ylivoimaisesti. They won the match overwhelmingly.
Se vaikuttaa kokonaisvaltaisesti uhrin elämään. It affects the victim’s life comprehensively.
Uhrit valikoituivat sattumanvaraisesti. The victims were selected at random.
Etsi tietoja minulle hienovaraisesti! Find information for me discreetly!
Ymmärrän sen nyt omakohtaisesti. I understand it firsthand now.
Pankki ryöstettiin väkivaltaisesti Oulussa. The bank was violently robbed in Oulu.
Työntekijöitä tulisi kohdella tasavertaisesti. Employees should be treated equally.
Ari ajattelee samankaltaisesti kuin minä. Ari thinks in a similar way as I do.
Välikohtaus tutkitaan perinpohjaisesti. The incident is thoroughly investigated.
Ari puolustaa itsepintaisesti kantaansa. Ari doggedly defends his position.
Todiste on hankittu lainvastaisesti. The proof was obtained illegally.

10.10. Adjectives ending in -einen

Replace -nen by -se- when turning these words into a -sti adverb! There’s nothing special about the origin of adjectives ending in -einen. Dividing them into a separate group just helps divide the bulk of this type of adverbs in smaller groups.

Adjective English Adverb English #
ilmeinen apparent ilmeisesti apparently, evidently 10.7 m
yleinen general, common yleisesti generally, commonly 7.2 m
perinteinen traditional perinteisesti traditionally 4.5 m
läheinen close, intimate läheisesti closely, intimately 814 k
yksiselitteinen unequivocal yksiselitteisesti unequivocally, clearly 717 k
kielteinen negative, unfavorable kielteisesti negatively, unfavorably 703 k
yhteinen common, joint yhteisesti jointly 573 k
myönteinen favorable, positive myönteisesti favorably, positively 550 k
keskeinen central keskeisesti centrally, key 536 k
pitkäjänteinen long-term pitkäjänteisesti in a long-term way 256 k
kuumeinen feverish kuumeisesti feverishly 238 k
hienotunteinen considerate, tactful hienotunteisesti considerably, tactfully 86 k


Example sentence Translation
Minut on ilmeisesti hakkeroitu. I have apparently been hacked.
Se on yleisesti tunnustettu tosiasia. It is a commonly recognized fact.
Miten lipeäkalaa perinteisesti valmistetaan? How is lye fish traditionally prepared?
Itsetunto liittyy läheisesti minäkuvaan. Self-esteem is closely related to self-image.
Vaatimukset on muotoiltava yksiselitteisesti. The requirements must be formulated unambiguously.
Se vaikuttaa kielteisesti hankkeeseen. It affects the project negatively.
Puolisot omistavat asunnon yhteisesti. The spouses own the apartment jointly.
Suhtaudumme päätökseen myönteisesti. We regard the decision positively.
Kamerat parantavat keskeisesti turvallisuutta. Cameras fundamentally improve safety.
Säätiö keskittyy pitkäjänteisesti kehitykseen. The foundation focuses on development in the long term.
Kokousta valmistellaan kuumeisesti. The meeting is being prepared feverishly.
Asiaa on käsiteltävä erittäin hienotunteisesti. The matter must be handled very tactfully.

10.11. Adjectives ending in -ginen

These English adjectives will likely look familiar to English speakers! Some adjectives ending -gical have been adopted into Finnish with the ending -ginen. Replace -nen by -se- when turning these words into a -sti adverb! This is the same change these words undergo in, for example, the genitive and the T-plural (e.g. looginen : loogisen : loogiset : loogisesti).

Adjective English Adverb English #
looginen logical loogisesti logically 712 k
strateginen strategical strategisesti strategically 408 k
ekologinen ecological ekologisesti ecologically 333 k
maaginen magical maagisesti magically 183 k
traaginen tragical traagisesti tragically 147 k


Example sentence Translation
Sinun täytyy ajatella loogisesti. You have to think logically.
Alue on strategisesti tärkeä. The area is strategically important.
Onko kalastus ekologisesti kestävää? Is fishing ecologically sustainable?
Ongelmat eivät katoa maagisesti. The problems don’t magically disappear.
Veneretki päättyi traagisesti. The boat trip ended tragically.

10.12. Adjectives ending in -aalinen

Some English adjectives ending in -al have been adopted into Finnish as -aalinen. Replace -nen by -se- when turning these words into a -sti adverb! This is the same change these words undergo in, for example, the genitive case and the comparative form (e.g. sosiaalinen : sosiaalisen : sosiaalisempi : sosiaalisesti).

Adjective English Adverb English #
visuaalinen visual visuaalisesti visually 1.1 m
totaalinen total, complete totaalisesti totally, completely 561 k
sosiaalinen social sosiaalisesti socially 471 k
moraalinen moral moraalisesti morally 431 k
digitaalinen digital digitaalisesti digitally 313 k
emotionaalinen emotional emotionaalisesti emotionally 110 k
potentiaalinen potential potentiaalisesti potentially 95 k


Example sentence Translation
Kumpi on visuaalisesti miellyttävämpää? Which one is visually more pleasing?
Paikka on sotkettu totaalisesti. The place has completely been messed up.
Sosiaalisesti estynyt lapsi vetäytyy syrjään. The socially inhibited child withdraws to the side.
Se on moraalisesti väärin. It is morally wrong.
Palveluita hoidetaan digitaalisesti. Services are managed digitally.
Minun täytyy irrottautua sinusta emotionaalisesti. I need to disentangle myself from you emotionally.
Potilas on potentiaalisesti vaarallinen muille. The patient is potentially dangerous to others.

10.13. Adjectives ending in -allinen (shorter words)

These adjectives are all based on a two-syllable noun ending in -a (e.g. kirja “book”, rauha “peace” and vaara “danger”). Replace -nen by -se- when turning these words into -sti adverbs! This is the same change these words undergo in, for example, the genitive case and the comparative form (e.g. turvallinen : turvallisen : turvallisempi : turvallisesti).

Adjective English Adverb English #
turvallinen safe turvallisesti safely 5.3 m
kirjallinen written, literary kirjallisesti in writing 987 k
rauhallinen calm rauhallisesti calmly 828 k
tahallinen intentional tahallisesti intentionally 427 k
rahallinen monetary rahallisesti financially 329 k
tuskallinen painful tuskallisesti painfully, agonizingly 292 k
vaarallinen dangerous vaarallisesti dangerously 227 k


Example sentence Translation
Pääsetkö turvallisesti alas? Can you come down safely?
Sopimus tehdään kirjallisesti. The agreement is made in writing.
Ari vastasi kysymykseen rauhallisesti. Ari answered the question calmly.
Yrität tahallisesti sabotoida meitä. You deliberately try to sabotage us.
Tuin sinua rahallisesti. I supported you financially.
Minut jätettiin kuolemaan hitaasti ja tuskallisesti. I was left to die slowly and painfully.
F1-tulokkaan auto kääntyi vaarallisesti. The F1 rookie’s car turned dangerously.

10.14. Adjectives ending in -allinen (consonant gradation)

Just like the previous group, at the base of these adverbs is an adjective based on a two-syllable noun (e.g. tapa > tavallinen > tavallisesti). What sets this group apart from the previous is that the nouns in these words undergo consonant gradation. Replace -nen by -se- when turning these words into -sti adverbs!

Adjective English Adverb English #
tavallinen usual, normal tavallisesti usually, normally 11.9 m
virallinen official, formal virallisesti officially 4.7 m
paikallinen local, topical paikallisesti locally, topically 3.1 m
ajallinen temporal ajallisesti over time, temporally 561 k
kaupallinen commercial kaupallisesti commercially 247 k
pinnallinen shallow, superficial pinnallisesti shallowly, superficially 111 k


Example sentence Translation
Syön tavallisesti keittiössä. I usually eat in the kitchen.
Firman nimi on nyt virallisesti Kaidokia! The company’s name is now officially Kaidokia!
Mies tunnetaan paikallisesti juoppona. The man is locally known as a drunkard.
Tuotanto vaihtelee ajallisesti. Production varies over time.
Yritysidea ei ole kaupallisesti kannattava. The business idea is not commercially viable.
Poika hengitti liian pinnallisesti. The boy breathed too shallowly.

10.15. Adjectives ending in -allinen (longer words)

Just like the previous group, most of these adjectives are based on an adjective, but this time the adjective has more than two syllables (e.g. kemia “chemistry” and asia “thing, matter”). Replace -nen by -se- when turning these words into -sti adverbs!

Adjective English Adverb English #
asiallinen correct, proper asiallisesti correctly, appropriately 1.1 m
pääasiallinen main pääasiallisesti mainly, chiefly 853 k
tosiasiallinen factual, actual tosiasiallisesti factually, in actuality 827 k
kemiallinen chemical kemiallisesti chemically 460 k
tuttavallinen familiar, intimate tuttavallisesti familiarly 128 k


Example sentence Translation
Pukeudu asiallisesti! Dress appropriately!
Tietokone on pääasiallisesti työkäytössä.
The computer is mainly used for work.
Tosiasiallisesti naisella oli ollut sydäninfarkti. In actuality, the woman had had a heart attack.
Sellu on kemiallisesti valmistettu puusta. Pulp is chemically made from wood.
Emme puuttuneet sotaan sotilaallisesti. We didn’t intervene militarily in the war.
Palin tervehti Bidenia tuttavallisesti. Palin greeted Biden familiarly.

10.16. Adjectives ending in -illinen which are based on nouns ending in -i (new words)

The journey towards out adverb ending in -illinen starts with a noun (e.g. tyyppi “type” or esimerkki “example). These nouns are new words that end in -i (read more about old and new words ending in -i). When you make an adjective out of this type of noun, you will add -llinen to the end without changing the -i. You will need to pay attention to consonant gradation here. For example, musiikillinen is based on musiikki and laillinen is based on laki. Replace -nen by -se- when turning these adjectives into -sti adverbs!

Adjective English Adverb English #
tyypillinen typical tyypillisesti typically 6 m
laillinen legal, lawful laillisesti legally, lawfully 3.3 m
maltillinen moderate, temperate maltillisesti moderately 218 k
musiikillinen musical musiikillisesti musically 177 k
esimerkillinen exemplary esimerkillisesti exemplarily 147 k
tyylillinen stylistic tyylillisesti stylistically 127 k
mestarillinen masterful mestarillisesti masterfully 101 k


Example sentence Translation
Rattijuopoille annetaan tyypillisesti sakkoja.
Drunk drivers are typically given fines.
Musiikkia voi laillisesti ladata. Music can be legally downloaded.
Myynti kasvoi viime vuonna maltillisesti. Sales grew moderately last year.
Lapsi on musiikillisesti lahjakas. The child is musically talented.
Asukas toimi esimerkillisesti. The resident acted in an exemplary manner.
Tyylillisesti olet lähempänä Hitchcockia. Stylistically, you are closer to Hitchcock.
Näyttelijä esitti osansa mestarillisesti. The actor played his part masterfully.

10.17. Adjectives ending in -ellinen which are based on nouns ending in -i (old words)

Replace -nen by -se- when turning these adjectives into -sti adverbs!

At the very base of these adverbs lies an old noun ending in -i. Nouns ending in -i can belong to two different groups depending on how they inflect in the different cases: old words and new words. When the word is old, the final -i changes into -e when you put the word in the different cases. This same change also takes place when you create an adjective out of them. For example, kielellinen is based on kieli “language” and nimellinen is based on nimi “name”. The adjective täydellinen is based on another adjective: täysi. When the base adjective ends in -si, you will replace -si with -de-.

Adjective English Adverb English #
huolellinen careful, thorough huolellisesti carefully 10.1 m
täydellinen perfect, complete täydellisesti perfectly, completely 6.9 m
hetkellinen momentary hetkellisesti momentarily 949 k
onnellinen happy onnellisesti happily 230 k
nimellinen nominal nimellisesti nominally, in name 144 k
kielellinen lingual, linguistic kielellisesti linguistically 75 k


Example sentence Translation
Täytä lomake huolellisesti! Fill out the form carefully!
Yritys epäonnistui täydellisesti. The attempt failed completely.
Menetin hetkellisesti järkeni. I momentarily lost my mind.
Ja he elivät onnellisesti elämänsä loppuun asti. And they lived happily ever after.
Kuulun seuraan ainakin nimellisesti. I belong to the club, at least in name.
Tyttö on kielellisesti lahjakas. The girl is linguistically talented.

10.18. Adjectives ending in -ellinen which are based on nouns ending in -us/ys

At the base of each of these adverbs is a noun, which has been turned into an adjective. The base nouns all end in -us/ys. However, the table below contains two types of words ending in -us/ys: nouns that get “-us > -ukse-” and nouns to get -us > -ude-. This change also takes place when making an adjective out of the nouns. Click the link to find out more about the difference.

Replace -nen by -se- when turning these adjectives into -sti adverbs!

Adjective English Adverb English #
taloudellinen financial taloudellisesti financially 5 m
poikkeuksellinen exceptional poikkeuksellisesti exceptionally 690 k
luottamuksellinen confidential luottamuksellisesti confidentially 512 k
tarkoituksellinen intentional tarkoituksellisesti intentionally 466 k
oikeudellinen legal, judicial oikeudellisesti legally, judicially 462 k
menestyksellinen successful menestyksellisesti successfully 117 k


Example sentence Translation
Sijoittaminen on taloudellisesti järkevää. Investing makes sense financially.
Myymälä on poikkeuksellisesti kiinni. The store is exceptionally closed.
Voimme aina keskustella luottamuksellisesti. We can always talk confidentially.
Ari antoi tarkoituksellisesti väärää tietoa. Ari intentionally gave wrong information.
Suuntaviivat eivät ole oikeudellisesti sitovia. The guidelines aren’t legally binding.
Ensimmäinen päivä päättyi menestyksellisesti. The first day ended successfully.

10.19. Adjectives ending in -eellinen which are based on nouns ending in -e

The following table contains adverbs which at their verb base have a noun ending in -e. For example, the nouns rakenne “structure”, alue “region” and tiede “science” have been turned into rakenteellinen “structural”, alueellinen “regional” and tieteellinen “scientific”.

Turn these adjectives into adverbs by replacing -nen with -se– before adding -sti.

Adjective English Adverb English #
perusteellinen thorough perusteellisesti thoroughly 1.6 m
virheellinen incorrect, wrong virheellisesti incorrectly, wrongly 1.3 m
rakenteellinen structural rakenteellisesti structurally 785 k
alueellinen regional alueellisesti regionally 768 k
kiireellinen urgent, pressing kiireellisesti urgently, pressingly 760 k
suhteellinen relative suhteellisesti relatively 726 k
tieteellinen scientific tieteellisesti scientifically 677 k
ihanteellinen ideal, optimal ihanteellisesti ideally, optimally 535 k
koneellinen mechanical koneellisesti by machine 550 k
maantieteellinen geographical maantieteellisesti geographically 442 k
lääketieteellinen medical lääketieteellisesti medically 345 k
murheellinen tragic, sad murheellisesti tragically, sadly 258 k
puutteellinen inadequate, insufficient puutteellisesti inadequately 258 k
terveellinen healthy terveellisesti healthily 203 k
aiheellinen justified aiheellisesti justly, with reason 99 k


Example sentence Translation
Tarkasta se perusteellisesti joka viikko! Check it thoroughly every week!
Arvosana oli merkitty virheellisesti. The grade was marked incorrectly.
Järjestelmä on rakenteellisesti korruptoitunut. The system is structurally corrupt.
Yksityiset sosiaalipalvelut vaihtelevat alueellisesti. Private social services vary regionally.
Yrityksen täytyy kiireellisesti puuttua asiaan. The company needs to urgently intervene.
Helsingissä on suhteellisesti eniten asunnottomia. Helsinki has relatively the most homeless people.
Tätä ei voi todistaa tieteellisesti. This cannot be proven scientifically.
Ihanteellisesti metaanin muunnos on 0 %. Ideally, methane conversion is 0 %.
Istutus voidaan myös tehdä koneellisesti. Planting can also be done mechanically.
Turkki on maantieteellisesti tärkeässä paikassa. Turkey is geographically in an important place.
Hoito on lääketieteellisesti perusteltu. The treatment is medically justified.
Kisa päättyi murheellisesti.
The race ended tragically.
Asunto on puutteellisesti varustettu. The apartment is inadequately equipped.
Muista syödä terveellisesti! Remember to eat healthily!
Pelaajat protestoivat täysin aiheellisesti. The players protested with full reason.

10.20. Adjectives ending in -ollinen

Turn these adjectives into adverbs by replacing -nen with -se– before adding -sti.

Adjective English Adverb English #
mahdollinen possible mahdollisesti possibly 16.8 m
luonnollinen natural, innate luonnollisesti naturally, of course 3.6 m
teollinen industrial teollisesti industrially 1.6 m
ilmastollinen climatical ilmastollisesti climatically 1.4 m
uskollinen faithful, loyal uskollisesti faithfully, devotedly 551 k
muodollinen formal muodollisesti formally 382 k
tilastollinen statistical tilastollisesti statistically 267 k
hallinnollinen administrative hallinnollisesti administratively 213 k
tunnollinen conscientious, diligent tunnollisesti conscientiously, diligently 183 k
kuvaannollinen figurative kuvaannollisesti figuratively 102 k
armollinen merciful armollisesti mercifully, with mercy 101 k


Example sentence Translation
Tieto on mahdollisesti virheellinen The information is possibly incorrect.
Velvoitteet täytyy luonnollisesti hoitaa. The obligations must naturally be taken care of.
Lasipullot on valmistettu teollisesti. The glass bottles have been industrially produced.
Metsien käytön on oltava ilmastollisesti kestävää. The use of forests must be climatically sustainable.
Ari täyttää kaikki lupauksensa uskollisesti. Ari fulfills all his promises faithfully.
Prosessi ei ole vielä muodollisesti aloitettu. The process has not yet formally started.
Tämä ei ole tilastollisesti merkittävää. This is not statistically significant.
Kaupunki on hallinnollisesti kaksikielinen. The city is administratively bilingual.
Opiskele tunnollisesti! Study diligently!
Puhun kuvaannollisesti. I’m speaking figuratively.
Kohtele heitä armollisesti! Treat them with mercy!

10.21. Adjectives ending in -ullinen

Turn these adjectives into adverbs by replacing -nen with -se– before adding -sti.

Adjective English Adverb English #
edullinen inexpensive, affordable edullisesti inexpensively 4.4 m
lopullinen definitive, final lopullisesti conclusively, for good 948 k
vastuullinen responsible vastuullisesti responsibly 941 k
suullinen oral, verbal suullisesti orally, verbally 799 k
kohtuullinen reasonable kohtuullisesti in moderation, reasonably 670 k
surullinen sad surullisesti sadly 95 k


Example sentence Translation
Miten voi matkustaa edullisesti? How can you travel inexpensively?
Myymälä sulkeutuu lopullisesti elokuussa. The store will close permanently in August.
Miten hanke voidaan toteuttaa vastuullisesti? How can the project be implemented responsibly?
Sopimus voidaan myös tehdä suullisesti. A contract can also be made verbally.
Nauti alkoholia kohtuullisesti! Enjoy alcohol in moderation!
Ari hymyili surullisesti ja nyökkäsi. Ari smiled sadly and nodded.

10.22. Adjectives ending in -ttinen

For anyone who speaks English, the meaning of these words will be obvious. These are all loanwords, many of which will end in -ic or -ical in English. This table only contains such adjectives that are often turned into -sti adverbs. Note that this is a very common adjective type, so there are many more such adjectives (e.g. empaattinen, aristokraattinen, homeopaattinen, melodramaattinen), which are rarely turned into adverbs.

Replace -nen with -se– before adding -sti to make these adverbs!

Adjective English Adverb English #
automaattinen automatic automaattisesti automatically 9.2 m
kriittinen critical, crucial kriittisesti critically 1.4 m
poliittinen political poliittisesti politically 1.2 m
dramaattinen dramatic, spectacular dramaattisesti dramatically 706 k
konkreettinen concrete, tangible konkreettisesti concretely 670 k
systemaattinen systematic systemaattisesti systematically 623 k
eettinen ethical eettisesti ethically 337 k
teoreettinen theoretical teoreettisesti theoretically 313 k
geneettinen genetic, genetical geneettisesti genetically 213 k
implisiittinen implicite, implied implisiittisesti implicitly 86 k


Example sentence Translation
Hakemus hylättiin automaattisesti. The application was automatically rejected.
Osaatko arvioida tietoa kriittisesti? Can you evaluate information critically?
Tämä ei ole poliittisesti korrektia. This is not politically correct.
Ilmapiiri muuttui dramaattisesti. The atmosphere changed dramatically.
Sota näkyy täällä hyvin konkreettisesti. The war can be seen very concretely here.
Sääntöjä ei arvioitu systemaattisesti. The rules were not evaluated systematically.
Kielto on eettisesti arveluttava. The ban is ethically questionable.
Se on teoreettisesti mahdollista It is theoretically possible.
Näitä organismeja muunnettiin geneettisesti. These organisms were genetically modified.
Tuomioistuin vahvisti sen implisiittisesti. The Court implicitly affirmed it.

10.23. Adjectives ending in -siivinen and -tiivinen

Just like the previous group, these adverbs are based on words that can be easily recognized by English speakers. They do not differ in any way from the previous group; they’re just in a separate table to make this article easier to read.

Replace -nen with -se– before adding -sti to create these adverbs!

Adjective English Adverb English #
aktiivinen active aktiivisesti actively 8.5 m
positiivinen positive positiivisesti positively 1.4 m
negatiivinen negative negatiivisesti negatively 879 k
intensiivinen intense intensiivisesti intensively, intensely 621 k
aggressiivinen aggressive aggressiivisesti aggressively 512 k
massiivinen massive massiivisesti massively 351 k
objektiivinen objective objektiivisesti objectively 178 k
passiivinen passive passiivisesti passively 173 k
intuitiivinen intuitive intuitiivisesti intuitively 61 k


Example sentence Translation
Seuraamme tilannetta aktiivisesti. We’re actively monitoring the situation.
Yritän ajatella positiivisesti. I try to think positively.
En ajattele negatiivisesti. I don’t think negatively.
Työskentelimme erittäin intensiivisesti. We worked very intensively.
Lapsi käyttäytyy aggressiivisesti. The child behaves aggressively.
Tuotanto on kasvanut massiivisesti. The production has grown massively.
Sitä ei ole objektiivisesti perusteltua. It isn’t objectively justified.
Ari vain odottaa passiivisesti. Ari just waits passively.
Lapsi tajuaa tämän intuitiivisesti. A child understands this intuitively.

10.24. Adjectives ending in -uinen

Replace -nen with -se– before adding -sti to create these adverbs!

Adjective English Adverb English #
maailmanlaajuinen global, worldwide maailmanlaajuisesti globally, worldwide 6.5 m
ikuinen eternal, everlasting ikuisesti eternally, forever 871 k
alituinen constant, incessant alituisesti continuously, constantly 326 k
vakituinen permanent, regular vakituisesti permanently 127 k
hirmuinen horrendous, terrible hirmuisesti terribly, grotesquely 112 k
omituinen weird, odd omituisesti oddly, in a weird way 88 k


Example sentence Translation
Kriisin vaikutukset tuntuvat maailmanlaajuisesti. The effects of the crisis are felt globally.
Olemme loukussa täällä ikuisesti! We’re trapped here forever!
Arin vaimo nalkutti alituisesti hänelle. Ari’s wife was constantly nagging him.
Asutko täällä vakituisesti? Do you live here permanently?
Juoppo vihastui hirmuisesti. The drunkard got terribly angry.
Naapurini käyttäytyy omituisesti. My neighbor is behaving oddly.

10.25. More adjectives ending in -nen

Can you tell I’m running out of steam for descriptions of these groups? Below are even more adverbs based on adjectives ending in -nen. Replace -nen with -se- before adding -sti to create these adverbs!

Adjective English Adverb English #
säännöllinen regular säännöllisesti regularly 13.6 m
kirjaimellinen literal kirjaimellisesti literally 1.7 m
rehellinen honest, truthful rehellisesti honestly, truthfully 1.6 m
ystävällinen kind, friendly ystävällisesti kindly, amicably 1.4 m
yksilöllinen individual yksilöllisesti individually 904 k
täsmällinen exact, accurate täsmällisesti precisely, with precision 505 k
syvällinen profound, deep syvällisesti profoundly, deeply 421 k
epäsäännöllinen irregular epäsäännöllisesti irregularly 215 k
kärsivällinen patient kärsivällisesti patiently 181 k
sydämellinen heartfelt, cordial sydämellisesti heartily, warmly 143 k


Example sentence Translation
Käyn säännöllisesti metsässä kävelyllä. I regularly go for walks in the forest.
Älä käännä sananlaskuja kirjaimellisesti. Don’t translate proverbs literally.
Sinun täytyy vastata rehellisesti. You have to answer honestly.
He kohtelivat meitä ystävällisesti. They treated us kindly.
Sitä sovelletaan yksilöllisesti. It is applied on an individual basis.
Hyötyä ei voida mitata täsmällisesti. The benefit can’t be measured precisely.
Päätös muutti elämääni syvällisesti. The decision changed my life profoundly.
Sydän lyö epäsäännöllisesti. The heart beats irregularly.
Miten voi matkustaa edullisesti? How can you travel inexpensively?
Asiakas odottaa kärsivällisesti vuoroaan. The customer waits patiently for his turn.
Toivotin Arin sydämellisesti tervetulleeksi. I heartily welcomed Ari.

11. Adjectives based on the VA-participle

The active present participle is referred to in Finnish as the VA-partisiippi because it ends in –va/vä. It’s based on a verb.

11.1. VA-participle based adjectives ending in -va

For words ending in -va (both participles and regular words like vakava), you just add -sti to the end of the word. This list only has adjectives that are based on verbtype 1 verbs (e.g. jatkua, sujua and toistua).

Adjective English Adverb English #
jatkuva constant, continuing jatkuvasti constantly, continually 25.3 m
sujuva fluent, smooth sujuvasti fluently, smoothly 3.4 m
toistuva recurrent, repeating toistuvasti repeatedly 3.4 m
sopiva suitable, appropriate sopivasti suitably, appropriately 2 m
joustava flexible joustavasti flexibly 1.4 m
loistava brilliant, splendid loistavasti brilliantly, splendidly 1 m
taitava skillful, able, skilled taitavasti skillfully, ably 788 k
alustava preliminary, tentative alustavasti provisionally, tentatively 674 k
tuntuva considerable, substantial tuntuvasti considerably, substantially 470 k
tukeva firm, sturdy, solid tukevasti firmly 438 k
osuva apt, pertinent osuvasti aptly, fittingly 361 k
kiinnostava interesting, attractive kiinnostavasti interestingly 114 k


Example sentence Translation
Olet jatkuvasti myöhässä. You’re constantly late.
Puhun kiinaa sujuvasti. I speak Chinese fluently.
Tämä asia on ollut toistuvasti esillä. The issue has been brought up repeatedly.
Et ole sopivasti pukeutunut. You aren’t dressed appropriately.
On tärkeää toimia joustavasti. It is important to act flexibly.
Työ on sujunut loistavasti. The work has gone brilliantly.
Näyttelijätär tanssii taitavasti. The actress dances skillfully.
Sovimme alustavasti aikatauluista. We tentatively agreed on the schedules.
Kriisi vaikuttaa tuntuvasti markkinoihin. The crisis significantly impacts the market.
Pidä tukevasti kiinni kamerasta! Hold the camera firmly!
Sarja kuvaa osuvasti perhe-elämää. The series aptly describes family life.
Opi kirjoittamaan kiinnostavasti! Learn to write interestingly!

11.2. VA-participle based adjectives ending in -ttava/ttävä (verbtype 1)

The adjectives there adverbs are based on also come from verbs that belong to verbtype 1. Visually, these all have -ttava at the end because they are based on a verb ending in -ttaa (e.g. yllättää, riittää). Add -sti to the end of the adjective without making any changes.

Adjective English Adverb English #
riittävä sufficient riittävästi sufficiently, enough 6.8 m
vakuuttava convincing, persuasive vakuuttavasti convincingly 341 k
inhottava disgusting, repulsive inhottavasti disgustingly, repulsively 316 k
yllättävä surprising yllättävästi surprisingly, unexpectedly 137 k
tyydyttävä satisfactory tyydyttävästi satisfactorily 88 k
auttava helping, rudimentary auttavasti passably 52 k


Example sentence Translation
Päätöstä ei ole perusteltu riittävästi. The decision hasn’t been sufficiently justified.
Esiintyjä puhui vakuuttavasti. The performer spoke convincingly.
Raato löyhkää inhottavasti. The carcass reeks disgustingly.
Sää muuttui yllättävästi. The weather changed in a surprising manner.
Uusi suunnitelma toimi tyydyttävästi. The new plan worked satisfactorily.
Olen oppinut puhumaan suomea auttavasti. I have learned to speak Finnish passably.

11.3. VA-participle based adjectives ending in -vä

Due to vowel harmony, these verbs have -vä rather than -va in the present active participle. They do not differ in any way from the previous groups when adding the suffix -sti to them: just glue the suffix to the end of the word!

Adjective English Adverb English #
näkyvä visible näkyvästi visibly, prominently 367 k
elävä living, vivid elävästi lively, vividly 314 k
viettelevä seductive, alluring viettelevästi seductively 280 k
merkitsevä meaningful, significant merkitsevästi meaningfully, significantly 209 k
myöntävä affirmative myöntävästi affirmatively 205 k
läpinäkyvä transparent läpinäkyvästi transparently 138 k
tyhjentävä comprehensive tyhjentävästi exhaustively 112 k


Example sentence Translation
Taideteos on näkyvästi esillä. The artwork is prominently displayed.
Muistan elävästi ensimmäisen päiväni. I vividly remember my first day.
Mallikatsoi viettelevästi kameraan. The model looked seductively at the camera.
Mieheni hymyili merkitsevästi. My husband smiled meaningfully.
Vastasin kysymykseen myöntävästi. I answered the question affirmatively.
Hallitus toimii läpinäkyvästi. The board operates transparently.
En osaa vastata kysymykseen tyhjentävästi. I can’t answer the question exhaustively.

11.4. VA-participle based on verbtype 4 verbs

This arbitrarily divided group contains adverbs based on VA-participles of verbtype 4 verbs (e.g. vastata, seurata). You will just add -sti to the end of the VA-participle, like in the other groups of this section.

Adjective English Adverb English #
vastaava corresponding, equivalent vastaavasti accordingly, respectively 8.4 m
seuraava next, following seuraavasti as follows 6.9 m
uhkaava threatening, ominous uhkaavasti threateningly 235 k
lupaava promising lupaavasti promisingly 145 k
poikkeava absnormal, deviant poikkeavasti abnormally, atypically 79 k


Example sentence Translation
Runo alkaa seuraavasti: … The poem starts as follows: …
Luetteloa on vastaavasti muutettava. The list should be amended accordingly.
Asiakas käyttäytyi uhkaavasti. The customer behaved threateningly.
Päivä alkoi lupaavasti. The day started promisingly.
Koira käyttäytyi poikkeavasti. The dog behaved abnormally.

12. Adjectives based on the TAVA-participle

The passive present participle is referred to in Finnish as the TAVA-partisiippi (or the TTAVA-partisiippi) because it ends in -(t)tava or -(t)tävä. Add -sti to the end of the adjective to turn it into an adverb.

Adjective English Adverb English #
merkittävä significant, notable merkittävästi significantly 11.3 m
luultava probably, likely luultavasti probably, likely 7.7 m
valitettava deplorable, lamentable valitettavasti unfortunately 7.1 m
toivottava desirable toivottavasti hopefully 5.5 m
luotettava reliable, faithful luotettavasti reliably, faithfully 2.2 m
oletettava presumable, supposable oletettavasti presumably 1 m
ymmärrettävä understandable ymmärrettävästi understandably, comprehensively 553 k
kiitettävä commendable kiitettävästi commendably, laudably 394 k
uskottava plausible, believable uskottavasti plausibly, credibly 238 k
naurettava absurd, ridiculous naurettavasti laughably, ridiculously 102 k


Example sentence Translation
Kustannukset alenivat merkittävästi. The costs were significantly reduced.
Meillä on luultavasti aikaa. We probably have time.
En valitettavasti pääse tulemaan. I can’t come unfortunately.
Toivottavasti kaikki menee hyvin. Hopefully everything goes well.
Määrä on arvioitavissa luotettavasti. The amount can be estimated reliably.
Se on oletettavasti vain ajan kysymys. It is presumably only a matter of time.
Kerro vaikutuksista selkeästi ja ymmärrettävästi! Explain the effects clearly and comprehensively!
Komissio kiinnitti kiitettävästi huomiota asiaan. The Commission laudably devoted attention to this.
Tekoäly väärentää videoita uskottavasti. AI fakes videos believably.
Käyttäydyt naurettavasti. You are acting ridiculous.

13. Adjectives ending in -nut/nyt

There are many adjectives that end in -nut/nyt, but they do not all lend themselves to be used as adjectives ending in -sti. My list is particularly short because most of the adverbs that could theoretically exist, do not get more than 50 000 search results in Google.

When making an adverb out of a verb-based adjective ending in -nut/nyt, you replace -nut/nyt with -nee- before adding -sti. This is the same change these words undergo if you were to inflect them in the genitive or T-plural case (e.g. onnistunut : onnistuneen : onnistuneet : onnistuneesti).

Adjective English Adverb English #
onnistunut successful onnistuneesti successfully 4.8 m
hermostunut nervous hermostuneesti nervously 207 k
innostunut enthusiastic, excited innostuneesti enthusiastically, eagerly 198 k
sivistynyt civil, educated sivistyneesti  civilly 96 k


Example sentence Translation
Kuva on lähetetty onnistuneesti. The image has been sent successfully.
Miksi käyttäydyt niin hermostuneesti? Why are you behaving so nervously?
Puhut niin innostuneesti Arista. You talk so enthusiastically about Ari.
He käyttäytyvät sivistyneesti. They behave in a civilized manner.

14. Adjectives based on the TU-participle

The TU-participle is also known as the past passive participle. When turning such adjectives into -sti adverbs, you will need to take consonant gradation into consideration. Add -sti to the weak stem of the word, which is the same stem you have in the genitive and T-plural cases (e.g. odotettu : odotetun : odotetut : odotetusti).

Adjective English Adverb English #
tietty specific, certain tietysti of course 12 m
taattu assured, guaranteed taatusti assuredly, surely 3.9 m
tunnettu known, renowned tunnetusti notoriously, famously 1.3 m
odotettu anticipated odotetusti as expected, as foreseen 599 k
oikeutettu righteous, justified oikeutetusti rightly, rightfully 330 k
harkittu deliberate harkitusti deliberately, thoughtfully 303 k
ansaittu deserved ansaitusti deservedly 234 k
hallittu controlled hallitusti in a controlled manner 209 k
hillitty restrained, temperate hillitysti with restraint, composedly 172 k


Example sentence Translation
Tietysti haluat tulla mukaan. Of course you want to come along.
Tulen taatusti kaipaamaan Aria. I will surely miss Ari.
Konkurssien määrä on tunnetusti alhainen The number of bankruptcies is notoriously low.
Päästöt eivät laskeneet odotetusti. Emissions didn’t decrease as expected.
Joukkue voitti oikeutetusti. The team won rightfully so.
Lakimies puhui harkitusti. The lawyer spoke with deliberation.
Poliitikko on ansaitusti saanut kehuja. The politician has deservedly received praise.
Rajoituksia purettiin hallitusti. Restrictions were lifted in a controlled manner.
Näissä juhlissa pitää käyttäytyä hillitysti. At these parties, one must behave with restraint.

15. Adjectives belonging to uncommon word types

This group contains some word types that are quite uncommon. It is a good idea to compare these to the genitive case or the comparative form. For example, lyhyt becomes lyhyesti (compare: lyhyen, lyhyempi) and lämmin becomes lämpimästi (compare: lämpimän, lämpimämpi).

Adjective English Adverb English #
lyhyt short lyhyesti shortly, briefly 3.9 m
kevyt light kevyesti lightly 2.6 m
lämmin warm lämpimästi warmly, heartily 2.4 m
avoin open avoimesti openly 1.9 m
ohut thin ohuesti thinly 191 k


Example sentence Translation
Haluan vain lyhyesti kiittää kaikkia. I just want to briefly thank everyone.
Tätä ei saa ottaa kevyesti. This is not to be taken lightly.
Kannatan sopimusta lämpimästi. I warmly welcome the agreement.
Ari puhuu avoimesti ongelmistaan. Ari speaks openly about his problems.
Huomasitko ohuesti verhotut viittaukset? Did you notice the thinly veiled references?

16. Adverbs based on numbers

Numbers can also be turned into -sti adverbs. The meaning of the number becomes “x times”. Numbers are very old words which have an irregular inflection in most cases. However, the trick of looking at the genitive the T-plural cases (e.g. kaksi : kahden : kahdet : kahdesti) works for these words as well.

Adjective English Adverb English #
kaksi two kahdesti twice 5.6 m
kolme three kolmesti thrice 916 k
viisi five viidesti five times 183 k
tuhat thousand tuhannesti thousand-fold 131 k
kuusi six kuudesti six times 92 k


Example sentence Translation
Ari on ollut kahdesti naimisissa. Ari has been married twice.
Harjaa hampaasi kolmesti päivässä! Brush your teeth thrice a day!
Sari on ollut viidesti naimisissa. Sari has been married five times.
Miksi soitit kuudesti viime yönä? Why did you call six times last night?
Kiitoksia tuhannesti kaikille äänestäneille! A thousand thanks to everyone who voted!

These are all the adverbs ending in STI I decided to include in this article. Hopefully you get some use out of this article because it surely was a real pain to get this one ready for publishing. Happy studying everyone!

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I’m sorry to hear about your frustration. The amount of work you have put in this article must have been huge! But I’m sure it will be useful for many learners, including myself.