Top 100 adjectives for CV – Työnhaku adjektiivit
This article contains what can be seen as the top 100 adjectives for a CV. However, this topic causes mixed feelings for me. Nearly every applicant will claim in their CV that they’re hard-working (ahkera), flexible (joustava) and positive (positiivinen). As such, these are maybe not the most vital thing to add to your Finnish CV.
The reason I decided to make this article is that – if you’re studying in a Finnish course in Finland – these adjectives are very likely to be addressed there. While they are perhaps not vital to put in your CV, you should in a job interview be able to answer, for example, the question “Mitkä ovat sinun vahvuutesi?“. Note that in that situation as well, you should be able to expand on your answer and provide examples of how your positive attributes set you apart from other applicants.
Without further ado, these are the top 100 most useful adjectives for your CV (ansioluettelo) and job search (työnhaku) in general.
Finnish | English |
ahkera | hard-working |
aktiivinen | active |
aloitekykyinen | enterprising, showing initiative |
ammattitaitoinen | competent, skilled |
analyyttinen | analytical |
asiakaspalveluhenkinen | customer service oriented |
auttamishaluinen | wanting to help |
avarakatseinen | broad-minded, tolerant |
avoin (uusille haasteille) | open (to new challenges) |
avulias | helpful |
empaattinen | empathic, empathetic |
energinen | energetic |
ennakkoluuloton | open-minded |
hienotunteinen | tactful, discreet |
huolellinen | meticulous, thorough |
iloinen | happy |
innokas | enthusiastic, devoted |
innostunut | enthusiastic, eager |
intohimoinen | passionate |
itsenäinen | independent |
itsevarma | confident, self-assured |
johdonmukainen | consistent |
joustava | flexible |
järjestelmällinen | methodical, organized |
kannustava | supportive, encouraging |
kekseliäs | inventive |
(kielellisesti) lahjakas | (linguistically) talented |
(aidosti) kiinnostunut | (genuinely) interested |
kilpailuhenkinen | competitive (minded) |
kilpailukykyinen | competitive (skilled at) |
kohtelias | polite |
kunnianhimoinen | ambitious |
kärsivällinen | patient |
käytännöllinen | practical |
luotettava | reliable, trustworthy |
luova | creative |
motivoitunut | motivated |
myyntihenkinen | interested in sales |
myötätuntoinen | compassionate |
määrätietoinen | determined |
neuvokas | resourceful, astute |
neuvottelutaitoinen | good at negotiating |
nokkela | clever, quick |
nopea (oppimaan) | fast (learner) |
oivaltava | insightful |
oma-aloitteinen | spontaneous, taking initiative |
omatoiminen | independent |
omistautunut | dedicated, devoted |
oppimishaluinen | willing to learn, wanting to learn |
oppimiskykyinen | receptive to learning, able to learn |
optimistinen | optimistic, upbeat |
organisointikykyinen | owning organizational skills |
pitkäjänteinen | persevering |
positiivinen | positive |
pätevä | qualified, competent |
päättäväinen | determined, decisive |
rauhallinen | calm |
realistinen | realistic |
rehellinen | honest |
reipas | lively, active |
rento | laid-back, relaxed |
rohkea | brave |
ryhmätyötaitoinen | skilled at teamwork |
seurallinen | sociable |
sinnikäs | tenacious |
sisukas | tenacious, determined |
sitkeä | tenacious, resilient |
sitoutunut | commited |
sopeutuva | adaptable |
sopiva | suitable |
sosiaalinen | social |
spontaani | spontaneous |
stressinsietokykyinen | able to withstand stress |
suvaitsevainen | tolerant |
taitava | skilled, skilful, able |
tarkka | exact, precise |
tarkkaavainen | attentive, observant |
tarmokas | energetic, vigorous |
tavoitteellinen | goal-oriented |
tehokas | efficient, effective |
tiedonhaluinen | inquisitive, curious |
tuloshakuinen | results-oriented, eager to see results |
tunnollinen | conscientious, diligent |
täsmällinen | punctual |
ulospäin suuntautunut | extroverted |
utelias | curious, inquisitive |
vahva | strong |
vahvatahtoinen | strong-willed |
vakava | serious |
vakuuttava | persuasive |
valmis (uusiin haasteisiin) | ready (for new challenges) |
valpas | aware, vigilant |
vastuuntuntoinen | responsible (feels responsible) |
vastuullinen | responsible (acts responsibly) |
yhteistyökykyinen | cooperative (skilled at working together) |
yhteistyöhaluinen | cooperative (ready to work together) |
yritteliäs | enterprising |
ystävällinen | friendly |
väsymätön | tireless |
älykäs | intelligent |
Instead of writing “Olen sosiaalinen, ahkera ja joustava” (I’m social, hard-working and flexible) in your job application, why not try something along the lines of: “Minua on kehuttu joustavaksi työntekijäksi entisessä työpaikassani” (I’ve been praised as a flexible employee at my previous job). You can expand on that in the interview with some examples of situations where this was apparent.
I strongly recommend you also get acquainted with these useful phrases for job interviews I’ve compiled in a previous article! You can find a lot of information about do’s and dont’s in the search for a new job, so Google can be your best friend here. I did like this article quite a lot, so you could start there!