Finnish for busy people

Asuminen Kerrostalossa – Living in Finland – Finnish Vocabulary

In this article, you can find all kinds of vocabulary related to asuminen kerrostalossa, such as housing types, payment types and shared areas in apartment buildings. This article is mainly centered around life in blocks of flats.

Types of areas – Millaisessa paikassa sinä asut?

Finnish English
alue area
asuinalue neighborhood
lähiympäristö vicinity, close environment
asuinlähiö residential suburb
esikaupunki suburban city
kaupunki city
kylä village
suurkaupunki metropolis
maaseutu countryside

Types of houses – Millaisessa asunnossa sinä asut?

Finnish English
koti home
talo house
asunto residence, apartment
huoneisto apartment, flat (pic)
yksiö one-room apartment (bedroom and living room in one)
kaksio two-room apartment
kolmio three-room apartment
rakennus building
kerrostalo block of flats
pienkerrostalo low block of flats (2-3 floors)
paritalo semi-detached house
rivitalo row house
vuokra-asunto rental house
omistusasunto owner-occupied house
opiskelija-asunto student apartment
soluasunto shared apartment
palvelutalo service flat

Housing fees – Mitä kaikkea sinun täytyy maksaa?

Finnish English
vuokra rent
vesimaksu water fee (often included in rent)
sähkölasku electricity bill
internetyhteys internet connection
internetlasku internet bill
asumistuki housing support (from Kela)
kotivakuutus home insurance
takuuvuokra warranty deposite
vuokravakuus security deposit
autopaikkamaksu parking space fee
lämmityspaikkamaksu parking space heating fee (useful in winter)
hoitovastike monthly maintenance fee for owners in apartment building
asuntolaina mortgage
asuntolainan lyhennys monthly repayment of morgage

People – Kuka asuu tai tekee töitä kerrostalossa?

Finnish English
asukas resident
vuokralainen tenant
omistaja owner
vuokranantaja lessor, landlord
naapuri neighbor
kämppäkaveri roommate
kamppis roomie
talonmies janitor (who e.g. mows the grass and plows the snow)
huoltomies serviceman (who comes to e.g. repair broken faucets)
isännöitsijä housing manager (where you get help if you e.g. lock yourself out)
taloyhtiö housing company (all owners in an apartment building belong)
kiinteistönvälittäjä real estate agent

Shared accomodations – Mitä yhteisiä tiloja kerrostalossa on?

Finnish English
hissi elevator
kylmäkellari cool cellar, section for each resident to store e.g. jams
varasto storage area
varastohäkki separate locked storage section for each resident’s stuff
pyörävarasto bike storage area
ulkoiluvälinevarasto outdoor equipment storage area (pic)
lastenvaunuvarasto pram and pushchair storage area
autopaikka parking space (often reserved to specific resident)
autotalli garage (often reserved for specific residents) (pic)
roskakatos outside garbage container area with roof (often locked)
roska-astiat garbage collection bins
leikkialue play area
mattoteline rug rack (in the yard, for anyone to use)
vieraspysäköinti parking for visitors
kellari cellar
pesutupa laundry room (can be used by all residents)
pyykkivuoro laundry room reservation
kuivaushuone drying room (to hang your laundry) (pic)
saunavuoro resident’s sauna reservation
vakiosaunavuoro fixed (weekly) sauna reservation
rappu entrance to apartment building (e.g. A, B)
A-rappu, B-rappu specific entrance to apartment building
rappukäytävä staircase
porraskäytävä staircase
portaat stairs
kerros floor
tuuletusparveke shared balcony for ventilation

Other random words

Finnish English
vuokrasopimus rental agreement
sisustus decor
irtisanominen termination of rental agreement
irtisanomisaika length of period of notice
häätö eviction
järjestyssäännöt house rules in apartment building
putkiremontti plumbing renovations
julkisivuremontti renovations to the facade of the building
pintaremontti surface renovation of the building

That’s all for this article! This article isn’t the only one I have related to housing, living in Finland, moving and renovating. Please check out the following articles as well:

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Very useful for me because over a week ago I moved to Finland! I live now in a guest flat but I will be looking for a long-term one.