Finnish for busy people

Words Ending in -Ari – Spoken Language Words

Of the spoken language word groups in Finnish, words ending in –Ari (-ari/-äri) are the second most common, right after –is (futis, pehmis). These are the most common in the slang of the South of Finland, especially Helsinki.

These words always have three syllables, and at their base lies fairly often a loanword from Swedish or English. Some others are simply Finnish standard language words that have been made shorter.

Some of these words are considered slang words, while others have been adopted into regular spoken language, or even standard language. For example, the words polttarit (stag party) and dekkari (detective story) have completely been adopted into standard language.

Please note that all the words on this page are commonly used and would therefore be important to familiarize yourself with.

When translating these, I have tried to stick to the most common use of the word. It’s important to notice, however, that people will be creative while using language and create new words ending in -Ari on the fly. This can result in the same -Ari word having several meanings when their base word is similar.

Food Words Ending in -Ari

Spoken language Origin Translation
hamppari hampurilainen hamburger
hodari hotdog hotdog
jälkkäri jälkiruoka dessert
kuohari kuohuviini sparkling wine
limppari limonadi lemonade
näkkäri näkkileipä crispbread
pannari pannukakku pancakes
tikkari tikkukaramelli lollipop
voikkari voileipä sandwich
hiilarit hiilihydraatit carbohydrates

Spoken Language Clothing Words

Most of these clothing words ending in –Ari are related to shoes and pants. Most of them appear in the plural, because you have two shoes and pants have two legs. The spoken language word will end in the T-plural just like the standard language form does (e.g. tennarit and tennistossut).

Spoken language Origin Translation
tennarit tennistossut sneakers
lenkkarit lenkkitossut sneakers
kumpparit kumisaappaat rainboots
maiharit maihinnousukengät combat boots
nilkkarit nilkkasaappaat ankle boots
pikkarit pikkuhousut panties, briefs
verkkarit verryttelyhousut sweat pants
uikkarit uimahousut, uimapuku bathing suit
kalsarit kalsongit long johns
leggarit leggingsit leggings
vetskari vetoketju zipper

Spoken Language Words for People

Spoken language Origin Translation
talkkari talonmies janitor
terkkari terveydenhoitaja nurse
duunari to do working man, wage slave
portsari portinvartija porter, bouncer
järkkäri järjestysmies security guy
hevari heavy metal music heavy metal musician / enthusiast
skeittari skater skater
roudari roadie roadie
luuseri loser loser
sivari siviili policeman in civilian clothes
demarit sosiaalidemokraatit social democrats
kommari kommunisti commie
konkari Swedish: gångare trouper, old stager
puoskari Swedish: båskärare quack, charlatan
merkkari merirosvo pirate
narkkari narkomaani narcomaniac

Spoken Language Words for Brands

Some very popular (international) brands like McDonalds and Chrysler will have their own nickname in spoken language. In addition, amongst their fans, bands will also have their own special spoken language name. Examples of this are Leevarit (Leevi and the Leavings), Saipparit (Cypress Hill), and Gunnarit (Guns´n Roses)

Spoken language Origin Translation
Bemari BMW car brand
Volkkari Volkswagen car brand
Kraisleri Chrysler car brand
Vojakkeri Voyager Chrysler Voyager car
Maikkari MTV (mainos-TV) TV-station MTV3
Mäkkäri English: “Mäk Donalds” McDonalds
Salkkarit Salatut Elämät TV-show
Pleikkari Playstation Playstation
Hesari Helsingin Sanomat the newspaper Helsingin Sanomat
Fotari Photoshop the program Photoshop
Cittari Citymarket the store Citymarket

Sports Words Ending in -Ari

I’m assuming there are quite many terms of ice hockey, baseball and soccer that have a spoken language equivalent. Unfortunately I don’t follow any sports closely, so the list below is very basic.

Spoken language Origin Translation
bodari bodybuilder bodybuilder
fillari old Swedish: filosiped-vekon bicycle
molari Swedish: målvakt goal keeper
rankkari rangaistuslaukaus penalty shot (soccer)
toppari German: vorstopper midfielder (soccer)
vapari vapaapotku free kick (soccer)
kunnari kunniajuoksu home run (baseball)
divari divisiooni division (ice hockey)
dumari tuomari referee
hokkarit hockey hockey skates
piikkarit piikkipohjaiset juoksukengät soccer shoes

Free Time / Parties

The words in the list below that end in a -t are plurale tantum words, aka words that always appear in the plural, even if their meaning isn’t exactly plural.

Spoken language Origin Translation
dekkari Swedish: deckare detective story
pokkari English: pocket paperback novel
festarit festivaalit (music)festival
polttarit German: Polterabend stag party
tuparit tupaantuliaiset house-warming party
nimpparit nimipäivä name day
synttärit syntymäpäiväjuhlat birthday party
kokkarit cocktail cocktail party
nyyttärit nyyttikestit potluck gathering
penkkarit penkinpainajaiset school graduation
enskari ensi-ilta premiere, opening night
henkkari henkilötodistus ID

Places and Spaces

In addition to some types of places, we can also find a lot of spoken language nicknames for areas of the city. There are several places in Helsinki that hava –Ari-nicknames (e.g. Puottari, Hirvari, Flemari) and the same is true for Tampere (e.g. Koskari) and Espoo (e.g. Hekari). I have added the spoken language words used for rooms in a house or building here as well.

Spoken language Origin Translation
divari Swedish: diversehandel antique store
kirppari kirpputori flea market
ostari ostoskeskus shopping mall
päättäri päätepysäkki terminus
snägäri English: snack (hot dog) stand, kiosk
kylppäri kylpyhuone bathroom
makkari makuuhuone bedroom
olkkari olohuone living room
neukkari neuvotteluhuone meeting room
pukkari pukuhuone changing room

Children / School

Spoken language Origin Translation
eskari esikoulu preschool
inkkari intiaani indian (Native American)
lukkari lukujärjestys school timetable
muskari musiikkileikkikoulu musical playschool
välkkäri välitunti break at school
jälkkäri jälki-istunto detention

Objects / Machines / Tools

Spoken language Origin Translation
läppäri laptop laptop
motskari moottoripyörä motorcycle
rekkari rekisterikilpi license plate
iskari iskunvaimennin shock absorber
vinkkari auton vilkku car blinker
kaasari kaasutin carburetor
lokari lokasuoja mudguard
tekstari tekstiviesti text message
ruuvari ruuvimeisseli screw driver
telkkari televisio television
sytkäri sytytin lighter
vekkari väckarklocka alarm clock
henkari Swedish: hängare coat hanger
klemmari Swedish: klämmare paperclip
linkkari linkkuveitsi penknife, pocket knife
termari termospullo thermos bottle
piilarit piilolinssit contact lenses
naamari naamio mask

Those are some of the most common spoken language words ending in -Ari. Hopefully you find this list useful and want to learn more spoken language words!

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