This article will look at the comparative: how to express that something is BIGGER, FASTER, BETTER. Learn more about the Finnish comparative of adjectives!
The accusative case has an interesting history due to the controversy among linguists it has sparked. Should it be named based on its function or its looks?
The genitive plural is one of the harder plural cases, due to the variations it allows for. In this article, we focus on the genitive plural of short words.
Tehty, menty, syöty and siivottu are examples of the passive past participle. They all have the -TU marker in common. Learn how to use and form it now!
Do you know when to use ostaa, ostaakseen, ostaen, ostaessa, ostettaessa, ostamassa, ostaminen, or ostaakseen? The 5 finnish infinitives are pretty cool!
The passive conditional is pretty rarely used in written language, but it has its place in the spoken language me-passive (first person plural). Learn more!